Wind Beneath my Wings -JIN THE WINDMASTER-

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So there I was, sitting with my pals about to watch the final round of the Dark Tournament. I also couldn’t help but notice a young girl sitting next to us, well Touya really. And here’s the kicker! She looked so familiar. ‘But where’ve I seen this lass?’ I wondered then it hit me! ‘Them be Urameshi’s eyes!!!’ I’d know them anywhere. Same color and determined yet mischievous glimmer in the eyes.

‘I’d say their wind’s ‘bout the same.’ I told myself as I looked at her from the corner of my eye. I could tell she was related to Yusuke, the only real difference was the hair color. Her hair was a dusty brown color and ended at her shoulders. ‘What a cute lass.’ I thought as the match just started.

My suspicions of this girl being related to Yusuke turned out to be true. Her reactions to Yusuke being in such pain were evidence enough. But, what sealed it and also made me hurt was when the monstrous Toguro sent Yusuke flying way passed us and into the thick stone wall.

I could see the fear and anguish in her eyes as she began running to him. I heard her cry out “Big brother!!!” as she made her way to him. She froze in her tracks, her eyes wide in terror, as if someone just hollered countless atrocities to her. She shakily turned towards Toguro, who gave her a cold stare as if telling her not to go near her brother.

The young girl fell to her knees, her eyes not moving from Toguro’s. Just what happened?! She stayed practically paralyzed for the entire fight. Right as the stadium was about to crumble, a huge chunk about to crush the Urameshi girl, I flew in and took her into my arms, carrying her to safety.

She passed out for a while as all of us escaped. She came to as we were about to leave. “Sorry ya had to save me, Jin.” she said, looking as if she was beating herself up over the situation.

“T’was no problem lass. An’ don’t go beatin’ yerself up, Toguro was a pretty scary guy. What made you got al stiffy by the by?” I asked curiously.

“He told me that if I even touched Yusuke, he’d kill my friends and family, starting with my sisters. He even showed me images of how he’d do it.” she told me, a frown spreading across her face.

“Least he’s gone now. And everyone’s safe. I don’t think I caught your name lass.”

“Oh, my name is Reiza Urameshi. I am the second youngest of the Urameshi family.” she answered.

My eyes went wide. “Second youngest, how many of ya are there?” I asked.

“Let’s see, Yusuke is the oldest, then its Reika, me and Reiya. We’re quadruplets. Reika looks more like Yusuke with black hair. And Reiza is the red head.” she explained, thumb and index finger to her chin.

“Wow, all of ya born at the same time! How’s your ma not dead?” my reaction caused Reiza to laugh warmheartedly.

“Well, human medicine has improved, that and a helluva lotta epidurals.” our conversation was interrupted by a red headed female running to us. She too had brown eyes. My guess is that this was the baby Urameshi, Reiya.
“Come on, Reiza, its time to go, the ship’s about to leave!” she yelled to her sister.

“Fine! I’ll be there in a minute! Jeez.” she answered, an annoyed look on her face. “Well it was nice meeting you Jin. And thanks for saving my life.” she said softly, walking closer to me.

I closed my eyes and rubbed the back of my head bashfully. “Ahh, wasn’t any trouble Reiza.” I told the young girl. I felt something soft on my cheek. I opened my eyes to see Reiza kissing my cheek, which immediately heated up. I also felt her slip something into my hand.

She stepped back with a grin on her soft lips. “I don’t kiss just anyone ya know. And you better take care of your gift.” she said then ran off.

I just stared at the spot where she used to be, pleasantly surprised. “Think I’m in love I am.” I whispered, a hand to my cheek. Once my shock subsided, I opened my hand to see what Reiza had given me. It was a necklace, but what was on it was far from normal. “A red and white bottle cap?” I asked no one in a confused tone.

*Two years later*
I can’t believe its been so long since I’ve seen Yusuke and…Reiza. I admit, she’s been on my mind more then fight with Yusuke again! I think about her during the day, dream of nothing but her in my sleep. I needed to see her again. Had to see her again.

Kurama recently began training us to fight in what may be the next demon war. I was still more then up for fighting against Yusuke, one reason that made me accept Kurama’s request. Another, I swear I could feel Reiza somewhere in Demon World. Wherever Yusuke was, so would she be. I was determined as ever.

After brutal training from Genkai, we were sent back to Demon World to one of the Demon Kings; Yomi. Each of us; Suzuka, Chu, Rinku, Shishiwakamaru, Touya and myself were now S Class demons.

Just days after our arrival, Yusuke had set a meeting with Yomi, the latter ordering us to strike should Yusuke try anything. Naturally none of use agreed, though Shishi was ’undecided’.

Yusuke proposed a tournament to decide the one true ruler of Demon World. I was all for it. When everything was quieter, I approached Yusuke. “Say, where’s your sister, Reiza?” I asked, remaining calm.

“She’s right outside. Huh?” he looked at the necklace around my neck. “Where’d you get that?” he asked, I could see the protective older brother side come out.

“Well, she gave it to me, as a thank you for saving her…as well as a kiss.” that last part slipped out.

“She what?!” Yusuke’s face was red with anger as he stomped out of Yomi’s teahouse.

“Uh oh. Think I just got the lass into trouble.” I gulped, running after the fuming Spirit Detective.

I followed Yusuke, trying to calm him down, to where his siblings were, except for Reika, she wasn’t anywhere to be seen. “REIZA!!! Get over here!!!” Yusuke hollered.

