chapter 4

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As everyone went inside to work, Jim grabbed a broom and began to sweep.

Jim: I look around here and I want to cry

Rizzo: Me too

Cherry: I feel like the world is passing me by

Gonzo: It is

Peach: And I just can't help but wonder: Am I doomed to wash and dry, and is it a curse I'm under to do it til I die?

Gonzo: Well, I hope not

Rizzo: Yeah

Jim: When I could be an explorer

Gonzo: Sure you could

Jim: Sailing off to distant lands

Rizzo: Not so fast

Cherry: Instead of spending every afternoon just getting dish pan hands

the future looks nowhere that I want to be

All: There's gotta be something better, something better

There's just gotta be something better than this for me

Gonzo: If it's weird and wild, let's go find it! HAHAHAHA!

The crazier the better is what I say

Rizzo: Yeah that's true

To tell the truth

I wouldn't really mind it

Peach: Mind what?

Boys: Let danger call my name

Rizzo: If it does I'm gonna hide

Cherry: I'll put my courage to the test

Gonzo: And I'll be by your side

Rizzo: He'll be by your side

Both: Something more than this

Peach: I know there's so much out there

Peach, Gonzo, & Rizzo: To see

Jim: And I know this life I'm living can't be my destiny

Cherry, Jim & Peach: There's gotta be something better

Something better

There's gotta be something better than this for me

Gonzo: And me

Rizzo: Hey, what about me?

All: There's gotta be something better than this for you and me

"ENOUGH OF ALL THIS SINGING!" Billy Bones' voice bellowed. "I NEED RUM!" He drawed out his sword and broke a glass with candle light. "Alright, alright. Just a small one," He told Jim.

"DON'T BE GIVING HIM ANY MORE RUM!" Mrs. Bulvridge shouted.

"How does she bloody do that?" Billy Bones asked as he looked at Peach.

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