30th November , Friday

23 0 0

BANANA CULTURE building , Recording room , 13.23...
LE : Took you long enough !
Junghwa : Unnie , we had to return to our dorms !
Hani : Ah , I missed my bed
Junghwa : What ?
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : None of our members came ?
LE : Nope
Solji : Funny , normally they're here
Junghwa : Where's Seokjin Oppa ? He's always following you to recording
Hyerin : Mm... even I don't know
Hani : What ?
Hyerin laughs : I think they had a schedule
LE : Ah ...
Solji : It's okay , it's always 5 of us and Horaengi Oppa
Hani : I noticed Horaengi Oppa didn't really helped us this year except for May ?
Hyerin : Right
LE : Next year
Junghwa laughs : Haha
LE : Do it next year
Hani : Is That a 'Lady' version 2 ?
EXID laughs : Haha
LE : Should we start ?
Solji : Was That a question ?
LE : Ayy...
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji gets up : Let's go
Junghwa : Thinking of this , I wonder how 'Memories' sound
Hani : Right
Hyerin : Did Oppa sing ?
LE : I don't know
Solji : Hm...
Hani : He should sing
Junghwa : But the song is in a high note , his voice is deep
Hyerin : It's a harmonising song , they should cover one another
Hani : I thought they would called us for help during recording but they didn't
Hyerin : Should we expect much ?
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : Let's start~
LE : Yes , yes
Hani : If we have a special stage , Unnie has to play the piano
Junghwa : Live ?
Hani : For this starting
LE lip-sync : (Uh Uh , EXID , let's go)
Solji : when you feel lonely , remember this melody , Lalala lalala lalalalala
EXID claps rhythmically : ...
Hani : My part !
Solji : Lalala lalala lalalalala~
Hyerin : Jeonghwa !
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Whoo !
Hani : Ah yeah
Solji : Every step I take with you , I see a picture , that is the vibe you give
Hani : LE !
LE wags finger : ...
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Hyerin lip-sync : (It's like you're following me , protecting me)
Hani dances : ...
Junghwa : This is a dancing ballad song
EXID laughs : Haha
Hani lip-sync : (Oh Oh Oh~ woah~)
Solji : When you feel lonely , remember this memory , lalala lalala lalalalala
Hani : Hyerin !
Hyerin makes face : ...
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : Lalala lalala lalalalala~
Junghwa : Our Bridge is so slow
Hyerin : I can fall asleep
Hani laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Let's hear Unnie sing now~
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Hani hums : ...
Solji : Flow Through
Hani hums : ...
Solji : Through
Hani lip-sync : (Your texture~)
Junghwa laughs : Haha
LE : Junghwa
Hyerin : This your rap , where are your lyrics ? In this small recording room , you have to be prepared or Unnie will scold you
Hani laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Unnie , I don't get what you're saying , I'm more than prepared already , we must love Unnie
LE lip-sync : (I will always be Your memory forever with)
Hani points Solji : ...
Hyerin makes face : ...
Hani lip-sync : (Oh Oh)
Solji shakes head : Like a kid
Hyerin lip-sync : (Dream of me)
Junghwa : Unnie , like this *lift hand*
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji lip-sync : (Often~ make me~) *smiles*
LE copies Junghwa : Come on Come on
Junghwa : Right , Right !
Solji : When you feel lonely , remember this melody , lalala lalala lalalalala , when you miss this moment , call me again , lalala lalala lalalalala~ when you feel lonely , remember this melody , lalala lalala lalalalala , when you miss this moment , call me again , lalala lalala lalalalala~
Junghwa pretends to play piano : ...
Hani bobs head : ...
Solji : Oh~Oh~
EXID claps : ...
Hyerin : I like how we were having fun when Unnie suffers
EXID laughs : Haha
LE : Please come out~
Solji : So Weird
Hani : Unnie , Because we're not used to recording one shot for group song
Solji : Yeah...
LE : Who's next ?