“What?” she asked, walking up casually, she must have been used to his anger. Me on the other hand, I was on the verge of freaking out. If only that last line didn’t slip.

“Why’d ya kiss Jin!? I thought you took that kinda crap seriously!” he demanded answers from his younger sister.

“One; he saved me and earned it. Two; I do take romance seriously. And three; It was on the cheek ya goddamned spaz!” she yelled back. It seems that Reiza and Yusuke have matching tempers.

“Still doesn’t mean ya kiss the guy! And I told all of you! You can only go out with guys as strong as me!”

“Hello! That flying imp saved my life! Or have you forgotten jackass!? And here’s a long overdue ego-buster! He more then kept you on your toes for that entire fight! You only beat Jin cause you got lucky! AS ALWAYS!!!” Yusuke was now backing down.

“Man, I’m losing my lil sisters. First Hiei…now Jin. What‘s next?! Reika goin out with Koenma?!” he sighed, defeated and walking away.

My heart rate finally slowed to a more normal speed as I felt out of harms way from a vengeful older brother. “Thanks, I thought he was bout to kill me.” I told her.

“No problem. He’s just wanting to protect us. Its nice to see you again Jin.” she said, smiling at me.

‘Such a beautiful smile.’ I told myself, returning her smile. I was now able to see her without fearing for my life. Two years really changed her. Her hair was much long now, going to her mid-back. Her long legs curved elegantly to her hips and a rather tempting waist. I tried to stop noticing every last detail but failed miserably. “Nice to see ya as well lass.” I managed to say with out stuttering. ‘She’s even more beautiful now.’

“You ok? You look, flustered.” she asked, a worried tone in her soft voice.

“Oh, I’m fine. Just…well honestly lass? I’ve missed ya.” I admitted to her. Its much easier controlling wind then trying to find the right words to say next!

“Aww, you really missed little old me? That’s sweet.” Reiza said, wrapping her arms around my waist.

I jumped a little, I’ve never really been hugged before. Not saying I wasn’t enjoying it. Her hugging me was very soothing, I felt some of my jitteriness wash away. “You think so?” I asked, wrapping an arm around her as her head lay on my chest.

“Another reason I gave you that little peck on the cheek? I like you, a lot. Which is why I gave you that necklace.” she told me, moving closer to me.

I felt a small wind of reassurance, she felt the same! On the inside I was dancing a jig, but I was uncertain of how to act. “That’s nice to hear.”

I heard her chuckle softly. “Just say it Jin. I know you feel the same.” she said.

“How’d ya know lass?” I asked curiously, like a little kid who had been caught stealing from the cookie jar.

“Your reactions to me hugging and kissing you. And how you reacted to my brother’s outburst.” Reiza explained. One would say she’s full of herself, but she’s just incredibly observant!

“You’re right, caught me. Well, I like ya a lot Reiza.” I finally admitted to the girl who’s been in my thoughts for the last two years.

*6 months later*
Reiza and I have been together for quite a while now, and I couldn’t be happier! Sure I didn’t win the Tournament, but I got the love of a wonderful woman. That’s better then being a silly King.

I was invited to stay in Human World, we have been living with Genkai, the rest of the Dark Tournament gang lives there as well. We help Genkai around the temple and train. Of course, Reiza and I have our own room. She decorated it with a soft green and tan color.

I was laying in bed with my love in my arms. I couldn’t be happier. I’ve got a family, a home where I can feel the wind and to top it all off, this beautiful treasure that I can fall asleep with every single night. I couldn’t ask for more. We have made love a good few times, each time more enjoyable then the last. I more then considered Reiza my mate, I have marked her as well. I wouldn’t allow any man to touch or harm her.

While I was training, Yusuke stopped by. We trained for a good three hours. “Hey Jin, did you hear the news?”

“Nah, nothin much washes up over here.” I said, dabbing myself with a towel as he took a swig of water.

“Hiei and Reiya have tied the knot, Koenma has proposed to Reika and Kurama and Kuromi have had a daughter. She’s a pretty cute baby. The had to finally explain everything to their parents though. Kinda hard to lie about the horns tail and wings. She looks like her mom but has dad’s red hair.”

“Wow. How’d they take the news, bein human and all?” I asked.

“Well, they only told the fact that Kuromi was a demon. After a few days they all came around to it. Kuromi was scared for a good while though. Still can’t believe who my sisters ended up with.” he said, running a hand through his unkempt hair.

“Tis silly Urameshi! One hated ya for a while and one’s your boss.”

“Yeah. Jin, I know you and Reiza are goin steady. I only have this to say to you.” that got me a bit nervous.

“Shoot Urameshi.”

“Treat her well, my sisters and I have had enough crap. Protect her when I’m not around and make damn sure you love her. If I sense anything wrong with her, I’ll beat you to a pulp, and Reiza can have the leftovers.” he told me, a dead serious look on his face.

“Ya needn’t worry bout that Urameshi. I can tell ya without a doubt that I love ‘er with all my heart. If anyone tries hurting Reiza, I’ll kill em.” I responded, wrapping my hand around the necklace she gave me near three years ago.

A smile appeared on his face. “That’s good to hear. And just call me Yusuke man, we’re brothers now.” he said, patting me on the back.
*End flashback*

I smiled, happy that Yusuke approved. I ran a hand through her soft brown hair as she slept. “I’ll always be here for ya, my little angel.” I whispered loving, kissing her on the forehead and falling asleep.

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