Almost Painful

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"Alright so I have come up with five questions we can answer and present to the class." Savannah says with a small smile across her lips. Once I registred what she said I remembered about the project.

"Right, and those would be?" I couldn't help the smirk on my face. This is are third time meeting in a row and we ask each others these stupid questions and never write them down. At least for me this was just an excuse to know more about her.

"First question, long walks on the beach or stay inside and watch movies type of guy?"

"Wow very clever." I state sarcastically.

"Shut up and answer, Jace."

"Beach," I lie "I like the way the sand feels on my toes and how the breeze hits my hair back." Savannah was giving me the death stare not appreciating my sarcasm. "Alright Alright, I like staying in and watching movies. My dad and I always watched movies growing up."

"Finally." She writes down everything I told her and begins to answer for herself. "Movies."

"That's it?" she doesn't look up from the paper "Come on don't make me look like an idiot in front of the class."

"It's almost a hobby of mine to just watch whatever movie and basically nitpick the shit out of it." She lifts her eyes from the paper and rest her chin on her hand. "Sometimes I will find a badass movie and I know it's good because I don't write anything down but if the movie is absolute garbage I will write down all the shitty things about it." 

"You write stuff down while watching a movie?" I give her a puzzled look

"Is that bad?"

"It should be illegal to take your eyes on the screen for a second." As I state I write down her response. "You need to just enjoy and form your opinion at the end."

Her eyes narrowed, almost to challenge me on my statement but she rolls her eyes with a smirk and asks me another question.

"What do you do on your free time?" She lets the pen rest on your lower lip. It was almost painful staring at them for too long. Her lips were never not rose petal red. "Jace?"

"I don't do much, I guess drawing and putting new parts in my car." I shrug, trying to play off that I wasn't staring at her lips. Failing completely since the smirk on her lips never left.

"Okay sounds good, I'll make up the rest. He really won't be able to tell. You do the same for me okay?"

All I could do was nod, full of embarrassed. She leans in close I whip my head up fast to meet her eyes.

"Wanna come over my place tomorrow?" She smiles big, catching me completely off guard. "My sister is having a house warming party. She made me promise I bring someone, I don't know anyone else here yet so.. what do you say?"

It was definitely the way she made everything seem like no big deal that made me agree. Social skills weren't something I had but she made it sounds like it couldn't be so bad.

"I'll be there."

Most definitely

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