Hani : Me
Junghwa : This is the first time we see LE Unnie so relaxed during recording
Hani : Right , normally she sits down and focus , what's wrong ?
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : What ?
Junghwa : No , LE Unnie was so excited just now
LE : What's wrong with that ?
Hyerin : Please go record
Hani : Yes , Hyelin-ssi
Junghwa laughs : Haha
LE : We have to finish this today
Solji : Right , Namjoon will be angry
Junghwa : But Unnie , we are recording it last minute
Hyerin : No one asked him to put the comeback on the 2nd !
Junghwa : A-ah , Unnie...
Hyerin : We had a busy November !
Hani : Hyerin sounds mad
LE : Pay no attention to her
Solji laughs : Puhaha
Hani pretends to play piano : ...
Junghwa : I'm so glad 'Tell Me' was easy
Solji : It was ? Your first improvisation
Junghwa : It was
Hyerin : Wow
Junghwa : 'Lady' doesn't count
Recording : When you feel lonely , remember this memory
Hani : Lalala lalala lalalalala , when you miss this moment , call me again , lalala lalala lalalalala~
Junghwa : Yeah
Hyerin : It sounds weird , if Unnie sings 'lalala' first
LE bobs head : That makes me happy
Recording : Every step I take with you , I see a picture , that is the vibe you give
LE hums : ...
Junghwa : When I walk alone *laughs*
Solji : LE suits that line
Junghwa : Aw...
Hani : I always think of you when I'm tired , that's how I rest , it's fragrant oh oh oh~ woah~
Recording : When you feel lonely , remember this memory
Hani : Lalala lalala lalalalala
Solji lift hand : Sway it like this
Hyerin lip-sync : (I hear a song)
Hani : Lalala lalala lalalalala
Solji : Ah yeah , Bridge
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Solji : What ?
LE : They sang for the bridge just now
Solji : Really ?
Hani : I want to~
Recording : Flow Through
Hani : The wind~
Recording : Through
Hani : Your texture~
Junghwa dances : Yeah yeah yeah whoo
Solji laughs : Haha
Hyerin makes face : ...
LE : Junghwa's Crazy
Junghwa : Come on , Unnie
Solji shakes hand : ...
Junghwa : Humming in time with each step with you
Hyerin : Do you Want to fight ?
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Solji : She ate something wrong
EXID laughs : Haha
Hani : You~
Hyerin lip-sync : (Sometimes)
Hani : Oh Oh
Junghwa : Harmony
Recording : Like a kid
LE lip-sync : (Dream of me)
Junghwa : Move you hands to the left to the right yo !
Solji frowns : ... !
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Solji : She has a problem
EXID laughs : Haha
Hani lip-sync : (Come on come on here we go)
Recording : When you feel lonely , remember this memory
Hani : Lalala lalala lalalalala
Recording : When you miss this moment , call me again
Hani : Lalala lalala lalalalala~ when you feel lonely , remember this melody , lalala lalala lalalalala , when you miss this moment , call me again , lalala lalala lalalalala~ *beats finger against leg* Oh~ Oh~
LE : Yeah , Great
Hani claps : Whoo !
Solji : Who's next ? Crazy Jjong ?
Hyerin laughs : Haha
Junghwa : I'm not crazy !
LE : Let's Have Junghwa to record , since she's so excited now
Hyerin : One minute ago , she didn't wanted to leave her dorm
Junghwa : I missed it...
Hani : Great ?
LE : Great~
Solji : Did you do something to Junghwa ?
Hani : No , why ?
Hyerin : She's crazy
Junghwa laughs : No !
Hani laughs : What did you do ?
Hyerin : Check the camera
Hani gets up : Right
Solji : Check it when CutEXID comes out
EXID laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Wish me luck !
Hyerin : Hwaiting
Solji : Ah , That Junghwa
Hani : She's growing
Hyerin : Unnie gotten quieter after we mentioned about her craziness
LE : Ah yeah , Solji Unnie is good enough , we need to focus on you 3
Hani : Unnie !
Solji laughs : Haha
Hyerin : We're as good as Solji Unnie !
