Sunday, August 31st, 2014

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Dear Diary,

I'm lying on my bed, writing in the diary Mom gave me as a Seventh-Grade present. But I have never owned or even seen a diary before and I have absolutely no idea what to do. Nothing. Zip. An empty void inside my head. Ooh! I know what to write! I'll write about my head! Not just my head, but me entirely. My looks, personality, and other stuff like that.

I have long brown hair that I like to call "wavy". It has natural "ombre" as the girls at school say, but I just like to say it's lighter on the edges. As I said before, my hair is long, not Rapunzel-long, but half-way-down-my-back long. It looks better after I brush it. My mom says I look like Fara Faucet when I wake up(!).

Now lets talk about my eyes. Their brown and have large pupils if you look closely. Their not the typical brown eyes. Their light and look a bit burgundy if you see them from two-feet-plus away. My eyelashes are not extraordinarily long, but everyone's told me their really pretty. Don't ask me how they come to that conclusion.

I'm not freakishly tall but I'm 5'3 at age 11 (and 3/4). I get a kick outta how me and my friends tower over all the boys at school.

I really like music and have been called the best singer in the school. I play the French Horn in my school band. I'm not the best at it but I'm not the worst either. I love, love, LOVE to read and write. I've read everything from the Hank Zipzer series to The Diary of Anne Frank.

I'm a really good student and I make the Honour Roll every year. My favourite classes are English and Mathematics. I go to Mckinley Private School. Mckinley goes from age 2-grade 12. It's HUGE! At the end of last year, the prep school (grades 6-8) moved into our new campus! The cafeteria has a toaster! A TOASTER! Can you believe it?!

Now what am I forgetting? My name! I forgot to introduce myself! My official baptismal name is Brynnalyse (pronounces BRIN-ah-leese). I never use it, though. Most people just know me as Bryn. Bryn Marnopolis. The girly-girl of Mckinley Private School.

Until next time, (I've always wanted to write that!)


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