Trip to memory lane

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Okay so this might be rushed or actually had the time to do it so yeah there might be a lot of errors in this so yeah tell me if I made a mistake :) enjoy
Warnings: death, attempted suicide, depression, and loss of a family member
Lance's POV
'Why did I listen to him?' I sat down on the cold floor and put on the headset while glaring at shiro.
I close my eyes and open them to see my brother right in front of me. I started to smile for the first time then a wave of despair hits me as I heard a gunshot from afar. We ran away to find safety and I saw him fall on the grass. I knew that moment my brother died when I saw his blood running down his face that the happiness his eyes were gone.
I cried in that moment to see another place which was my home that was burned to the ground with my mothers screams and my dad being arrested with the loud sirens and the sound of the house crumbling down to ashes.
Everything was so fast but so vivid to remember.
I saw tears going down my face knowing I couldn't stop this but I should've just done it.
I saw another face which was my guardian who was in a gang and let's just say it was no place for a 10 year old kid. In the next three years I saw myself shooting another man from afar and killing him successfully.
After killing every face I remembered I wanted to pay for the murders I have done. I was no better than my father and I wanted to leave all the pain. So I look to the other side to see a note and seeing myself trying to hang myself. Unfortunately my uncle came in and stopped me from seeing my mother again.
Another memory goes by when my uncle mysteriously disappeared which turned out to be suicide. I was left on the streets and begged for someone to take me in.
Until I saw a nice old woman who gave me a home with food and warmth. She was a wonderful woman and I was able to go to school. Then I made friends with these people at school who were the best.
That only lasted a couple of months until I started liking a boy and thinking it was wrong to do that, But I fell for him any way. I told my guardian that I was bi and she wasn't mad at me she was happy for me and it was nice.
I want to school and got bullied everyday cause of someone saying that I was a 'faggot'. He looked at me with disgust in his eyes and I wanted to hide away forever.
Another scene plays of my guardian dying in the hospital cause of a weak heart she had. It was like I lost everything and I still do today. The last thing she said to me was 'go to the stars mi joven' and I wanted that to do that for her.
The last few scene show of me being in garrison, falling for Keith, meeting my 'friends' and being in Voltron with hatred in every one of them.

I take the headset off to see some of them crying and shiro with guilt in his eyes.

I always wondered do they even care what happened to me or how it only affects them by their guilt?

I didn't care I just wanted to be loved again by anyone.


Oof okay here is your part two and I hope you guys did just got your hearts ripped out of you :)
Jk I have hOrrIbLE wRItInG

Have a great day ya'll :)

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