Summary : August

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[Disclaimer : The summary might have spoilers if you haven't read it all , and some extra notes unmentioned in the book . Also , the summary mostly contains the important parts rather than the full story itself]
1st Aug
LE was mumbling when B.E were leaving , she then went over to wake Suga up for breakfast , having him ask her to go set the table up and scolded her for not doing so (LE was worried he would fall) LE told Suga she ordered , having him ask when will she cook while she said she will never show Suga her cooking skills ㅋㅋ Suga told LE it was okay that she ordered Kimchi Fried Rice (she didn't know what he liked) Having her suddenly said that Suga likes Lamb Skewers , excited as she had never guessed anyone's favourite food correct except Junghwa , having both of them discussed about Junghwa's ramen fever . LEGUST D had their Vlive as promised to Solji , Having LE explain the purpose of the Vlive & apologising to Solji for being late , scolding Suga as he kept quiet , making LE do all the work... the two were explaining to fans they are like siblings when fans commented they were couples , Having LE complain Solji made them do the live again , the members commented on how they miss LE but she has to take care of Suga . Suga said if the dorm burned down , it was LE's fault while she ask why didn't Hyerin leave leftovers for them , having the two debate whether she did or not , concluding they can always order and not cook 😂😂 Suga said he was done with LE's ad-libs and left her , having her complain on camera and told the fans it's just the fans and her now . Suga woke up to find the coughing LE cooking dinner , Suga said she should have ordered as LE diss the injured Suga... LE had a slip-up while cooking , Having Suga got up and nagged her , LE defending she doesn't cook everyday while Suga asked for soup , LE said she doesn't want to make soup anymore because of Suga (it was a tease) Suga told he was grateful for LE staying with him although he wants Jin , Suga telling LE she's fun & cute , having the both of them diss each other & said they should have went to Japan but immediately calling a truce as the both of them are on the same page . LE told Suga she was heading out , although he had told LE he didn't wanted to know her schedules , having her say she have informed Solji & Suga shouldn't do anything stupid as he guessed where LE was headed ; EXID were wondering what LE was up to , Having Hani guessed she went out while Junghwa say she won't , Solji brought up that LEGUST D did their Vlive , Having Hani ask if they should watch while Solji decline as Suga left 5 minutes into the live and told them LE scolded him on camera 😂😂

2nd Aug
A drunk LE couldn't sleep and wondered if Suga would want to hang out , getting up to ask Suga... Suga told LE she was drunk as soon as she mentioned that V wasn't around , having LE sit on his bed and ask if he would want to hang out , the tolerant Suga asked where and immediately told LE she was drunk when she suggested Suga's room . LE denied the fact she was drunk , Having Suga said he has something to tell LE and she won't even know it happened , debating whether he should confess or not o(^_^)o Suga did as he intended to and said LE was drunk when she smiled (≧▽≦) having LE ask him again and told him she understands before Suga teased she was shy , LE gave up denying she's shy and confessed too ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و Suga teased LE , receiving a hit from her before Suga said LE shouldn't be in his room drunk , having LE said she doesn't mind and lied down in Suga's bed... the surprised Suga told LE she can't sleep here and said she was stubborn , Having Suga gave up against LE's stubbornness , LE told Suga he shouldn't be afraid of her (as she's older) Having Suga ask LE if she would go out with him , LE agreeing to it under the condition the members can't know . LE woke up at 8 to see Suga next to her before smiling and hoping they don't fight much , she then got up to head to her room to change... Suga woke up to find LE missing , guessing that it must have shocked her to find herself in Suga's room and that LE didn't like him , he calmed down as soon as he saw LE cooking and went over her and wrapped his arm around her . Suga ask why did LE cooked all of a sudden , having her explain once EXID disband , it'll be over and they have to keep up basic skills like cooking , Having Suga reassure they won't disband before asking about breakfast... LE told Suga she's making an omelet now and that there soup , Having Suga say he's traumatised by LE's soup 😂😂 LE then threaten to break Suga's leg if he didn't sit down , having him went pitiful before begging LE to go join him for breakfast . LE took some soup for Suga as he asked LE out for a casual dinner , Having her agree to it while he ask why didn't LE want to let the members know... explaining about the members and fans before discussing today's schedule , Having Suga suggest they can practice 'Baby' before planting a kiss on LE's cheek . LE was playing games during the live , Having Hani ask to join games while Suga said he will just watch LE play with HaJung 😂😂 The 3 of them played while the others were just communicating to Suga through the game's mic , LE then scolded Suga as soon as he said he will head to sleep as he didn't do the live yesterday... Junghwa told Hyerin to off the Vlive as they can talk through the game but the clingy Hyerin said she wants to see LE , Hyerin then ask about LE's diss on the dishes while Suga said LE's cooking was great before dissing it (by saying he miss Jin's cooking) the members then agree on having a video call , so the fans can see B.E altogether , LE then asked when's their next practice (so they can end the call) Having BTS comes up with corny excuses while Junghwa ask was it because LE wants to be left alone (with Suga) LE using the live as an excuse before Junghwa said the 10 of them have to go (T ^ T) LE dissed Suga for imitating Hyerin's 'Bye~' and then whispered into LE's ear (to tease her) having fans wonder what did he say as LE was yearning for Hyerin , Suga then said it was okay as LE's beauty saved the live . Suga brought LE to BANANA CULTURE's cafē (idk the name) LE disturbing the Lady as usual while Suga couldn't stop thinking of her as the Lady chased LE away 😂😂 The couple ordered their dinner and talked about their relationship , as LE said they should be careful ; Suga said it's okay , that they can date in the dorm without the medias knowing... Suga then asked how long did LE liked him , explaining he doesn't want LE to date him just because he likes her , having her said 2 and 1 (2 months from the start of the year and the Start of July) Suga was surprised and asked LE if he upset her in between that time before asking about Kyungmin , Having her said she wanted to throw Suga off the roof 😂😂 Suga told LE he had liked her for awhile now and always thought she hated him , Having LE said she wouldn't care about someone if she hated them , requesting Suga to stop doing so much , Suga agreeing and calling LE cute . The two promised to take dating slow as they were afraid they will drift apart after B.E's disbandment , Having Suga said he doesn't have great dating experience and confessing he loves LE , not like ; the 10 B.E members were fooling around until Solji said they were spotted eating outside the dorm , medias assuming they're dating which could be bad news for B.E , calling them to be careful... Junghwa was straightforward with the fact they were spotted , having Hyerin said she doesn't want to see LE on the news while LE explain they will only be there for dinner , Hyerin & Junghwa then starts singing 'Vaporise Yourself' , Suga hearing 'Vaporise Yourself' into 'Face Yourself' 😂😂 Suga asked LE what's wrong , having said the medias Are here , he hoped that it wasn't a scandal even though it would be great to have one with LE , LE then got up to close the cafē's curtain . LE fell asleep while watching TV with Suga , Having Suga Wake her up to head to bed , she disagree at first but got up as the members could return while they're still asleep , Suga told LE that Solji is used to it while LE said the others weren't , LE then gave Suga a kiss on the forehead before asking if he needs help to the bedroom [#LEGUST D]

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