~Chapter 8: Secrets~

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(A few months have passed since you began taking speaking lessons)

3rd person POV

You were walking to your room when you got pinned to the wall by Jack. You blushed madly, from ear to ear, as you looked at Jack with question and surprise. "(M/N), you trust me right?" Jack said. Your eyes widen at the sudden question. You slowly nod your head. "Then why won't you tell me why you were crying when I took you to Slender?" He asked a bit of sadness in his sentence. You frowned but then quickly smiled. You moved your index finger and thumb over your lips, indicating "My lips are sealed. I'm not telling you."

You tried to smile a bit longer, but a heavy no avail as you saw Jack frown with sadness. You hugged him and mouthed "I'm sorry."

He gently pushed you off. "Why don't you trust me? I mean, I know L.J is like a brother to you, so it was only natural you'd tell him..." He trailed off for a second as you frowned, wanting to tell him but didn't. "Why not me?" He asked finally, frowning. You gently cupped his face. It was easy because he was bent down to your level. You slightly looked around, once you made sure no one was around you slowly tried to take his mask off. He growled as he was in an exposed area. You flinched, but proceeded to take it off.

You lifted it on top of his head. You brushed the hair from his forehead, still cupping his face. "Why don't you trust me?" Jack said, frowning full of sadness. It tore you to pieces. You dragged him to your room. "No," he mumbled. You tried to continue. "Leave me alone." He said. He protested but let you take him to his room.

You sat him on your bed and got in his lap. You take the mask off, cup his face, and kiss his cheek, then the other, showering him with kisses. "I'm sorry." You said, tears in the corner of your eyes. "I do trust you." You said silently. "Then what are you hiding from me?" He says. You bite your lower lip and play with his hair. You plead in your head. "L.J help me."

Jack looks displeased. "I'm sorry." You look down after mouthing those words. "Please don't be mad at me." You said with tears in the corner of your eyes. Jack panics and wipe the tears away. "No no no, please don't cry (m/n). I'm not mad." You try to hold everything back. He hushes you softly. "Shh... Don't cry (m/n)." he draws circles on your back and plays with your hair. You calm down as you lay on his shoulder. "Tell me when you're ready ok? I'm sorry for pushing you like that." He told you softly. You open your eyes. "Thank you."

He kissed your forehead, rocking you softly back and forth. You cupped his face, getting off of his shoulder. With one slow move, not realizing what you were doing, you kiss Jack. Jack freezes, his eyes wide, blush covering his face from ear to ear. You realize what you did and jerk back. You fall to the floor, your eyes wide, blushing madly. You get up swiftly and walk out the room closing the door behind you. Leaving a shocked Jack alone.

You ran down the halls to L.J's room. You bursted in. L.J jerks his head to his door in surprise. "(M-(M/N)?!" L.J said. You ran to him, still blush all over your face. "K-K-Kissed!" You squealed. L.J looked at you in surprise. For the first time since you started lessons you talked to someone other than Slendy. L.J brushed it aside. "Who?! Who did you kiss? Or did they kiss you?" L.J said, questions going everywhere. "J-Jack!" You attempted to say. L.J ran and got a pencil and paper. You wrote: "Jack was calming me down after he tried to find out the secret. Then without thinking I kissed him!"

L.J's eyes widened large. "You like E.J?" He asked. You shrugged your shoulders, looking down. "Well we need to find out!" L.J said smiling. You tilted your head to the side. L.J put his finger on his chin thinking. "Well, what do like most about E.J?" He asked. On instinct you wrote "His face. It's so beautiful." You smiled widely. "Huh? You've seen his face?" L.J asks you nod. "He's quiet and his personality is good." You write. L.J nods to your response.

L.J smiles, pecks your forehead, and places you on his shoulders. You play in his hair as you two go in the living room. "(M/N)." You heard Jack say. Blush covered your face as you looked away. Jack frowned that you ignored him. You continued to play in L.J's hair. L.J picked you up and so now he could whisper in your ear. "Go talk to him." L.J whispered. You shook your head furiously, burying your face in his shoulder in attempt to hide your blush. L.J giggled and placed you down. You shook your head and reached your arms up, wanting to be picked up again.

L.J shook his head and you huffed. "Go see if E.J will." He smiled. You pouted and crossed your arms but gave in. You walked over to Jack. He didn't notice you so you tapped his shoulder. He still didn't notice. You grunted and frowned. You tugged on his hoodie roughly. He turned around. You smiled and reached your arms out. He hesitated but picked you up. You smiled widely finally able to be picked up again. Jack continued to talk to Jeff. You looked over at L.J. He smiled and gave a thumbs up at you which made you blush. "So are you two dating or something?" Jeff asked. You look at Jeff and shake your head furiously.

You turn back around and lay on Jack's shoulder, blush covering your face. Jack slowly rubbed your back. You smiled. L.J giggled. You blushed, but you didn't dare move. L.J motioned you to make a move. You blushed furiously and shook your head. L.J motioned you again. You rolled your eyes and kissed Jack on the cheek. Jack blushed but it was hidden under his mask. L.J crossed his arms and gave a "really?" face. You looked at him then realized what he was saying. Your eyes widened as your blush turned as red as blood.

L.J giggled and it turned into a small laugh. You pouted and huffed. L.J motions you again. Jack and Jeff assume you're talking to L.J, it was only natural for you two anyways. In reality you two were silently fighting if you should kiss Jack or not. You huffed as L.J motioned you more. You slide Jack's mask to expose his mouth. He was still talking, not worried about what you were doing. He guessed you were just playing with him; he knew you wouldn't take off his mask. You glanced at the monochrome clown smiling widely. You placed your thumb on Jack's cold lips. He was in the middle of his sentence when you did it so he looked at you questionably. You connected your warm lips against his cold ones for a few seconds.

You pulled away, hopped out of his grip, and walked over to L.J. He smiled and clapped. Jack had frozen and blushed madly. Jeff growled. "Not a thing huh?" He snarled. Jack was brought back to his senses. "Actually, we're not. I don't know what that was. What's with you? You like him or something?" Jack spit back, adjusting his mask back to it's proper way. Jeff scoffed. "Actually, I do," Jeff grabbed the collar of Jack's hoodie. "He's mine E.J. Don't get in my way."

Jack swiped the smaller males hand away. "You've got it all wrong. (M/N) isn't yours," Jack trailed off for a moment. Why was he defending (m/n)? He doesn't have a crush on you... Right? "Fuck it. I really do like him." Jack said before saying aloud: "(M/N) is MINE. We might not be dating yet, but we will be soon. Stay out of MY way."

Nobody knew this conversation was going on, especially not you. You were too busy to even notice, and by too busy I mean playing with L.J. That is until....



After a lot of thinking this is my final product

The Cannibal and The Mute | Eyeless Jack x Mute! Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now