Chapter 9

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*Brendons POV*

It seemed that we should have probably gotten back to the restaurant before they got suspicious, but being alone with Dallon was more ideal.

We walked awkwardly back in, me with Dallons coat, and Dallon with his hands shoved in his pockets. They were all looking at us. It was kinda embarrassing, them all just smirking.

Then Kenneth spoke up. "So, what'd you do out there?"

My face burned. I didn't really want to tell him, but Dallon bit his lip as he was probably wanting me to lie.

"I guess my jacket wasn't in the car, but Dallon was nice enough to give me his," I said flatly, like it was no big deal.

Zach whispered to another, "I thought their stage-gay would have just been a little joke, guess not."

I wasn't gay, but around Dallon I don't know who I am. I get all flustered and sometimes I want to punch him because he makes me feel all, warm inside. I don't know, he just does something. And the way he was staring at me right now got me feeling some type of way.

A few jokes were passed around a rather silent dinner. Then we got back in the car, back to the bus. My phone buzzed, it was Sarah. she said she wanted me to come over because she missed me, but I had "plans" with Dallon.

He shrugged when I asked him. " I guess I'll just follow you."

"What?! You can't! Sarah will wounded why you're with me and not crashed out here!" I protested, to no use.

"Nah, it's ok, she won't mind," he nodded completely sure. I hope he was right.

I drove to our house, Dallon just fiddling with his shoelaces. every once and a while I would look over at him, completely involved in some random activity. One minute he's playing with his shoelaces, the next, he's messing with the buttons on the car. He's such a child.

"Hey Sarah! Is it ok if Dallon stays for the night?" I asked a little too hopeful.

"Yea, that's ok, we got a spare bedroom for you," she nodded.

I heard Dallon whisper something, maybe it was about him being by himself, which I made a small effort to laugh at.

We just hung out, until Sarah got tired and convinced me to got to bed with her. Dallon mouthed as she dragged me away, "what am I supposed to do?"

"Sleep" I mouthed back, rolling my eyes. He pouted a little, which made me smile. he walked off, but not before going into the kitchen for a snack.

I was all of a sudden shaken awake by a tall figure. I almost screamed. But then I realized it was just Dallon.

"Oh my god Dal, you scared the shit out of me!" I whisper yelled.

He laughed it off. " And what time is it anyway?"

"It's time for you to come sleep with me," he said. I couldn't she his face, but I assumed it had a smirk on it.

"It's like two in the fucking morning, what do you want?" I asked exasperatedly.

"" Dallon tried to think of a lie. But then I realized what he had woken me up for. Not just to join him.

"Oh my god! I can't believe this! You woke me up to.. have sex?!" I should have been yelling, but Sarah was asleep next to me.

"Well, yea," Dallon said like it wasn't hard to comprehend.

I thought about it. "Well, since I can't go back to sleep, fine," I sighed.

An Accidental love storyWhere stories live. Discover now