Scene 7 - Who are you?

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Who are you?

The General stands tall and confident, towering over the boy. He stares powerfully into their eyes.

General Brock:

I am General Brock, SASH. Security Authentication Supreme Headquarters.

He reveals his identification, the badge of his organization.


And what are you doing out here?

General Brock:

I am asking the questions, Maddy Smith.


How the hell do you know who I am?

General Brock:

Central records provided the necessary information. Especially when there is a school that you blend yourselves in with. You're both out late. Shouldn't you be at home with parents, or werewolves families, cubs? Unless you don't have parents Rhydian Morris?


Leave it you ugly son of...

The General slips out his gun – armed.

General Brock:

Threaten me again and you'll pay with your life Wolfblood!


Wolfblood? You making things up now?

General Brock:

Throw off the "I don't know sir". You are a unique species that can transform from human to wolf whenever required.

He points the gun directly at Rhydian's head.


Leave him.

General Brock:

But I'm right. Rhydian Morris, hey?

Rhydian sweats buckets, his veins begin thickening again.

Fearless? Or are you? Each man, or wolf, has their breaking point. And you are no exception! All I have to do is gently pull this trigger and Rhydian Morris will be deceased.


Alright! What do you want?

General Brock:

That's better. I want you two. You will help aid the destruction of your entire species. And the best thing is that now I have two of you, so you will both co-operate each other in order to keep yourselves alive for as long as possible.


You want the destruction of our entire race? Well, you see sir...

General Brock:

Cut the wise cracks Maddy, and get in the transporter.


Well, General, do you really want to see us transform, and prove your theories or something?

General Brock:

I filmed you last night. I know that you are Wolfblood.


Let me show you in person.

She bends down, her eyes change. The General is fascinated. She has formed to Wolfblood. The General lowers the gun on Rhydian's head.

General Brock:


Rhydian slashes the gun down, as the General struggles. Maddy runs and jumps onto him, biting his arm. Blood explodes and runs down as he weeps. Rhydian points the gun directly at him, Maddy returns to normal form.

General Brock:

You despicable little abomination!


Cut the chatter out, General!

General Brock:

Go on then boy! Kill me then! You kill me, they will still be after you!


I'll take that chance!


No Rhydian! You kill him, it doesn't make us look like the better people.

General Brock:

Go for it boy! Kill me!

Maddy snatches the gun away and throws it in the field.


Rhydian, run.

She runs, Rhydian turns to the injured General, before running off with Maddy.


Why did you throw the gun away, he can kill us now!


Trust me, and just run!

The General drags himself painfully across to the SASH Transporter, as the blood seeps out of him.

General Brock:

I'm coming for you, Maddy Smith!

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