My house?

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Keith p.o.v

Do you want to do it at my house

No my house 

Meet me after school at my locker

A/n I am changing how there talking I think again I'm sry if u get confused just say in the comments depending on how many people I will change it back

"Okay" he responded "my locker is number 324" I said. it was getting awkward for me but I still kept a straight face.

Time skip to lunch

It was my lunch period right know me Pidge and allura usually go to the roof from the outside and the entrance it looks like it would be dirty and nasty but it's pretty with flowers and benches it wasn't very big but it was fine for at least seven people to be up there it was always just us tho. I started my walk to the roof but on the way there I saw the teddy bear getting picked on and walked in pushing my way into the conversation
"And what do u think your doing" I said with full confidence he had two of his friends behind him I was so going to get called to the office two fights in one day nothing unoriginal for me "none of your concern of what I'm doing" he replied out could tell he didn't want to talk like that he use to be my best friend in middle school that all changed tho " I won't let you pick on him ,I want you to get that in your small little brain" I said he had bad grades as I had straight A's I didn't want to be rude but he deserved it " but he's fat and over weight he should be ashamed" that got me really mad that type of stuff gets me pissed "he's not fat he literally looks like a adorable marshmallow your just a asshole" I said getting really mad I didn't want to start a fight because that's gonna be bad for me but I really want to protect him "whatever" he said and started walking off. I was glad of that I really didn't want to get into a fight I turned around to help the guy up I don't know how the school sees me intimidating when I help people's it and defend people when I turned around to help him he was hesitant to grab it because I don't let people touch me once he was on his feet again I was about to walk away but he stopped me"uh do you want to come eat lunch with me and my friend?" He asked I was surprised but still responded " uh yeah sure " I said being hesitant about it "is it okay if I bring Pidge and allura" I asked it would be awkward without them " yeah we won't mind" he responded I don't know how people can be mean to him he so nice and calm I got my phone out my pocket and went to text Pidge to meet me by the cafeteria

Keith:meet me by the cafeteria

Once I was done I looked at the Marshmallow dude "what's your name?" I asked trying to be nice "hunk"he responded with a smile on his face "shall we head to the cafeteria " I asked ready to go "yeah" he simply responded we walked to the cafeteria in peace when we arrived I felt my phone buz saying I had a text I got out my phone to see Pidge had responded

Pidge:yeah why?

