4th December , Tuesday

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SBS Prism Tower , Waiting Room , 12.45...
Junghwa : Oh , Wow
Jimin : Ah , no !
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Jimin : Why won't you die ?!
RM : Calm down , Jimin
Junghwa : Ah , Great job
Hyerin : Unnie looked like she almost slipped when she dance around us
EXID laughs : Haha
JHope : Today's prerecording for 'Tell Me' and 'Lalala Song' was awesome
Junghwa : Thank you
Jin : Zzz...
RM : He's really tired
JHope : So is Taehyung
Hyerin : Gosh
LE : Do something
Hyerin covers Jin & V with blanket : Here
Suga : That's a cute blanket
Junghwa points blanket : That's Mocha and Wooyoo
Suga : Really ?
LE : A cartoon Version
RM : Cool
JHope : A fan gave that ?
Junghwa : Yes
Hani : We have another one that is extremely cool , Hyerin's fans would like it
Hyerin gasp : That one ?
Solji : Want to see it ?
JHope : Why not ?
Jimin : This is interesting
Hyerin push Jimin's head : Play your games
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Hani : Hyerin is shy
Hyerin : Unnie , please spare me
Solji shows blanket : Ta-da
RM laughs : Haha
Jimin : What ? What ? *looks up* Man... *pause game*
JHope : I like that !
Suga : Hyelin , why is your face on there ?
Hyerin makes face : ...
RM : She's mad
Hani : Should we give one to Seokjin when he wakes up ?
Junghwa : Oh ! We should !
Hyerin : No , don't !
Hani : We have a lot
Hyerin : Be quiet !
JHope laughs : Haha
LE lies down on couch : Ah !
Solji : Everyone's tired
Jungkook : We did Stayed up all night to make a special choreo
Jimin : Right
RM : You should take a nap
JHope : Right , especially Junghwa
Junghwa : I can still go
Hyerin : It's best to rest , Our maknae Jjong
Junghwa : Oh , okay
Solji : Unless you plan to take coffee
Suga : Junghwa should rest
Hani : I agree
JHope : What about you ?
Solji : Why don't Jimin and Jungkook go sit somewhere else and play ?
Junghwa : It's okay , Unnie
Hyerin : Let them be
Hani falls on LE : ...
LE screams : 야 !
EXID laughs : Haha
LE : 야 , what's up with you ?
Jungkook : Oh ! They're like Jin Hyung and V Hyung
JHope : But we're used to seeing them sleeping like that
Solji : It's love
Junghwa : Ah yeah , sisterly love !
RM laughs : Haha
Suga : Noona's scream hurts my ear
Hyerin : Get used to it , Oppa , we all scream like that
LE hugs Hani : Stupid
Hani laughs : Unnie !
Solji : I think we woke them up
B.E : ...
Jin shuffles : ...
JHope : Nope
Jimin : This is weird
Jungkook laughs : Haha
RM : Like a LGBT movie being shot
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : The gays and the lesbians
Solji : Oh , right
Hani : Unnie , I love you~
LE : ...
Suga : What's That ?
Junghwa : Are you shy ?
LE : I hate you *laughs*
Hani : You're mean
LE : I love you too
Hyerin : Good night
Solji : 잘자요 잘자요 baby 토닥토닥
JHope : They're really going to sleep like that ?
LE & Hani looks at JHope : ...
RM : Yep and no one can stop them
Hyerin : Oh , it's been awhile...
Junghwa : Right
Suga thinking : LE Noona and Hani Noona are cute... Oh ! It's been awhile since I said this
Solji : Ahn Sister
Youzu : Ahn Hyung and Hyoding
EXID laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Oppa
Suga looks at Hyerin : ... ?
Hyerin mouthing : (Do something)
Suga shakes head : ...
Hyerin pouts : ...
Suga smiles : Good night
Solji : Hey , you slept a lot
Suga : Whatever
RM : Grandpa Hyung
JHope laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Even Jungkook and Jimin are heading to sleep
Junghwa : Welcome , the floor holds spaces
Jimin laughs : Of course
Jungkook rolls blanket : Like this ? *place blanket down*
Jimin : Of course
Solji : Ah... really love our maknae , they respect each other
Jimin : Thank you !
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Jimin : Thank you !
Jungkook : The blanket as a border is really unusual
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook : I'm tempted to turn and rest my head on it
BTS laughs : Haha
Solji : Hyerin-ah , you're not sleeping ?
Hyerin : Unnie , you sleep first
RM : Right , Noona
JHope : Noona must be tired
Solji : We'll Sleep Together , as B.E
RM laughs : Haha