LE : I'm kidding
Solji : The craziness flow to Junghwa
Hani : Right !
Junghwa : Let's start *giggles*
Hani : Did Sehun messaged her ?
Hyerin : She wasn't on her phone
LE : She's weird
EXID laughs : Haha
Music : Uh Uh , EXID , let's go
Recording : When you feel lonely , remember this memory
Junghwa : Lalala lalala lalalalala
Recording : When you miss this moment , call me again
Junghwa : Lalala lalala lalalalala
LE nods : ...
Junghwa : When I walk around you , I hear a song , you're the melody that makes me happy
Recording : Every step I take with you , I see you a picture , that is the vibe you give
LE lip-sync : (Should I Tell you something interesting ? When I walk alone)
EXID sings softly : It's like you're following me , protecting
Recording : I always think of you when I'm tired , that's how I rest , it's fragrant oh oh oh~ woah~
Junghwa : When you feel lonely , remember this memory , lalala lalala lalalalala
Hyerin hums : ...
Junghwa : Lalala lalala lalalalala~
Hyerin : Here comes the bridge again , I'm going to fall again
Solji laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Come on Junghwa , let's go~
Recording : I want to~
Junghwa : Flow Through
Recording : The wind~
Junghwa : Through
Recording : Your texture~
Junghwa : When I walk with you , even in the middle of winter , why is it so warm like hot summer ? In this street there's a sound , it's our melody , even if we're far away , there's no sign
Hani : LE !
Hyerin : Whoo !
LE : The quiet park keeps our voices down *laughs*
Hani lip-Sync : (I will always be your memory forever with)
Recording : You~
Hyerin hums : ...
Hani : Oh Oh
LE lip-sync : (Like a kid)
Recording : Like a kid
Hani : Dream of you
Junghwa : Move Your hands to the left to the right yo
Solji points Hyerin : You
Hyerin looks at Solji  : ... ?
EXID laughs : Haha
Hani : Smile like a kid
Junghwa : Come on Come on here we go
Recording : When you feel lonely , remember this melody
Junghwa : Lalala lalala lalalalala
Recording : When you miss this moment , call me me again
Junghwa : Lalala lalala lalalalala~ when you feel lonely , remember this melody , lalala lalala lalalalala , when you miss this moment , call me again , lalala lalala lalalalala~
EXID claps : ...
Hani : Great job , Junghwa
LE : Are you still excited ?
Junghwa : No
LE : Great
EXID laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Why ?
LE : I was going to ask you to stay here while we head for drinks
Junghwa whines : Don't do that...
Solji : Come on out
Hyerin : What if I sing off-beat ?
Hani : No way , you're Hyelin
Hyerin : Right , I'm Hyelin ! I'm Seo Hyelin !
Junghwa : Who's Seo Hyelin ?
Hyerin : Me !
EXID laughs : Haha
LE : Both of you , go back to the dorm
Solji : You need time out
Hyerin & Junghwa : Why ?!
Hani covers ear : 야 , my ears !
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Hyerin makes face : Jeonghwa !
EXID laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Bright future maknae , Junghwa
Hani : Yeah
LE : I'm having a headache
Junghwa laughs : Sorry
LE chuckles : Ready ?
Hyerin : Yes~
Hani : Hwaiting
Solji : Straighten Your Back
Hyerin stands straight : ...
EXID laughs : Haha
Hani : Whoo
Junghwa : Uh Uh
Solji : EXID , let's go
Recording : When you feel lonely , remember this melody
Hyerin: Lalala lalala lalalalala
Recording : When you miss this moment , call me again
Hyerin : Lalala lalala lalalalala
Recording : When I walk around you , I hear a song , you're the melody that makes me happy , every step I take with you , I see a picture , that is the vibe you give me
Junghwa : Should I Tell you something interesting ? When I walk alone
Hyerin : It's like you're following me , protecting me
Recording : I always think of you when I'm tired , that's how I rest , it's fragrant oh oh oh~ woah~ when you feel lonely , remember this memory
Hyerin : Lalala lalala lalalalala
Hyerin : When I walk around with you , I hear a song , lalala lalala lalalalala
Hani : Unnie and Junghwa sound good together
LE : Last I remember , Jeonghwa's harmonisation with Unnie sounded like a burp
EXID laughs : Haha
Recording : I want to~
Hyerin : Flow through
Recording : The wind~
Hyerin : Through
Recording : Your texture~ when I walk with you , even in the middle of winter , why is it so warm
Junghwa : Like hot summer ?
