Summary : May

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[Disclaimer : The summary might have spoilers if you haven't read it all , and some extra notes unmentioned in the book . Also , the summary mostly contains the important parts rather than the full story itself]
1st May
Hani's birthday ! The midnight started with Hyerin shouting for Hani from upstairs which was very obnoxious , having the B.E members scold her... the EXID members then barged into Ahn Sisters' room to sing for her & annoy her before leaving . B.E went for their lunch date at Din Tai Fung (a Chinese dim sum restaurant) The BTS members wished her after placing their orders with Solji , asking if she had any plans for the day... then Junghwa suddenly thought of her upcoming birthday which is the same date as their comeback , having Suga say they could change the comeback date after scheduling their recording date . Upon talking about the album , the members asked Suga what the album was going to be name , without any desire , the members started suggesting weird names... LE then suggested 'Gloss' because his hair is always glossy , having the EXID members Agree while the BTS members explain that Suga doesn't like that word , Suga then hesitated before agreeing with 'Gloss' (only because LE suggested it) B.E then enjoyed their meals like usual , LESol paid for the meal , having Jimin ask if they could charge it to BANANA CULTURE , leaving Hani upset as the feeling of a company paying & siblings paying are different . B.E decided to take a walk after their lunch , having Hyerin run off like usual because of a butterfly ㅋㅋ LE then asked HaJung to put a flower at their ears while the BTS members were trying to keep up , having RM said that the walk feels like a date

2nd May
Since EXID all went back to their hometown , BTS decided to watch EXID Showtime again... the members found out about the girls' family members and so on... the BTS' members were left touched by Hani's letter to her dad and their Answer to their Q in the show

3rd May
Jin was surprised to find Suga up in the early morning , having him worried he was sick while JHope greeted LE & Hani upon their return , leaving Jin puzzled as Suga seem to have recover from his tired state... Hani mentioned that she stays in Seoul as soon as Suga said they were home early , having LE say she will return home after their recording dates & that she was in the dorm last night . The members then greeted Solji few minutes after Ahn Sisters' arrival , leaving her shocked to see the members this excited ㅎㅎ The members then asked Solji to eat the food Jin cooked (he cooked, thinking Hyerin will be home) the members then got curious & asked Solji if she likes home cook or take out , having Ahn Sister join Solji even though that have ate . LE almost blurted that V matches Hani when Hani said she hates it when guys work out too excessively , having Suga help Hani diss LE (he changed after watching Showtime 😊) Jin worries if he's cooking was bad as Solji didn't eat much , Having the members say they have to diet with the BTS members saying dieting harms people with LE explaining that fans don't like chubby idols , with Suga saying he doesn't mind... the members gone silent with a change of topic . LE walked into the room complaining to Hani about Suga after dinner , having Hani debating whether to tell LE or not... when she did , LE first thought it was a prank then asked how did she find out when Hani was being serious , having Hani said she overheard V & Suga... LE still thought it was a prank until Hani triggered her to think of all the stuff Suga has done , having LE play it off with Hani worrying about LE , Hani apologised she had to tell her like this as Solji can't stand Suga anymore . LE couldn't sleep thinking why Suga likes her , questioning how she did not notice it & why does she feels weird , deciding not to stay in the B.E dorm even though she can't run away from Suga

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