Scene 9 - He's in the swamp

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Maddy and Rhydian now appear to be safe. They fall back to the floor, in exhaustion next to each other. They turn to each other and laugh.


Phew! We stopped him.



Maddy fidgets with her right leg, stretching it out.


Your leg alright?


Must have been when I jumped over the trap.


Do you reckon the swamp itself is a trap?


I don't remember it being there. He didn't realize it was there.

Her leg seems very bruised.


Let me take a look at it.


I'm fine.


It obviously isn't because you keep fidgeting with it.

She rolls up her leg, showing Rhydian. It does look twisted.

It needs rest. We should phone your parents.

Maddy searches through her pockets – no phone. Her eyes widen as she realizes that it has gone.


Ugh! Must have dropped it back there. Yours?


Out of charge. So, this General guy, he obviously works for some security organization. What do you make of it, Maddy?


They must have known of our existence. He's seen us change. I changed right before his eyes.


It's ok, Madds. You did it to save me.


Yeah. We killed him though.


To protect us. To protect the Wolfbloods. It is either us, the entire race of Wolfbloods – or him. He tried to kill us.


Still, nothing can get between us two Rhydian.

They both laugh together. SPLAT! A swampy arm swings around Maddy's face, slimy, green, alien and dripping mud. It drags Maddy out into the open.



Rhydian jumps up, careful and steady of the situation. Standing in front of him, the hand holds Maddy hostage, is General Brock! He holds the gun to her head. The General drips the murky water from the swamp, sludging it over Maddy's face and back.

General Brock:

You little scabs!


General, listen, you want me. Take me, and not her.

General Brock:

I need both of you alive!


How can you get out alive?

General Brock:

Well... little cub... I had to jump out into the swamp and swim out. Now we are all one. The creature and the werewolf!


Alright. Let her go, and we'll cooperate.

General Brock:

Just when you thought you had killed me and escaped!


Ok, you asked for it General!

He bends down again. The General tightens Maddy's grip. Pointing the gun directly at Rhydian.

General Brock:

That trick isn't going to work on me, boy!

He transforms – he is now Wolfblood, growling in ape-like fury – at least I understand English Lit, unlike Physics.

Who said that I had to bring you back without blood spilt.

Rhydian is going to attack, preparing to pounce. Maddy's eyes change too. She bites the General, releasing more gushing blood. General Brock screams horrifically in agony. Maddy was then free. She snatches the gun, pointing it back at the General. Rhydian jumps! He throws the agonized General down by the shoulders, growling monstrously. Biting, and almost eating at him, the General begs and cries in pain.


Rhydian! Stop now!

Rhydian jumps back up, returning back to human form. The General, with blood in his shoulders, arms, and chest rises to face the two.

Right, that side, General Almighty!

With enough strength, he is able to stagger back over to the side of the lake.

General Brock:

What are you creatures?


Surviving General. Because ruthless killers want to wipe out our entire race because we are simply different.

General Brock:

We will wipe every accursed Wolfblood off this planet, starting with you and your boyfriend! Go to hell Maddy Smith!

With enough strength, he swings in for the attack. BANG! He was shot! He staggers backwards screaming with the bullet in his chest, dripping more blood. Moaning again in desperation and agony. He falls back into the swamp, absorbed into it with the sludge and gloopy mud.


I killed him. I killed him.

Rhydian takes the gun away.


It's over now Maddy. He would have killed us for sure, or worse.


What could be worse than this now?


Hey, with our DNA and information we would have most likely exposed and wiped out our entire race.


Yeah. If only there had to be some other way.

She stands by the swamp, bubbling with the General.

Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.

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