Jungkook : We won~
Jimin : Yeah !
Hani : Come on , that was moments ago , we're changed and ready to go home
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : Cold hard facts
Jin : Let's bring this
Hani : I agree !
Junghwa : Ah !
LE laughs : Haha
Solji : What's wrong ?
Junghwa : Don't !
B.E : ... ?
Solji : What's going on in there ?~
Junghwa : Ah , Unnie ! *screams* Don't !
LE laughs : Haha
RM : What's going on ?
Hani laughs : Haha *takes phone out*
LE rolls toy bug on floor : Zoom
Junghwa jumps : Unnie , Don't , Don't ! *screams*
Hani : Unnie , fun ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook : Noona is mean
LE looks at Jin : Come here
Jin shakes head : No *runs away*
Solji : 야 , Seokjin !
Jin : I'll see you in the car !
B.E laughs : Haha
LE chases Junghwa : ...
Junghwa screams : Help me , Solji Unnie ! Hyelin Unnie ! *hides behind Hyerin*
LE jumps excitedly : ...
Hani laughs : Ah , cute
Suga smiles : ...
RM : Let's go
V : Where did you get that from ?
Hani : She carries one in her bag
BTS : Pardon ?
EXID laughs : Haha
LE : Junghwa , are you okay ?
Junghwa : No ! You scared me to death !
B.E laughs : Haha
LE pats Junghwa's back : ...
Junghwa smiles : ...
Hani : Like a kid , you both
Jungkook : Noona , I want that video
Hani : Sure
Junghwa : Ah...
B.E laughs : Haha
JHope : What was that ?
Solji : A weak 'Ah~'
Jimin : It felt like LE Noona went back in time , she looked like a kid chasing her older siblings
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : I agree
Jimin : Right ?
V : Where did Jin Hyung run to ?
Solji : He said he'll meet us at the car
Hani : Gosh *laughs*
JHope : Noona , you're okay with a cowardly guy like him ?
Hyerin : No
RM : Then what are you going to do ?
Hyerin : Give him a smack on his head for running away
BTS : ... !
EXID holds laugh : ...
Hani : Today , Party night
LE : Quiet
Hani : Whatever
Jungkook : Lyrics ?
Junghwa : Mockery
Jimin : Ayy , Jin Hyung !
Jin : Does she still have it with her ?
V : No
RM : She kept it
Jin makes face : Noona , you're scary
LE : Oh , Thank you
Solji : 야 , you scared me when you dashed out of the room
Jin : Ah , Sorry
Hyerin : Jin-pa
Jin : Yes ?
Hyerin hugs Jin : ...
BTS : ... ?
Jin : All of a sudden ? Did you guys say something ?
Hani : No , just don't change yourself
LE : Right
Jin : What ?
JHope : Uh...
V : Just listen to them
RM : Hyung , you just ran off
Jin : I was scared
Hyerin : 야 , stop it , I'm sure you're scared of something too
Solji : Hyerin is growing
Junghwa : ...
Jin : What happened ?
JHope : No , we asked what would she do to you
Jin : Why ?
RM : Because you ran like a coward
Jin : Of course !
Jimin : But She Hugged you
Jin : What did she say ?
V : She'll smack you
Hyerin : I have seen Oppa stand up for greater things than a toy bug , so Oppa should be loved in his own way
Junghwa : Right
Solji : Let's get into the car
Hani : Please
Solji : Sleep after dinner , don't stay up late
EXID : Yes
JHope whisper : I felt like we got dissed
RM whisper : No way , they're showing what we have been showing the world
Jungkook : Ah , so tired...
Solji : Remember to drink water
Jimin : Noona , all of a sudden ?
Solji : Be quiet and sit down
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Should I brag this to Jinho Hyung ?
Solji : 야 , What did you do yesterday ?
Jungkook : Uh-Oh
Jimin : Why ?
Solji : I don't like Jinho !
V : Noona , you clearly do
Jimin : Noona , I'm helping you
Solji : Don't... it's up to him
LE : So you admit you like him ?
Solji : I mean... he's cute , but they're better guys than his looks
EXID : Ooh...
Junghwa : Unnie , are you sure ?
Hani : Don't mock her now or you'll never live it down
BTS laughs : Haha

Dorms , 20.00...
Hyerin : Oppa is older now
Jin : Yes
Hyerin : He's more matured now , he should protect me
Jin laughs : What ?
Hyerin hugs Jin : Happy birthday~
Jin : Thank you *kiss Hyerin's forehead*
B.E : Happy birthday to you
Jin : Ah !
B.E : Happy birthday to you , happy birthday to Kim Seokjin , happy birthday to you~ *claps*
Hyerin laughs : His reaction
Jin blows candle : Thank you , I love you !
Suga : Hyerin did a great job distracting you
Jin : You're so good at acting
RM : It's in their blood
Jungkook : Jin Hyung , happy birthday !
Jimin : Happy birthday !
Hani : You should be more mature , not childish
B.E laughs : Haha
Jin : Diss is available on birthdays too
RM : Thank you for being the oldest here
Suga : The only one I can call 'Hyung'
JHope : Yes...
V : We won't know what we'll do without a handsome vocal like you
BTS : Ohh !
Jin claps : Thank you !
Junghwa : Were you expecting this ?
Jin : I was expecting it when we were in the waiting room
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : No , work and breaks shouldn't be mixed
JHope : Right
Solji : Our Kim Seokjin , you're older now , we wish you all the best for the future , stay happy always , hwaiting~
EXID : Hwaiting !
BTS claps : Whoo !
Jin : Let's Eat !
Suga whisper : Great job
Hyerin smiles : Yes
Junghwa : Unnie , That was romantic
Hani : Right
Hyerin chuckles nervously : That was nothing
LE : ... ?
Jin : You guys share this and and this is mine
BTS : Ayy !
EXID laughs : Haha
Jungkook : Hyung , that's mean !
Jimin : Sharing is caring
Jin : Don't rub that on me
V laughs : Haha

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