Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

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I just took a Science Pop Quiz and I think I aced it. Yay me!

Something else happened today. I was delivering the snack back to the cafeteria and I passed the other seventh grade English teacher, Mr Depp and he saw me walking down the hall, my usual bounce in my step, and he said to me "You're always happy, aren't you!" He's not big on complements. He's not mean! No, not at all! He's just one of those teachers that is very sarcastic.

For example, when we had Mr Depp for English when Mr Lento was away on a trip, Alex (the flirt) was talking to Raphael, this other kid in my class, while Mr Depp was doing a read-a-loud. Mr Depp stopped reading and looked at her and said "Do you two have something going on?" She immediately turned red, which prompted Mr Depp to continue to me (I was sitting beside her) "Is she blushing? She's blushing! Oh my gosh, she's blushing!" Then he did the most immature (but funny) thing: he made kissing noises, which made her blush darken to an unflattering shade of purple! I don't want to be mean, but the only thing that went through my head was "I hope this never stops."

Oh, chuckle chuckle, that was a good day. I'm just going to live that moment one more time...

Okay I'm done. Gotta go. Mr Doggone is starting concert band rehearsal.

Yours truly,


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