Scene 3 - SASH, Washington

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SASH – Security Authentication Supreme Headquarters. A secret security organization of the early 21st century. Dealing with threats to the people of Earth. The tall skyscraper stands tall in the sky. On the top floor, the President is sat at his strong desk. The windows block behind him, and the meticulously detailed room, set with medals, flags, portraits of the strong, American President, and the other details. His fellow martial are sat on the opposing sides – Martial John Drake and Martial Derek McGoohan. Three men dressed in good suits. They were badges on their left, a circular golden badge. The entrance has opened, sliding open. Revealing General Brock, the Martials and President greet him.


General Brock, welcome.

General Brock:

Thank you sir.


Sit down General.

He politely sits directly in front of the President.

Well Brock, it's true isn't it?

General Brock:

Yes Mr. President.

Martial Drake:

And where was this footage located?

General Brock:

A forest somewhere in England.

Martial Drake:

Where exactly in England?

General Brock:

Nearby a town called Stoneybridge.

The hologram before him shows a map of the town and the forest.

They were located South, around one mile from the town.

Martial McGoohan:

That is not important now General. What is important is that we capture these Wolfbloods.

General Brock:

Yes Martial!


May I see footage of your findings?

General Brock:

Yes sir. It should be relayed through onto your dashboard.

He activates a blue button located on the side of his desk.


Have the footage conducted by General Brock to be displayed into the conference room.

A scanner is elevated upwards, only being shown to the President. It displays the footage, as Brock smiles smugly to himself.

Most intriguing General. Now we have concrete evidence that these beasts exist. For centuries these Wolfbloods have existed among us and pose a dangerous threat to mankind.

Martial McGoohan:

There are still some out there I believe Mr. President which are peaceful.


That is a risk that we cannot take, Derek. We, as you know, have agents scattered across the world attempting to identify these beings. This information and data we call "Wolfbloods" has and must remain closely guarded in these four walls. One group in England was able to capture a small pack of Wolfbloods, before they escaped. Their fate was sealed to permanently.

Martial Drake:

We know that they live among us. We know that they can change themselves from human to wolf or vica versa whenever required for the survival of their species. It is also plausible that they live in rural areas, in areas like Stoneybridge. This is in order to ensure the security of their wellbeing, and obviously avoid the threat of Eolas.

Martial McGoohan:

We also understand that there are still wild packs out there in the wild. Our agent Willy Loover was sent to investigate a wild pack in England. He never returned or made radio contact. But it is assumed that the most reports have been sighted in England, with Stoneybridge being a major target.


Gentlemen, we also have no idea how to prevent or discover ways of preventing this threat. Currently scientists are working on a weapon that will wipe out whole packs of Wolfblood. A silver bullet would easily kill a Wolfblood.

Martial Drake:

What we need is the DNA and biology of these Wolfbloods to ensure that we have total certainty over our devices and weapons.

Martial McGoohan:

That is where you come in General. We need you to capture these Wolfbloods, and then we will take them in.


General, with all the training and experience you have as an agent of the Security Authentication Supreme Headquaters, you must capture them. Then, we can begin to hunt down Wolfbloods and prevent them from breeding and posing a threat to mankind.

General Brock:

I won't let us down sir.


Good man. I know I can rely on you General.

Martial Drake:

Right now they could be planning a major attack on the world. At this very moment.

Martial McGoohan:

You know how hostile and dangerous they can be. They must all be stopped!


You will fly back over to England, and get a SASH Transporter. You will then return to Stoneybridge, set up your trap, and then capture our bate.

General Brock:

Very good Mr. President. The new detector will help me be able to hunt them down. When they transform, their energy will change and be released, allowing for the Wolfblood detector to pick me up. It will be even better if I capture those two in particular – they are young and have plenty of hormones rushing through them!


Good General. We are one step closer to wiping out the race of Wolfbloods.

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