Recording : In this street there's a sound , it's our melody , even if we're far away , there's no sign
Hani : Humming In time with each step with you
LE bobs head : ...
Junghwa : You're worth it
Solji : I can't wait for Ahn LE's turn
Hani : Forever with you~
Hyerin : Sometimes
Recording : Oh Oh
Hyerin : Like a kid
Recording : Like a kid
Hyerin : Dream of me
Recording : Move Your hands to the left to the right yo
Hyerin : You~
Solji : Ooh
Hyerin : Often~ make me~ smile like a kid
Recording : Come on come on here we go
Junghwa smiles : ...
Recording : When you feel lonely , remember this melody
Hyerin : Lalala lalala lalalalala
Recording : When you miss this moment , call me again
Hyerin : Lalala lalala lalalalala~ when you feel lonely , remember this melody , lalala lalala lalalalala , when you miss this moment , call me again , lalala lalala lalalalala~ *bows* ow , my head
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : You already know the room is small
Hyerin : It's manners
Hani laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Unnie , I think there's a bump
Solji : For real ?
Hani : Wait for her to come out
Solji : This will be funny
Hyerin : What ?
Junghwa : See
Hyerin : What ?
LE : You have a bump on your head
EXID laughs : Haha
Hyerin scratch head : Goodness
EXID laughs : Haha
Hani : It's okay , we have 2 days for it swell down
Solji : Go to the canteen and get an ice pack
Hyerin : No need
Hani : What is Seokjin going to say ?
Hyerin : 'Oppa , Do you Want to fight ?'
Junghwa : Yeah , he's going to think you fought someone
LE : No , maybe not that
Solji : It's a funny bump
Hani : Who's helping Unnie record ?
LE : Oh Right , you guys don't know how to use this
Solji : Is Horaengi Oppa around ?
LE : I'll call him
Hyerin touches bump : Let's prank Oppa
EXID laughs : Haha
Hyerin : 'Oppa... someone hit me with a baton...'
Junghwa : Ooh , it's sounds real
Hani : Ah~
EXID : ... !
Suga bows : Hello
Solji : Hello
LE : What are you doing here ?
Suga : I heard you guys were recording today
Hyerin : It must be a thing
EXID laughs : Haha
Suga : What ?
Junghwa : No , before we started , we were wondering why weren't any of the members here
Hani : Especially Seokjin
Solji : Don't you guys have a schedule ?
Suga : It ended
EXID : Ah...
Hani : Oh , Just In time
Junghwa : Right
Suga : For What ?
Junghwa : Unnie needs someone to take over the recording
Suga : I'm lucky
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : The members must really enjoy watching us record
Suga : Not really
Hyerin : Then ?
Suga : We're just bored
LE shakes head : This type of members are irritating
EXID laughs : Haha
Suga : Faster Go In !
LE : This is not your Producing room
Hani : Ooh...
Solji : Its not offensive though , it's true
Hyerin : Right
Suga : Wow , look at all this recordings
Hani : Cool ?
Suga : It's messy , what song is this ?
Hyerin : R&B ballad
EXID laughs : Haha
Suga : ...
LE : Please Start
Hani : Ahn LE , Ahn LE
Suga : Ooh , I like the piano
LE bobs head : ...
Music : Uh Uh , EXID , let's go
Recording : When you feel lonely , remember this melody
LE : Lalala lalala lalalalala
Recording : When you miss this moment , call me again
LE : Lalala lalala lalalalala~
Recording : When I walk around with you , I hear a song , you're the melody that makes me happy , every step I take with you , I see a picture , that is the vibe you give
LE : Should I Tell you something interesting ?
