Scene 1 - CCTV

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Full moon. Midnight. The middle of a nowhere forest. WHOOSH! Wolves run. Running together happily. Only two of them hunt and chase. They finish at a landscape, in the middle of a leafed area with collections of trees across the square area. They stop, out of breath, panting. The Wolfbloods form human again – Maddy and Rhydian. They laugh together, enjoying themselves. Then, Maddy has a sudden rush of depression.


You alright?


I think someone just stepped over my grave.


Nah, it's probably nothing Madds.


I feel like we're being watched.

She places her hair over her ear, turning suspiciously to her left. Maddy can feel something, something watching.


There's nobody there Maddy.


Not someone. Something.


Forget it. Let's go.

Rhydian leads, Maddy is still suspicious. Nevertheless, she leaves anyway. In fact, there is something hiding well in the trees. A camera, a small recording device. It captured their every move, including the transformation from wolf to man. Somebody is there, filming it. Somebody dressed in black uniform, for now. A jacket he is covered with, with black trousers and boots to help him camouflage in the darkness. The sort of man you wouldn't trust. The sort who is dangerous, cunning, ruthless and thoroughly evil. General Brock. He watches the two leave and feels satisfied, with his duty.

General Brock:

Perfect. All the evidence I require.

#(Opening titles)

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