Cooking Part 1

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Three calming teas and one lecture later, Raphael and Michelangelo were sent to their rooms. Splinter, of course, and punished them by taking away their favorite things for a week. No training dummy for Raph, and no video games for Mikey. Needless to say, the freckled turtle was so distraught about it, he went to his room crying and slammed the door frustratingly. He needed some alone time, away from dumb Donnie who cried over his dumb lab, and from mean Raphie, who looked at him like it was his fault too! Raphie had apologized, but he hadn't. It wasn't his fault! He was running away from him, so it was his fault for chasing him! Mikey had tried to make his daddy understand, but to no avail. So he went to his room to talk with the only person who ever listened to him.

"Oh Mikey, what did you do now?" 

Leo was sitting on his space at the top of Mikey's bunk bed, in the meditation posture. However, when Mikey came crying into his room, he had opened his blue eyes in a look of concern, as he immediately jumped down and embraced his little brother in a hug.

"I didn't do anything! I just–*sniff*And Raphie was–*sniff*and then Donnie called Daddy and–"

"Shh...calm down. Deep breaths, okay?" Leo sat at the bottom bed with Mikey on his lap and began rocking him back and forth gently, as a purr built in his throat instinctively. Mikey hiccuped a few more times, but let himself be enveloped by his brother's warmth, as he felt the vibration of his big brother's purring, calming him. Eventually his tears dried out and he took a trembling breath.

"There we go" Leo pulled himself away from his embrace just a little so he could see his brother and smiled down at him. His eyes were full of kindness and love, and Mikey instantly felt better. 

"Now, tell me what happened. I heard screaming" The blue-masked turtle said worriedly.

While Mikey explained the issue to him, Leo's eyes shifted from preoccupied to fondly exasperated.

"And then Donnie called Daddy, and he scolded us and told me I couldn't pway video games for a whole week!" his eyes teared up again. His brother sighed and patted his head.

"Well Mikey, I think Splinter was right" Mikey's eyes shot up to meet his gaze, and he opened his mouth indignantly, but Leo shushed him.

"Let me finish. I know that Raph was technically the one to break Donnie's stuff. But you are also responsible for this. You ran into his lab knowing he keeps delicate stuff in there." The orange masked turtle looked down embarrassedly.

"I know you were probably focused on running away from Raph and not in being careful, but that's also your fault, isn't it?" Mikey sucked on his thumb, and Leo gently took his hand away. Sucking on his thumb was an habit he was trying to break, as he had heard Donnie saying it was bad for him.

"...What did you do to him?" Leo asked suspiciously.

"N-nothing!" Mikey jumped, and Leo crossed his arms.

"I'm not dumb Mikey. Why would Raph chase you without a reason?" then his voice softened. 

"I promise I won't be mad at you" Mikey hesitated. It was true. He could tell Leo anything and he wouldn't get mad. Besides, everyone already knew, so he would still find out sooner or later. He mumbled something.



"I put a roach in his bed!" 

Silence. Mikey closed his eyes.

"....Mikey..." Mikey knew that tone. He knew it! He was mad at him!

"You pwomised you wouldn't be mad!" he cried. Leo held his hands out in a placating manner.

"Whoa whoa whoa! I'm not mad Mikey!" 

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