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Five years? Five years? Had it really been that long? There was no way that he had been brain dead for five years. That's almost 2,000 days while he lay unconscious. The boy sat baffled as to why his parents hadn't given up on him.

His parents could tell how confused he was, seeing how his mom came and sat down next to him. "Hey," she started gently, knowing that he was still in a somewhat fragile state both physically and mentally, "the doctor said that your tests came back. He said that you're all good to go. Just another night here and we can go home."

His mom rubbed his back comfortingly as Jungkook continued to stare off to space.

"Mom... do I.. look any different?" Jungkook asked

"What do you mean, honey?"

"I don't look... scary, do I? I mean, listen to my voice."

His mom simply chuckled. "Your body may have gotten a little bigger, but your face hasn't changed at all. And if you're insecure about your voice," his mom leaned in and said quietly, "trust me, it hasn't gotten that much deeper." She said with a laugh. "Mom.." Jungkook couldn't help but smile at his mom's joke. Although technically it wasn't a joke.

More than anything, Jungkook felt so relieved to come back to the same family that he had left. No matter how long he had been gone, they still welcomed him with open arms. In fact, when he looked at his parents, it almost seemed as if he had never left.

The next morning, his parents had gathered all of his stuff together. "Jungkook, here," his dad handed him a new change of clothes, "I brought you some clothes from home so you don't have to wear that anymore."

All three sat silently, his father in confusion as to why Jungkook wasn't taking the clothes. The boy cleared his throat awkwardly, "Dad..."

"You idiot, he's not twelve anymore, remember? You think he'll fit his old clothes?" his mom said full of rage, slapping him on the back of his head.

"Oh...right.." his dad said, looking at the ground as his other hand with the clothes snuck around behind his back.

"Sweetie," his mom suddenly said in a completely contrasting tone, "I'll go run to the store to get some bigger clothes for you, okay? We can go home after you change."

Jungkook just nodded, wanting not to feel the flames in his throat while he spoke.

It had been about an hour since his mom had left before she came back, a new pair of clothes in hand.

Of course, she didn't know his exact size since after he had grown so much. After all, he'd been wearing nothing but a hospital gown for the last five years.

Jungkook stepped out of the bathroom wearing a shirt, so big that it slipped off his shoulders, as well as a pair of pants that were so long they covered his feet.

His mom cackled in her hand, "Maybe I should've gave you your old clothes."

"Really..?" Jungkook said, frustrated under his layers of extra clothing. "Why are you laughing when you were the one who wrongly estimated your own son's body type!" The boy yelled, pinching the material on his chest.

"Hey, it's not my fault! I didn't know you...wouldn't grow."

Jungkook threw his arms up, "Wow, wow... you sound like a toddler."

"You look like a toddler."

"Wake up big boy!" Jungkook's mom came into his room the next morning.

The said boy lifted his head groggily, "what time is— wait, did you just call me, 'big boy'?" Jungkook sat up, looking at his mom with an odd look. To which she only laughed.

"Come on, were gonna go get you new clothes. You don't want to be wearing those baggy clothes to school tomorrow, do you?"

"Wait, I'm going to school?"

"Of course!"

Confused, Jungkook got up to get himself ready to go shopping. His mom gave him the clothes that he wore the day before, washed, so he could wear them again. Although they were much too big, he had nothing else to wear besides that.

"So, what school will I be going to?" Jungkook asked from the bathroom, slipping his thin legs into the baggy jeans.

"Just the local high school, you might even see people you know there."

"The local high school?" Jungkook's father suddenly asked, somehow in the room now.

"But doesn't..."

Both parents stopped talking for a moment, allowing Jungkook's anxiety to edge a bit further.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic," his mom finally finished, filling the silence, "I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see him."

"Thrilled to see who?" Jungkook asked once he stepped out of the bathroom, the silence growing once again.

"...Oh, nothing!" His mom finally reassured him, replacing her troubled look with a smile. "We shouldn't worry about that now, we just got our son back, we should be grateful. C'mon, let's get it the car."

As they filed into the car, happy to be shopping again with their beloved son, Jungkook couldn't help but think about whoever they were previously talking about. No matter how he looked at it, his mind kept traveling back to one explanation.

Did I have a bully?

While You Slept | Vkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now