~Chapter 13: Ending~

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3rd person POV

You looked out the window before starting to walk down the hall. "Hey (m/n)!" You heard your new discovered cousin, Stripes say. You smiled and waved. She began talking to you as you wrote down your responses. All of the sudden you heard a loud BAM! as the entrance door swung open. You and Stripes jumped at the sudden move. You turned to the door to see E.J and Zalgo.

You smiled widely and ran over to the two. E.J spotted you and ran towards you. You hugged each other not wanting to let go. Zalgo pushed E.J off of you. You pouted. "That's enough. That's not what you came here for." Zalgo growled at E.J. I frowned and waved as the two left. I walked back to Stripes, away from the entrance. Yes, I didn't want to be here, but I'm obedient child. I always have been.

"You know him?" Stripes asked me. I nod and make a heart with my hands. "You love him? Why? He's a blood thirsty cannibal!" He said. I shrugged. "You're crazy." She told me, I nodded.


I hug my sweet (n/n) [nickname] but get pulled away as Zalgo growled. I saw (n/n) frown and wave as he walked away from the entrance and down the hall. What? Why didn't he run for it?

Zalgo and I go in a room. "So what do you want to know?" He smiled. "Why did you take him?" I growled. "Because I don't my nephew dating you. Plus I needed to unleash his inner demon." He explained. "What are you talking about?" I snarled. "Oh eyeless," he smiled. "Your little bunny is my nephew."

I could feel my eye sockets widen. "He's not your nephew. A sweet kind soul like him couldn't possibly be." I growled. "Oh? Well you should ask him yourself. Oh wait, you can't." He smiled. "Why did you really bring him here?" I snapped. "I told you. To get him away from you and to get his inner demon out. Something he inherited from me." he smiled.

I scoffed. "He has no inner demon." Then all of the sudden I heard a knock on the door. "What?" Zalgo said. "Lui and (m/n) are fighting again! I can't get them to stop!" A girl voice said. Zalgo sighed and left the room. I quickly and quietly followed behind him. We followed the girl until we found Lui and someone else in fighting stances.

The boy.... Wait.. Is that (m/n)?! He has devil horns and a tail! He's got sharp teeth, psychotic eyes, and black all over his hand up to his forearms, where at the fingertips were claws.

(M/N) growled before attacking Lui. "You little bitch!" Lui yelled as they went back and forth. (M/N) tripped Lui after Lui punched him a few times. He got on top of Lui and began choking him. That's not the (m/n) I know.

"(M/N)! How many times do I have to tell you not to kill Lui! And how many times do I have to tell you leave (m/n) alone!" Zalgo yelled. (M/N) jerked his head up as his eyes widen. He then jumped off of Lui and bowed. "S-sorry... U-Uncle Zalgo." He stuttered. I felt my eye sockets widen with shock. Zalgo looked at me and smiled. "Do you believe me now?" He asked me. (M/N) looked up and his eyes widen with excitement as he spots me. He begins to come towards me but is stopped by Zalgo. "(M/N) go to your room." He said. (M/N) frowned deeply, tears in the corner of his eyes. "But-" Zalgo cut him off. "Did I hesitate?" He snarled before walking towards Lui.

I snatched (m/n)'s hand and darted out the door. His eyes widen. "I can't believe you're obeying him! And what even did he transform you into?" I ask. "Inherited." Was all he mumbled before transforming back. "Don't tell." He said and I nodded, as he now was running with me. We heard yelling and Zalgo's proxies chasing after us. "(M/N)! Kill him!" The same girl from before yelled at him. He frowned deeply before running faster.

We got closer and closer to the mansion until they finally stopped. I darted through the door, still holding (m/n)'s hand. We both panted for air as everyone froze and stared at us. "We'll get you next time!" I heard the same female yell. I ignored her. "Wha-" I heard someone say. (M/N) stood up and started crying as he smiled. He began to hug everyone as people came over to me and told me "You're amazing!"
"How did you do that?!"
"You saved (m/n)! I'm glad you're both okay."

3rd person POV

We all froze as we heard the door open. "You," Lui pointed at you. "I hate you. But I was ordered to come and get you." Everyone looked at Lui before burning hatred flowed through everyone. Except for Jeff, he was shocked. Jeff ran up to you and dragged you away from the area. He couldn't fight his brother, no way. The rest of the creepypastas and proxies got in fighting stances. "I believe you took something of ours," Lui said getting into his stance. "And I'm here to get it back."

"Do you really wanna do this?" Masky said. Lui glared, showing no emotion. You growled and tried to get out of Jeff's grip, lightly clawing at his arm. "No. He wants you doesn't he? You need to be safe." Jeff declined. You meanwhile tried to keep your anger in place.

"No. I can't risk it. I don't want to be thrown out of here because I'm half demon or something."

Jeff noticed you were fazing out and looked a little displeased. He placed you in Slendy's office before taking off.

Slendy stared at you as you fazed out. "There's Lui d-downstairs trying to kid-kidnap me." You said calmly, still trying to control yourself. Slender got up from his seat and walked over to you. "Ok. I'll be right back." He ruffled your hair before teleporting to the scene.

Slendy immediately grabbed Lui with one of his tendrials and threw him out. Everyone celebrated as you came downstairs. You ran up to E.J and hugged him, happy to have his company again. He hugged back before kissing you passionately. You showed everyone your "demon" form and to your surprise they actually liked it.

You couldn't ask for more.



Hi, thanks for reading this book. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this story so the fact I got done with it is a big accomplishment to me.

Anyways, I wanted to thank Willowiwnd for voting and commenting while the story was still taking place. I hope you have a big future in book making ahead of you!

And thank you everyone else for taking the time to read this!

The Cannibal and The Mute | Eyeless Jack x Mute! Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now