~Chapter 12: Kidnapped?~

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I wake up with the warmness of Jack gone. I groan as my body hurts. "We must have fallen asleep on the ground last night." I say in my head. I then realize my arms are above my head. I look up and see my wrists chained to a wall. My eyes widen with fear as I move my hands furiously, making the chains rattle and make lots of noise. "For someone who's mute you make a lot of noise." Someone said walking into the room. I jolt my head up to see none other than him....


I freeze and stare at him. My mouth opens a little. "Yes yes, I'm haply to see you too nephew." He smiled at me. A shook the chains then looked at him. "You want them off?" He asked and I nod my head. He smiled. "You'll try and run. I'm not stupid (n/n)."

I shook my head and pouted. "Ugh. Fine. Lui!" He called. Someone with a scarf and green eyes came and unlocked the chains. He then looked at Uncle. "Why are you keeping him alive anyways? He looks so useless." He stared at me and I stared back, standing up in the process. I crossed my arms and put my hip out. Such a sassy pose. "Well if y-you must kn-know scarf b-boy, I'm his n-nephew." I sassed.

He stared at me. "Why does he stutter?" He asked Uncle. "Because he was originally mute. He's learning to talk, and damn he's got my attitude." Zalgo smiled at my sassy pose and comment. "A-And I'm not useless scarf boy." I snarled. He scoffed at me. I walked over to uncle. "So what is this place anyway?" I wrote after he gave me a pen and a small notebook. "My place of course. Don't you like it?" He smiled. I nodded before glaring at the scarf boy. "So when can I leave?" I ask. He simply laughed. "What are you talking about? You can't leave."

My eyes widen as I mouth "Why?" His smile grew. "What do you mean? You're staying here. No nephew of mine is going to date an eyeless cannibal. Especially one of Slenderman's creepypastas." I frown. "No one related to me is going to be with Slenderman." He spoke before walking off. I heard Lui snicker.

I snapped my head at him and glared daggers at him. "So you're mute and gay. No way you're related to Lord Zalgo." He snickered. I walked calmly over to him and stared up at him. "What're you gonna do?" He smiled. I growled and snatched his throat. "H-Hey!" He attempted to yell. He clawed at my hands, attempting to get me off of him. I continued to choke him with no emotion, as I stared daggers at him. "H-How about now sc-scarf boy?" I ask smiling. I trip him and once he falls I get on top of him and choke him harder.

"St-Stop! I'm your Uncle's minion! H-He'll be mad if y-you kill m-me!" He choked out. I smiled. "He-He'll get over i-it." He began coughing and gagging as he face turned purple. "Alright (m/n) that's enough." I heard my Uncle say. I continued to choke him. "St-" Lui tried to say.

3rd person POV

You continued to choke Lui not knowing that you had grew devil horns, your eyes turn psychotic, your teeth grew sharp and your grew a tail.

You looked like Zalgo.

Zalgo stopped you and Lui gasped for air as he quickly moved away from you. "Wh-What the hell!" Lui yelled. You growled at him again but stopped as Zalgo held onto your shoulder. "You look just like me. I'm proud you've found your inner demon. Inherited by yours truly." Zalgo smiled devilishly.

You tilt your head to the side at the comment. "Just look in the mirror." He pointed to the body mirror leaning against the wall. You walked over to it out of curiosity and hesitation. In the mirror your saw yourself. You looked the same except you had devilish horns and tail, your eyes were naturally wide as one of your eye balls were small and the other kinda large. Your teeth were sharp as you had black claws.

H-How do you... Fi-Fix it?" I ask. "Well, calm down. Then it will turn yourself back to normal." he explained.


I nodded and closed my eyes. Inhaling and exhaling softly. When I opened my eyes I was back to normal. I smiled at my new powers. I wanted to say "cool!" but my throat was sore. So I just smiled widely. I glared at Lui before looking back at Uncle.

I point to my sore throat. "It hurts?" He asks and I nod. We walk and he gives me some water. "Stripes!" He calls. A girl who low-key looked like Uncle came. "This is your cousin (m/n). He'll be living here now. Show him around." He told her. She examined me, giving a confused face. "That can't be my cousin! He looks so... Weak!" She said. I frowned at her. "He just almost killed Lui." He told her before walking off.

"You really almost killed Lui?" She asked amazed. "How?" I placed my hands over my throat. "You choked him?" She asked and I nodded. She smiled and showed me around.

I sighed as I sat on my "bed".  I wanted to see Jack.

"I want to go home."

Jack(E.J) POV

I slammed open Slendy's office. "We need to leave. NOW!" I yelled. Slendy looked at me surprised. "Why are you yelling?" He asked me. Tears came down my eyes and I slammed my hands on his desk. "Zalgo has him. He left a note on my desk. We need to leave and get him!" I sobbed. "Show me the note. We'll go and get (m/n) tonight." Slendy said. I clenched my teeth. "No! We need to get him now!" I yelled.

"Tonight is better. We won't be seen." He tried to explain but I ran out the office. I ran out the stairs and bumped into Toby. "Move." I mumbled. He looked at me shocked and I ran out the door.

3rd person POV

"What's wrong w-with him?" Toby asked staring at the door.

Slender went into E.J's room to see a paper on his desk. It read:

Eyeless Jack,

I have (m/n). Don't bother going to get him. No matter how bad you want to see him, he'll join me. Why do I want (m/n) you wonder? Come to my place. I recommend you come alone. Or else. If you want to see your little boyfriend then you'll follow my orders.

       - Zalgo

Slendy clenched the paper in his hands furiously. He slammed the paper down and teleported into the living room. "Everyone. We're going to leave tonight. Zalgo has (m/n)." He told everyone.

Then he started explaining.

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