Suga smiles : ...
LE : When I walk alone
Hani lip-sync : (It's like you're following) *points Junghwa* (Protecting me)
Recording : I always think of you when I'm tired , that's how I rest , it's fragrant oh oh oh~ woah~
Suga : Ohh
Recording : When you feel lonely , remember this memory
LE : Lalala lalala lalalalala
Recording : When I walk around with you , I hear a song
LE : Lalala lalala lalalalala~
Hyerin : Here comes the bridge , should I sing a song ? For Oppa to hear~
Suga laughs : Haha
Recording : I want to~
LE : Flow Through
Recording : The wind~
LE : Through
Recording : Your texture~ when I walk
EXID : With you
Recording : Even in the
EXID : Middle of winter
Recording : Why is it so hot like
EXID : Hot summer ?
Junghwa : In this street there's a sound , it's our melody
Suga laughs : Haha
LE : Humming In time with each step with you , the quiet park keeps our voices down , you're worth it , I will always be your memory forever with
Hani lip-sync : (You~)
Recording : Sometimes
Suga : Ooh
Hani : Oh Oh
Recording : Like a kid (like a kid) dream of me
LE : Move you hand to the left to the right yo
Recording : You~ often~ make me~ smile like a kid
LE : Come on Come on here we go
Recording : When you feel lonely , remember this this melody
LE : Lalala lalala lalalalala
Recording : When you miss this moment , call me again
LE : Lalala lalala lalalalala~ when you feel lonely , remember this melody , lalala lalala lalalalala , when you miss this moment , call me again , lalala lalala lalalalala~
Recording : Oh~ Oh~
LE : Oh~ Oh~
Suga nods : ...
Recording : Oh~ Oh~
Junghwa : Yay !
Hani : We're done~
Suga claps : I like it
Solji : Really ?
Suga : Harmonising really is EXID's strength
Junghwa : We Live in harmony
EXID laughs : Haha
Hyerin : How do we prepare a fan chant ?
Solji : That's not the point now
Suga : Great job , Noona
LE : You're weird
EXID laughs : Haha
Hani : She was expecting an insult
Suga : Do you have a boyfriend ?
LE : What ? Why ?
Solji : Are you interested ?
Junghwa : He is a fan
Suga : No , you guys really expressed yourself in the music
EXID : Hul~
Suga : What ?
Solji : What are you going to do after ?
Suga : I have no plans , I didn't know you guys recorded this fast
Hani : We were planing to go eat
Hyerin : Are you coming ?
Suga : Uh... is this an EXID moment ?
LE : Just come if you want
Suga : Are you sure ? Because if-...
Solji : Whatever , just follow
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Suga : Okay ?
LE off computer : ...
Hani : I like your style
Suga looks at clothes : Really ?
Hani : Unnie , doesn't he look great ?
Solji : Uh , reminds me of someone
Hyerin : Who , Who ?
Junghwa : Jinho Oppa ?
Solji : No
LE : I heard he dresses up like this too
Solji : Sigh...
EXID laughs : Haha
Hani : Black cap , shirt and jeans but... blue jacket , I like it
Suga : Thank you , Noona
LE : Let's go
Junghwa : Alright
Hyerin off lights : ...
LE : What are we eating ?
Hyerin : Meat ?
LE locks door : Don't we have to diet ?
Junghwa : Right
Hyerin : I didn't even diet this year but I didn't even gain weight
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : Overwork
Hani : What about you ?
Suga : Anything
Junghwa : Oppa likes Lamb skewers
Suga : I ate that recently , I really love Lamb skewers... But one too many time is...
Solji : Ah... let's go eat Chinese food
Hani : Call
Suga glares at LE : As long as there's no Lamb skewers
LE hits Suga : ...
Hyerin holds laugh : ...

Bangtan Boys EXceed In Dreaming 1.2 : 365 Days Together Where stories live. Discover now