Happiness ends here

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Festus was tired of waiting for Leo and Calypso to come back. He was bored out of his mechanical mind. The only thing for him to do was to see how many squirrels he could set on fire as they ran by. So far, three.

His eyes, scanning the area for more squirrels, glistened against the moonlight. The faint glow of his celestial bronze body gave him an almost ghostly look in the night. Calypso and Leo made sure to cover him in as much mud and leaves as possible to hide him. Luckily, no one has noticed him, then again he was in the middle of a dark forest.

Festus snorted, Wish I had some oil and Tabasco sauce right about now.

A rustling in the distance made his right ear twitch. Then another sound made him rise to attention. Whatever was moving out there was surrounding Feasts and coming closer. Festus being Festus stood up and began to ready his fire breath.

I think the squirrels have risen up at last.

Then all of a sudden, a dozen lights began to flash onto him.


Festus being a machine shouldn't have been able to feel pain but time and time again it has been shown that he could. Festus never quite understood why he could feel pain, and contrary to many people's belief, he was quite aware of things.

A wave of electricity surged through Festus, in response he let out a mighty roar that caused whatever had attacked him to back away. His body shook with energy. Even though it hurt it gave him a boost in power. His senses were on overdrive, he could see everything perfectly.

He scanned the area and noticed that what had attacked him were a bunch of humans.

Festus wanted so bad to eat one of them but he couldn't because that was not allowed or whatever. Instead, he tried to unfurl his wings to take flight but no use, he was still damaged.

One of the humans tried to approach him but Festus snapped his giant celestial bronze teeth at him causing the human to back off.

Festus was really starting to get irritated now. He didn't like being surrounded by mere humans. He wanted so bad to burn them all to a crisp but Leo wouldn't like that. Leo is the only reason he still lives and so he owed him that much. Leo was his master and Festus would do anything for him.

Three more humans tried to approach but Festus swung his tail around.

Another round of electricity was fired and this time it distracted Festus long enough for him to not notice the giant net being shot into the sky and on to him.

As the net landed it seemed to create a force that pushed Festus down. He tried to stand but the force was too great.

"Ma'am, We have obtained Draco. Waiting for extract." Said a human into her shoulder.

Should've just ate them

Jade watched attentively as A.R.G.U.S. took down the dragon. He didn't expect it to be so easy. They had basically down the work for him, now it was just the fun part. Killing them all.

He adjusted his cuff links and his black tie as he stepped out from the shadows. He stepped right behind of the agents and snapped their neck. With a CRACK and a THUD they fell.

This caught everyone's attention.

"You! Halt or we will shoo-"  He didn't get to finish his sentence as Jade threw a dagger right between his forehead. That's when everything really went into chaos.

One agent tried to shoot at him but Jade grabbed a hold of another agent, using them as a shield.

As the bullets began to hit his human shield he felt a sense of calm. Violence and death always did that for him.

He pushed forward towards the agent and pushed the now dead human shield at him causing the agent to stop shooting and lose their balance. Once they had last their balance Jade easily used a dagger to stab right into their chest.

Another agent tried to attack him from the back but it was futile. He simply countered and slammed him into the ground. Jade bashes their head until they stopped moving.

One by one, each agent fell. Jade moved as he was dancing. With a such a gracefulness and swiftness that it'd be almost as if he was performing a show.

Once every last one was dead he stood in silence, letting the blood of those he had slain trickle down his face. His once perfect black suit now splattered red. It bothered him very little how he looked now.

He turned to face the dragon, still caught underneath the net. He knelt beside it, studying its features. How the metal glowed, the life behind it giant red eyes.

"No need to be afraid of me. I came here for you." He told it. He placed his hand in its snout as it snarled.

"You're needed for a far greater purpose than to let you be taken away now."

With that he stood up and pulled out a small jar. He opened it and began to write on to the dragons metal scales. The substance was greasy to the touch. Once he had finished writing he spread his arms out and said an incantation.

The wind howled and the dragon was engulfed by darkness. Then, it was gone. And so was Jade.

Nothing remained other than the body's of Jades victims and the sound of chatter coming from a dead agents radio.

"Delta, come in. Extraction is on its way, please respond. This is Director Michaels, please respond!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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