Love at first sight

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Jannat's POV:
Ohh Allah! I am going to be late today. It is my first day after my second semesters. All because of me my phone got switched off at night so the alarm supposedly which was supposed to wake me up dies with the phone battery. I called Iqra so many times but she is not picking up the call. I know that sleepy nuts would be sleeping now. I rush towards her house and knock the door when aunt Uzma opens the door. "Assalamualaikum aunty where is iqra?" i asked. "Walaikumasalam beta she is getting ready. Come in."
I entered their house and sat on the sofa then after five total minutes Iqra comes down from stairs. "Assalamalaikum Jannat" she shouts. "Walekumasalam Iqra and stop shouting and why the heck are you not answering the call?" I said to her. "Sorry Jannat my phone was on silent. Okay come on lets leave" she sheepishly muttered grabbing her purse from the dining table which i am sure aunt would have kept there knowing how she throws things here and there after she comes home acting as if she fought some war at college!
" Arey beta( child) have your breakfast first" aunt uzma said. Iqra runs and grabs a double cheese sandwich and heads towards the door. "Allahhafiz( good bye) ammi( mom)."
"Allah hafiz aunty" we both said together.
"Allah hafiz beta(kids)" replied aunt.
While we both reached the university chattering all the way , we were almost half an hour late. I just hope that the professor doesn't make us stand out of the class and don't let us attend it as punishment. God! It would be so embarrassing.
Zayn's POV
I received a call early morning from Abhinav uncle saying that Surya his son met an accident and he hit pretty bad. He was to tensed seeing his son in such state that he couldn't stop the waver in his voice. I know he was controlling himself. Hearing this i asked my secretary to check my schedule for any important meeting and perhaps reschedule it after two day as i would have to go to India and check on Surya and uncle.

After 12 hours..

Currently i am in my jet. It will take about more 6 hours to reach. Seriously such journeys can be so tiring. Turning around i saw my mens going through the location where the hotel, we would be staying is located and they were studying about the area for security reasons. I decided to doze off for sometime until the landing takes place.

"Sir fasten your seat belts" said the air hostess making me jolt up from my sleep. We are landing now. As soon as the jet starts landing all the memories of my past started rushing back. My heart beats accelerated just at the thought of it. Its been sever years since i stepped here. After that particular night my life changed. From a student belonging to a happy family is now changed in a mafia boss. That night snatched my mother, father , Abdul bhai. It destroyed my innocence.
After the jet landed i got down taking a deep long breath as my car arrived. I got in to the car and told the driver to take me to Sanjeevani hospital.

Ajmergad. It has changed but still that feeling of owing, of belonging here is still there. I know every nooks and corners of this place. I close my eyes and try to calm down my heart beats. I never wanted to come here back. This place shows me or more-so taunts me in a way that i am alone in this world.

" Sir we have reached" the voice of the driver snapped me out of my thoughts. I went in the hospital and asked the receptionist about the patient. While she looked in to her records i scanned the lobby area of the hospital.
"Sir its in the room no 204, 2nd floor A wing." She replied.
Entering in the room no 204 i saw Abhinav uncle and his wife sitting. Turning to Surya i took a note of his injuries. I must say he was hit pretty badly. As i enter he opens his eyes and smiles. We chat for some half and hour, talking about how this accident took place, how his work was going and other guy stuff.
As i took my leave i called uncle Abhinav to say that i will be leaving tonight and therefore at the end of the discussion he asked me to meet him in the college. I tried to dodge that as i didn't wanted to go there. I was little tensed as i didn't find it in the guts to go in the college. So i called uncle Abhinav and asked him to meet me outside the college.

"Be ready, i would leave tonight so as the pilot to be free by 9pm." I ordered one of my men while waiting outside the college.
When i spot uncle coming out of the gates of the college i got out of my car. As i got out i bump in to someone. A girl. She was wearing some gown type frock and Wearing her hijab wrapped around her head. She was looking down as her books were scattered down because we bumped in to each other. Her eyes were fixed on her books as she was muttering under her breath. As i was not able to hear her i got irritated.
" what are u muttering under your breath speak out loud" i growled.
Hearing that she slowly looked up to me and i must say they were the most beautiful pair of eyes i have ever seen .
She gets up huffing, he eyes throwing daggers at me and i swear she said something because i saw her lips moving and with that she tried to walk away. I quickly took hold of her hand to stop her from walking away on me. She turns around and snaps out loudly "don't you have manners? How can you hold my hand? " hearing that it came to my mind that islamic laws prohibits from touching na-mehram. Being in California the girls there don't mind if there hand is held by a man. But she being a Muslim and an asian girl i must have known that they are restricted to even talk to unknown mens. For that i mentally slapped my self.
"Whats your name?" I tried to sound powerful and good at the same time. Wow Zayn! Now you are trying to sound powerful. So that means now you are scared of a girl. My sub-conscious mind teased me.
She thought for a while, as she clutched her books in a tight grip.

She looked at him. Assuming he was was older than her. May be a business man. His looked good but what was the use as his attitude was not gentle. He was matured for his age , while his face reflected a shadow of five. His beard made him look dominating. She could sense the dominance in his voice. His eyes intimidating her. His voice giving a hint of amusement. Before she could note down any further his thick voice snaps her out of her thought
"I asked u something miss? What is your name?"
"Why should i say you my name?, i don't know you"
"Well because you will be seeing a-lot of me" he smirked.
That sentence caught her off guard. At that moment she hated herself for even sparing a glance at him. How can she forget it? 'Allah please forgive me.' She thought.
Without replying him anything she left from there. She didn't even turned around to even look at him.
He watched her going in the college. He had denied his guards when they asked him whether they should stop her but he denied thinking he will find it sooner and it will scare her if forced. And by any means he didn't wanted to develop a sense of fear in her for him. At least out of all the people's in the world she should not fear him.

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