Chaper 22

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Hello everyone! I'm sorry for be gone for so much, I had problems with my inspiration. I hope you'll like this chapter and that I'll be faster with my writing. The first book is almost over, I'm so excited to keep going with this fanfiction.

I do not own anything but my OC, everything else belongs to George R. R. Martin.


In all her life, Antea had never met someone so scared and obsessed as her aunt Lysa, Lady of the Eyrie, was. Of course her husband had been killed and of course she couldn't trust anyone, but the way she acted almost made it look like her aunt Lysa wasn't in her right mind anymore.

Because of her order, Antea and her mother had to climb up the Eyrie at late night, because Lysa wanted to talk to Catelyn just to tell her that she didn't want to get involved in the Starks' quarrel with the Lannister. But they had killed her husband, how could she want to just hide in her high castle with her son?

Robyn Arryn, Antea's cousin, was now lord of the Eyrie. He was few years older than Rickon and in comparison Antea's little brother already seemed ready to go to war. Robyn was thin, as was his mother, thin and pale and he didn't make a move if Lysa wasn't with him. He was a lord, being young sadly didn't matter for them, not in times like those they were living. But Lysa didn't want for Catelyn to speak of political problems in his presence as much as she didn't want Shadow in her castle. Antea tried to convince her aunt that Shadow wouldn't even look at Robyn, but she wouldn't have it. So now Shadow was locked in a room far away from theirs and she was escorted out by three guards every day, as a prisoner who had committed some kind of crimes, as Shadow was a person. Not that the black pup listened. She had disappeared many times, arriving somehow in Antea's chambers. But the young lady had always brought her back for her mother's sake.

Shadow was as much of a prisoner as the Imp was. The man of Lannister was locked in the Eyrie's cells. Lysa and Robyn kept saying that the man would have flown, but Antea really didn't know what that meant. She wanted to go home and be with Robb, but she had to be strong. She had promised her father that she would have helped her mother and she would have.

"Was she always like this?" Antea asked her mother an evening while brushing her hair.

"Antea" her mother said with a working tone.

"I wasn't meaning anything by it" Antea scrolled her shoulders "Just she seems so..."


"Worried" she finished "I was going to say worried" her mother shook her head returning her gaze out of the window. Antea really didn't want to offend, but she wanted to know more about her aunt. That was the first time she had met her in her all life and she couldn't help but wonder if being so distant really changed people. She and her brother would have their own lives sooner or later, they were already so far from each other, someday could she really look at one of her siblings to find them different?

"She had been through a lot" her mother spoke suddenly and softly "People can change"

"How can you not change?" at Antea's question her mother looked towards her.

"I'm afraid that it's impossible not to change" Catelyn spoke again "Life it's not easy"

She was right life wasn't easy, but if she was going to change, who would have she become? And her brothers? And her sweet sisters?

"But you don't have to forget. You can't forget" Antea looked at her mother.

"Forget what?" the girl asked.

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