Keith:you'll see

I quickly responded when I looked up we where I front of the cafeteria "go ahead in I'll come In when they are here" I said wanting to wait for pidge and allura " yeah" he said while walking into the cafeteria about two minutes later pidge and allura
Arrive "follow me" they followed without another word being said when I opened the door to the cafeteria I spotted hunk at a table near the middle of the room so I headed there when we got to the table I sat Pidge and allura just stood there while I sat down I mentioned for them to sit down "hey" hunk said with a bright smile on his face Pidge and allura felt uncomfortable it was obvious when hunk noticed this the smile on his face disappeared like it was never there lance sat at the table aswell he hadn't noticed we sat down yet so I slammed my hand on the table people around us jumped Pidge and allura not moving sitting still lance quickly looked up to see if something was wrong with his friend concern covering his face it got worse when he noticed me he looked at hunk and hunk quickly went to give a explanation "oh there eating lunch with us sry I didn't tell you" lance looked shocked and surprised that he choked on his water " *cough* is that why you waited to eat because you didn't want to be rude" hunk just nodded his head then Pidge jumped in "why?" They asked the table went quiet for a second "oh uh I didn't want to be rude where is your guys food at?" He asked not wanting to be rude he was a very polite person this time allura jumped in "Keith brings our food" she said looking around the cafeteria this whole time "oh yeah here" I said handing them there lunchboxes they open them to lots of food I then opened mine but there wasn't as much food "why do you have less than them?" Hunk asked " oh uh I don't have a very big Apatite when lunch time is near" half being the truth "can we go to the roof" Pidge said we usually never Let people up there when we're up there we go for peace and quiet "oh uh sure, are you gonna tag along lance?" Hunk responded lance looked up and just nodded his head he was kinda being a pain he was also being very rude everybody grabbed their food and put it back in there lunchboxes we started walking to the roof going to the third then the fourth students was not aloud to go the the fourth floor as to why hunk was hesitant to go up but still continued to follow we went to the dirty area in a room they held a later leading to another ladder to the roof teachers didn't go into this the ladder wasn't already there we simple put it there just thinking of this made me have flashbacks to when the figured out the ladders were missing the principal announced it on the speakers me Pidge and allura cracked up they never figured out why tho me and Pidge handed our lunchboxes to allura I started to climb up first we i was at the top Pidge started to climb but only half way allura then tossed one lunchbox to Pidge and the Pidge tossed it to me we repeated this two more times hunk and lance handed there lunchboxes one at a time to Pidge lance was no longer on his phone I sat all the lunchboxes down and walked away from the entrance to the roof Pidge finished climbing up and then the rest followed spot in climbing up the ladder when they all got there I had a blanket layerd down and five pillows layer down I didn't want to be rude so I made sure I had enough pillows for everybody to sit on the pillows where colored coded depending on stuff about us mine was red standing for love joy and lust
A/n:?? I'm not gonna lie random word lmao
It also stands for many more I truly also loved the color
Red. Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure. It has so many emotions kinda like me we picked colors also on personalities they agreed my color should be red. Pidge had a green pillow Green, the color of life, renewal, nature, energy, is associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, and environment. Green is also traditionally associated with money, finances, me and allura agreed on the color green allura pillow is pink. The color pink is the color of universal love of oneself and of others. Pink represents friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, and approachability. Pink is the official color for little girls and represents sugar and spice and everything nice. We had a pillow for everybody we are friends with I put basic colors where lance and hunk will be sitting I didn't if they officially wanted a pillow "uh we have color coded pillows of are personality's and things about us usually people who are good friends have a colored pillow from me but i didn't know if you guys wanted colored pillows" I said not wanting to be rude Pidge and allura looked at them with sad eyes "it's fine if you don't usually people just leave they think it's weird it's fine if you do" I said with sad eyes people always leave us they always thought we where weird it was probably I had trust issues about people I felt my eyes water I didn't want to be the reason Pidge and allura have a bad reputation because I was weird and had problems my chest got tight and I started breathing hard I tried not to show I was beginning to have a panic attack but that just made my breathing worse " no it's fine we don't mind it perfectly fine!" Hunk responded you could tell he didn't want to be mean Pidge and allura had noticed I was beginning to have a panic attack so they hurried and ran to me and tried calming me down Hunk looked very confused but lance looked not concerned at all he got up and walked over to me grabbing his water bottle and dumbing some out and putting the lid back on tears started rolling down my face I was now
pulling at my hair shacking my head now
lance was infront of me moving allura and Pidge out the way "look at the water bottle" his words where unclear but his voice was so nice and sweet he started shaking the water bottle making the water move swiftly and calming my tears slowly stopped there was so much I could just let go it felt calming looking at the water move like it was the ocean my breathing slowed down when I was fully out of the panic attack he moved the bottle out of my sight we stayed quiet for a second but Pidge broke that silence "how did you do that?" She asked wide eyes they where never able to stop the panic attack that quickly lance backed up and sat back down on the pillow. " we would love for are pillows to be colored" hunk said with a big smile on his face I hyped up at the statement " I already know your colors!!" I said excited I grabbed my bag and hoped I had the colors I was thinking of I wanted Hunk to have the color yellow, yellow stands for freshness, happiness, positivity, clarity, energy, optimism, enlightenment, remembrance, intellect, honor, loyalty, and joy " Hunk I'm going to give you yellow for freshness, happiness, positivity, clarity, energy, optimism, enlightenment, remembrance, intellect, honor, loyalty, and joy because your a really nice person" I said with a smile on my face I pulled a yellow pillow out my bag I always had pillows on me I don't really know but I did I happily handed the pillow to hunk " don't do anything with it yet hold on" I said I wanted to give lance a blue pillow . It is a color that symbolizes loyalty, strength, wisdom and trust. Blue color is also known to have a calming effect on the psyche. Blue is the color of the sky and the sea and is often used to represent. " here I want you to have a blue one for It is a color that symbolizes loyalty, strength, wisdom and trust. Blue color is also known to have a calming effect on the psyche. Blue is the color of the sky and the sea and is often used to represent" I said feeling a little embarrassed for what it stands for I slowly handed the pillow to him " okay so put your pillow to your heart and prepare for cringe" I said with a smirk we always did a ritual when a person got a pillow it's so they can show there trust and loyalty " know repeat after me. I as a new member of the group" I said looking them both On the
eyes Pidge and allura and me also had the pillows over there hearts same with me
Hunk and lance- I as a new member of the group
"Will keep my trust loyalty and love towards the group"
Hunk and lance- will keep my trust loyalty and love towards the group
"I will not have lies or issues within the group"
Hunk and lance- I will not have lies or issues within the group
"I will care and be there for all and never back down from a challenge"
Hunk and lance- I will care and be there for all and never back down from a challenge
"I will never leave and this group will be in my heart and loved"
Hunk and lance-I will never leave and this group will be In my heart
"That's it thanks"
I said finished with it I put my pillow back down and sat on it "that's it thanks" lance said with a smirk on his face Pidge and allura laugh at this "stop" I said "stop"lance repeated the pillow over his heart " oh my god stop" I said not wanting to laugh "oh my god stop" he repeated a minute later he stop this was probably the best lunch ever when school had ended I went to my locker remembering lance was coming over for the project

 I as a new member of the group" I said looking them both On the eyes Pidge and allura and me also had the pillows over there hearts same with me Hunk and lance- I as a new member of the group"Will keep my trust loyalty and love towards the group"...

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Thank you guys for reading this chapter this was the longest chapter I've ever down which is really surprising I worked hard on this I was really pushing myself to think of the stuff so I am going to start preparing this story and already write story down or put it into my computer and I might put up a day we're I post a new chap this story has 2501 thousand words
Love you guys thank you for reading this

~author-Chan love you also what should I call you guys leave opinions in the comments 🤗

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