~Chapter 6: Jealousy~

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I silently giggled as I walked down the stairs. I was wearing a white hoodie with bunny ears at the top if the hood while the sleeves covered my palms (along with my thumbs), black shorts you couldn't really see because of the hoodie, a light blue knee-high sock stripped with white along with a pink sock with the same thing, and black shoes.

"What's gotten you in such a good mood?" Jeff asked me. Ha, he fell for it! I walked over to him smiling widely. I then tap him and mouth "You're it." He looked at me before I ran off. He seemed to get the idea and ran after me. I silently laughed. Jack stared at us as he sat in his chair, Ben was busy playing his games, and L.J just giggled.

I ran behind L.J and used him as a shield. We ran back and forth until he caught me. I smiled widely as I slightly panted. Jeff ruffled my hair. "You're so energetic; just like a bunny." He smiled. I returned the smile. "Well since we're all playing games let's play truth or dare!" L.J giggled. I looked at him thinking, before giving a slight nod.

Everyone got in a circle, paper and a pen in front of me. Jack and Ben were beside me. "Ok, who wants to go first?" Toby asked. Ben started. "(M/N). I dare you to act like at bunny for 3 rounds." I tilted my head to the side at the funny dare. I then nodded. How do bunny's act? They're energetic, shy, swift, and cuddly. And I'm all if those! Except shy, right? Yeah... I'm not shy! No way!

It's now my turn. I point to Toby. "Truth." He says. I write "Are we best friends?" He runs over and picks me up. "Of course!" He hugs me. The game continues. I've hopped around a few times but that was it. My dare was now over so I didn't have to play bunny anymore.

"Jack, truth or dare?" I heard Ben say. "Dare." Was his reply. "I dare you to put (m/n) in your lap and keep him there for 5 rounds." Jack simply nodded and picked my up from under my arms gently. He then placed me on his lap before wrapping his arms around me. I gladly rested the back of my head on his chest.


The game was finally over. Ben sat on the couch, I assume about to play video games again. I jump in his lap and cup his face before squishing it. "What was that for?" He asked. "Why did you give me such funny dares?" I wrote. "Funny dares? You mean the bunny and the lap thing?" He asks. I nod. He shrugged his shoulders. "It was the first thing that came to my mind."

I heard Jeff grunt. He seemed upset. I traveled from Ben's lap to Jeff's. I cupped his face and tilted my head to the side. His cheeks turned a light pink. He didn't seem so upset anymore. I played in his hair for a little in attempt to calm him down, for whatever reason.

After awhile I felt two hands come from behind me and lift me. The person turned me so I was facing them. It was Jack. He put a hand under my bottom to support me up as his other hand was placed on my head. He held me like a child. I looked up at him, tilting my head in confusion. Jack began to walk up the stairs. "I'm sleepy." Was all he said. I looked at Jeff who had a displeased look on his face. I frowned.

Jack placed me on his bed after removing his mask. He soon wrapped his arms around my waist.


I don't know why but seeing (m/n) sitting on Jeff's lap and playing in his hair made a feeling go off inside me. A unpleasant feeling. Could this be jealousy? But why would I be jealous of that? I took (m/n) away from Jeff. That made me feel a little better.

But as soon as I started cuddling with (m/n) I felt all the way better. Why?

(M/N) sat up. I looked at him questionably before he sighed and smiled. He pecked my cheek. "So greedy." He mouthed. I felt myself blush. He laid back down and began drawing little doodles on my chest with his finger. It felt really relaxing and I pecked his forehead in response.

He gave a small soft smile, the bunny hood now laid back off of his head. "Why does he look so... Perfect?" I asked myself. What has gotten into me? Why did I think (m/n) was so... Cute and adorable? He poked my cheek, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I say looking down at him. "Beautiful." Was all he said. I blushed though I didn't know why. "M-Me?" I asked. He simply nodded and smiled.

I blushed harder and buried my face in his hair. It smelt like flowers. "You're more beautiful then me." I mumbled. (M/N) shook his head. I guess he must have heard me. A knock made it's way on my door. "Go away." I said. The knocking only got more harsher and louder. "I said go away!" I said a bit louder. (M/N) patted my head before trying to get up. I laid him back down and mumbled "No."

The knocking stopped and I went to sleep. I could hear the soft breathing of (m/n) so I knew he was asleep too. After a few minutes the door busted open. "I KNOW (M/N)'S IN HERE!" Someone yelled. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at them. "Shut the hell up, and get out while you're at it." I said before snuggling deeper into (m/n)'s hair. The person growled. "Well my bad Slendy wants to see him."

I would have rolled my eyes if they weren't closed. "E.J. Wake up!" The person yelled before hitting me with the same pillow I threw. I finally opened my eyes to be met with Jeff's. "I'll take him later now shut up!" I snarl. Obviously mad. I look back at (m/n). He's waking up from all the yelling. He's rubbing his eye. "(M/N). Slendy wants to see you." Jeff told him. (M/N) looked up, smiled softly, and nodded. I groaned. "Ok you delivered your message now get out." I said. Jeff rolled his eyes before leaving.

I put (m/n) on my back after putting my mask on. I carried him to Slender.

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