Chapter 23

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  Dizzypaw walked beside Honeypaw into the forest. She was partners with the other apprentice to go hunting. Boulderpaw had gone with Acornpaw.
I feel bad for Brokenpaw, I wish he didn't have to stay in camp.
  Dizzypaw sighed. Just thinking about Brokenpaw made her heart beat faster. Ever since Brokenpaw first defended her, she's admired him, a lot.
  She shook her head. We're just friends... besides, he would never like me like that.
  "Hey, want to try to see if there's any prey behind these rocks?" Honeypaw asked. But before Dizzypaw could answer, she disappeared behind them.
  Dizzypaw rolled her eyes, following, but as soon as she got to the other side she felt something heavy pin her down, and soon claws dug into her back.
  "Good job, Honeypaw." Boulderpaw purred as he walked over to them. He looked down at his sister and laughed. "Finally I can teach you a lesson now that Brokenpaw isn't around."
  Dizzypaw hissed. "Why are you doing this? You're my brother!"
  "Because I hate you, I really do." Boulderpaw spat. "Life in the clans would be so much better without you. You're just a burden everywhere you go."
  "You wouldn't dare hurt me!" Dizzypaw retorted.
  "Just watch me."
  He lifted up his paw, claws unsheathed, and brought it down across her face...

  Brokenpaw finished taking care of the last elder, letting out a sigh of relief.
  "I can finally get back to training!" He mewed.
  "You haven't been visiting me like you said you would." Ashpelt purred from beside him. "I remember when you were a kit and you always wanted to hear my stories. Now you're all grown up!"
  Brokenpaw smiled, but it soon faded once he remembered what happened to Darkwillow. "Yeah... things have really changed since then."
  "Listen Brokenpaw," Ashpelt began. "You have the potential to be a good cat, like your father. Please don't make the wrong choices. You're going to become a warrior soon, so you need to control your anger before something bad happens."
  Brokenpaw sighed. "I know. I'll try my best to make it up to you from now on."
  Ashpelt purred. "Now off you go!"
  Brokenpaw turned around, but a yowl made him stop in his tracks.
"Someone get Stargaze!" A voice shouted frantically.
  Brokenpaw pricked his ears then raced out the den to see what's going on.
  His eyes widened when he say Dizzypaw's body in the clearing, a pool of blood around her. She had so many wounds and so much blood staining her fur, that she didn't look the same at all.
  "Dizzypaw!" Brokenpaw yowled, racing over to his friend.
  "She was found like this behind some rocks!" Speckleleg said, her eyes wide.
  "Where's Boulderpaw?" Brokenpaw growled.
  "Boulderpaw and Honeypaw's scent were around the area, but they aren't anywhere in the forest." Bloodclaw told him.
I bet they're the ones who did this! Brokenpaw thought with fury.
  "What in the name of StarClan is going on?" Tigerstar demanded.
  Before anyone could answer, Stargaze pushed her way through.
  "Everyone out of the way!" She hissed. "She's losing a lot of blood, so I must act quickly."
  Stargaze started pressing some cobwebs on the wounds, and had some warriors to help her.
  Brokenpaw stood close to his father, his claws sheathing and unsheathing repeatedly.
  Hazelfur stepped beside him, nuzzling him. "She's going to be okay. Stargaze is a good medicine cat."
  "I really hope so." Brokenpaw murmured, worried about his friend.
"Who did this?" Tigerstar said, narrowing his eyes.
  "I bet it was Boulderpaw and Honeypaw." Brokenpaw growled immediately. "They've gone missing! And Bloodclaw said their scent was around the area they found Dizzypaw in!"
  Tigerstar turned his head to the dark gray tabby. "Is this true?"
  The warrior nodded. "Yes."
  "Where are they now?" Tigerstar questioned.
  "No where to be found, Tigerstar." Heavyfur reported.
  Tigerstar closed his eyes. "We'll let them go, for now."
  Brokenpaw's fur bristled. "You can't be serious! After what they did, they should be hunted down and punished!"
  Tigerstar turned to his son. "And they will be, but right now we need to focus on Dizzypaw."
  "There's no way she'll survive." Thistlepelt growled, walking up. "She's losing lots of blood already."
  "Don't say that!" Brokenpaw spat. "We can't give up hope so quickly."
  Thistlepelt rolled his eyes. "Hope means nothing."
  "Everyone needs to back up if they want me to treat this apprentice!" Stargaze shouted, lashing her tail. "I barely have enough room to breath!"
  The warriors did as she said, backing a few steps away from the two. Dizzypaw still continued to bleed, but not as bad as before.
  "We can't risk moving her into my den." Stargaze mewed. "Not until her wounds stop bleeding. But things are looking low for her."
  Brokenpaw raced back to Dizzypaw's side, crouching beside her and ignoring the yowls of protest.
  "Get away!" He heard Stargaze say, but he pressed his muzzle to Dizzypaw's bloody shoulder.
  "Please Dizzypaw, fight this." Brokenpaw begged. "Please don't leave me when we have a whole life ahead of us."
  Brokenpaw felt Dizzypaw's sides move up and down, slower and slower each breath she took.
  Brokenpaw choked on his words. "Dizzypaw please! Survive this for me, I don't want to lose you! I care too much for you to have to go through that pain..."
  "B...Brokenpaw..." Dizzypaw whimpered, barely a whisper.
  Brokenpaw licked her ear gently, whispering back. "Dizzypaw... you're the strongest cat I've ever met, I know you can fight through this."
  Dizzypaw slowly opened her eyes, looking at him softly. "I will Brokenpaw... for you I will fight..."
  Brokenpaw got to his paws and backed away, letting Stargaze finish treating her. Before long, the bleeding finally stopped, and Dizzypaw's breathing went back to normal.
  Brokenpaw gazed at Dizzypaw with a feeling he's never felt before, mixed emotions swirling inside of him.
  I will always be there for you, Dizzypaw, as long as you'll do the same for me...

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