I apologise for skipping a few days, but I have been SOOO busy!
Celestia has set me a new task, about these ancient ponies, and I honestly don't know why I have to study all of it to become a great leader!
Plus, I've been in lovey dovey mode because I've got a boyfriend, plus, I've got to babysit Twilight!
Also, my birthday is coming up!
It is a celebration named Hearts and Hooves day, and it is like a pony version of Valentines!
I was born on the 14th February, and later I became a princess of love! And so they named my birth date Hearts and Hooves day, and it is the day of Love! It's only new, but it's my favourite holiday!
And Celestia has put me in charge of the Heart Ball of Canterlot, so I've been totally stresses lately!
I hope Shining asks me to the dance.~Cadance