Fox Tails & Succbus Hearts -KURAMA-

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Does she even know its me? Does she remember who I was? All these questions flew through my head ever since she joined our team. Kuromi, a very rare demon; a Succubus. And she is an even rarer Succubus with white hair and her horns are made of ivory rather than the traditional stone. Her eyes are purple, a rather beautiful combination.

I knew her from when I was known as Yoko Kurama. And I had taken Kuromi as my mate. I still don’t know what made her fight me, but she seemed to seek me out. I vividly remember the fight.

Kuromi was agile and quite strong. She too specialized in the use of a whip. It was a black version of my Rose Whip.

It did not take long for me to defeat her, vines wrapped around her arms, keeping her from attacking me in desperation. Her heavy pants filled the air. Her vinyl stockings and gloves were ripped to where they were barely held together. The only clothes she wore covered only what needed to be covered, a common tactic employed by Succubi to distract males.

Now that we were more calm, I was able to take in her features. Long, straight and layered white hair that almost reached the floor in her current position, beautiful purple eyes that refused to hide her innocence and determination. She had a cute face but her body…the body of a Succubus is built to drive men insane with lust. Kuromi had a voluptuous and shapely figure.

Thankfully, I could always control myself.

What is interesting with this species of demon, is the fact that they cannot reproduce unless it is with the one the truly love. And as the legends in the Human World go, Succubi and Incubi have sex with countless people men and women respectively. But Kuromi was different and refused to give away her virginity to just anyone. And being such a rare species because it is incredibly difficult for one to find their true love, that got her down countless times.

As I stared down at this utterly gorgeous woman, I felt my heartbeat quicken somewhat, now closer to the speed like that of a human. I also noticed an odd trait of Kuromi’s. “Woman, your horns, they are different then the rest of your clan. Why is that?” I asked as her leathery wings folded around her for warmth.

“Once in a red moon, a child is born with ivory horns. This makes me a target for collectors. That’s why I challenge strong opponents such as yourself, so I can become strong and protect my horns. You were the first to beat me.” she explained, allowing her devil’s tail to curl around her waist.

I could tell she was cold and the look she was giving made her look so vulnerable. Something in me decided to protect this young woman. I knelt down to her and took her shivering form into my arms. “You don’t have to do this by yourself you know.” I told her as she unconsciously snuggled closer for warmth.

“Why would you want to protect me?” she asked, her angelic voice letting me know she was rather tired.

“Something just tells me I must. Now sleep, my little Succubus.” I whispered, clawed fingers gently combing through her hair. In a matter of second, my new friend was fast asleep.
*Flashback end*

I thought I’d never see her again after my run in with an agent from the SDF and retreating to the Human World. A smile of reassurance came to me, glad that my mate was safe still. And her horns were still intact.

The meeting with Koenma went rather quickly. And Kuromi was the last one to leave, I waited for her outside his office. Her scent hit me when she reached the door, still as delicious, the smell of tangerines. I always felt relaxed when she was near me.

“I see you have been well, Kuromi.” I said politely as she exited Koenma’s office. She was still just as beautiful as the first time I met her 200 years ago.

A smile graced her delicate features as she ran to me, wrapping her slender arms around me. “Its so good to see you Kurama!” she cried out happily, laying her head on my chest.

“You’re not upset with me are you? For disappearing for so long?” I asked, not hesitating to hold my mate in my arms after such a long absence.

“I could never be upset with you Kurama. I knew you didn’t abandon me.” she said, looking up at me, our eyes instantly connecting.

“I’m glad to see you are safe, Kuromi. I cannot lie when I tell you, I was concerned about your safety for so long. I would never abandon you for any reason.” I admitted to her, holding the love of both my lives as close as I could.

“At least you are safe my love. Koenma told me you have a family now?” she asked.

“Yes, not just a mother, but she has recently remarried and I have a father and a little brother as well. They are wonderful and very caring people.” I explained, walking down the long corridor hand in hand with my love. “And, what has you so curious about them, may I ask?”

“Well, I was wondering if I could meet them.” she answered rather sheepishly.

I couldn’t stop the smile that snuck onto my lips as I looked down at Kuromi. She always wanted a normal family, well one that didn’t encourage her to go and sleep with countless men. “I don’t see why not. Let’s get you some clothes and I shall set up a meeting. My mother should be happy that I found a woman to cherish.” I told her, kissing her cheek. Her pale skin flushed softly.

“I can’t wait!” she smiled wide, throwing her arms around my neck and planting a long awaited and loving kiss on my lips, which I returned immediately. Still so soft. I could kiss those lips with vigor for hours and never tire of it.

About two days later, after getting more appropriate clothes for Kuromi and her quickly learning how to hide her horns, wings and tail, I was ready to take her to meet my new family.

I felt her grip on my hand tighten as I was about to open the door leading into my home. “Is something wrong, Romi?” I asked, noticing her nervous demeanor.

“I’m kind of scared Kurama…what if they don’t like me?” she asked, shrinking back into my arms, trying to hide herself.

“Relax, I’m right here. I know she’ll love you. Despite your species, you are an incredibly sweet woman. And around my family, my name is Suichi Minamino.” I reminded her, giving her a reassuring kiss afterwards.

*3 hours later*
My mother had prepared a meal to welcome Kuromi’s arrival. My parents loved her, even though she was nervous throughout the entire first encounter. My brother seemed to be attracted to her. If he should try and act, I will settle it before it begins.

Now, we were in my room, Kuromi laying on my Queen-sized bed that would allow both of us to sleep on it. She was back in a short black nightgown she bought that looked amazing on her. The thin straps were falling off her shoulders, revealing her chest somewhat.

She sat up, just watching me as I changed. After I slipped into my green sleeper pants I turned and began making my way back to my mate. “What’s that smile for?” I asked, returning her happy smile.

“Its just been so long since I’ve been near you. I’m happy that I was able to find you, Suichi.” she told me.

“I feel the same. It has been a long time.” I soon joined her on my bed by her side, my hand covering hers. “You’re cold as always.” I whispered into her ear, Kuromi shivered softly. A smirk replaced my smile. “Perhaps I should warm you up?” I suggested, kissing her neck softly, receiving soft moans from my Succubus who just nodded for her answer.

I took her down onto the soft surface, our lips connected passionately. It had been too long for both of us. I was fighting against my Yoko side as I discarded her nightgown. I was taken aback at how tight Kuromi was. We made love for hours, doing our best to quiet our moans of pleasure to everyone else in the house.

Our reunion of the flesh ended with my love on top of me, now collapsed and panting softly, her long hair fanning and covering the both of us. “You never found anyone else?” I asked once my breathing returned to normal.

Catching her breath as well, Kuromi turned her gaze to me. “Of course not. You’re my one true love Kurama.” she answered.

I was shocked at first, but that soon faded to joy and took her into a loving embrace. “I am pleased that you chose me Kuromi. You are my one true love and I will never leave you. Any man tries to separate us will regret it.” I vowed, kissing her until we both drifted off to the Dream World.

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