Monday, September 1st, 2014

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Dear Diary,

Something I forgot to mention yesterday: Tuesday or tomorrow is the first day of school. For me it's bittersweet. Bitter: I'll REALLY miss sleeping in everyday and seeing my best friends Mandy and Anthony (you'll learn more about them later). Sweet: I'll get to see my school friends like Bobbi and Janessa.

I know this might sound nerdy, but I'm kinda looking forward to school. New books, new pencils, new- Too nerdy? I agree. New topic. Oh! How about the History of my School Career?

Here we go: I switched to Mckinley at the beginning of Grade 2. Before that, I went to a small public school in my neighbourhood. My teacher in Grade 2 was Mrs Della. Grade 3 was Mr County, Grade 4 was Mr Macy, Grade 5 was Mrs Karen. Finally, Mr Bevel in sixth grade.. Mrs Karen from Grade 5 had become my Social Studies teacher in Grade 6,

There. Thats a good entry.

Until next time,


Diary of the One and Only Bryn MarnopolisWhere stories live. Discover now