Past and revenge

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7years back...

Zayn's sufiyans POV :

Today i have finished my studies . I can't believe my college life has come to an end. I have cleared my mechanical engineering's exams that too with good grades. Well thats what i was waiting for. Now i can start my career and earn on my own. Mom dad and my brother would be so proud of me.

Finally! Yay to me!

After waiting for an hour i was getting tired of waiting.
'Where are they?'he thought while he paraded the corridor now and then.
Its my graduation day and they are yet not here. Everybody's parents has arrived by now.
'Mom dad please hurry up.' He prayed. Its past one hour and they were no where to be seen. I am getting curious as well as angry i reminded mom , dad as well as called my bro Abdul who is a police officer and reminded him that they have to be here by 1pm.

After 1 hour...
And finally the principal announces my name on stage. Half heartedly i get up from my seat, not even feeling any happiness an ounce at now. Well, every parent over here is watching his or her child graduating with flying colours. Clapping hands, smiling, feeling proud at their child but over here my parents are no where to be seen. I don't know what they caught up in the moment that they missed my convocation day. They knew how happy i was, so what came up?

His friend Rehan saw how dejected and upset he was feeling. So he tried to cheer him up along with his other friends, but nothing worked and that day of the year he graduated with his degree.

2 hours later..

After the convocation ceremony is over i silently headed toward my home. The day was over and Rehan insisted on dropping me to which i agreed. Just as i sat on the back seat of his bike, the peon from our college came running to me and informed that the principal wants to see me. Knowing that this was going to take time i told Rehan to go home as i had work in college. After a lot of conditions he agreed and left to his place.
Coming to the principal's office i knocked the door once which got answered there away. Well, here i forgot to mention one detail and that is my principal Abhinav Acharya is my dad's and brother's friend.

"What happened uncle?" i ask him as i saw him siting on his chair while writing something in a diary.

"That should be my question Zayn.. why were you upset?? I thought you were excited as you topped the examination. Is something bothering you?" Principal asks with a worried expression.

"Actually uncle my family didn't turned up today for my congregation ceremony , perhaps i was little upset" i told him.

"Ohh so that is the reason. I can now understand why you were sad but what if they had some emergency.. did u called them?"

"Yes uncle but they didn't answered" i replied him praying that nothing wrong would have happened.

"Zayn once you reach home call me. I want to know if everything is okay you get that?" He says worried.

"Yes uncle" i replied, quickly getting up from the seat.

I left principal's office. 'Ya Allah please let everything be okay.'
It took forty five minutes for me to reach the gates of my house but the scene i saw over there is something i dread till the date. No one and i mean no one in the world would like it to see it. Barging through the gates, my heart beats accelerated as i witnessed my whole house burning.......

For a moment i am dazed... not being able to fantom that what i was seeing was real or a nightmare, a bad nightmare....

no this can't happen ...

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