Chapter 26

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Brokenpaw took a step forward, slowly stalking closer to a mouse. It wasn't bad, and would be enough for at least two of his clanmates.
Brokenpaw, Dizzypaw, Dovepaw, and Acornpaw were currently taking their warrior's assessments. Boulderpaw and Honeypaw would be doing them too, if they weren't still missing.
It's been almost a moon and a half since they went missing, and since Dizzypaw was seriously injured. She had barely survived, but not without a price to pay. She may have been fully healed now, but many scars covered her entire body.
Brokenpaw quickly shook his head, focusing back on the hunt. He was finally close enough to pounce.
As he sprang forward, his claws slid out and he landed on top of the mouse, killing it almost instantly.
"Thank you StarClan for this prey." He murmured to himself, smiling happily. So far, he had caught two mice, one vole, and a crow. That would probably be enough to let him pass his assessment!
"Great job!"
Brokenpaw turned to look at Darkface as he came through the undergrowth. When Darkwillow died, Tigerstar had appointed Darkface as his new mentor.
Brokenpaw shivered. I killed a cat... should I even have the right to be a warrior?
"You passed your assessment!" Darkface said with a smile.
"What about Dizzypaw, Dovepaw, and Acornpaw...?" Brokenpaw asked slowly.
"They passed as well!" Darkface replied.
Brokenpaw sighed with relief. He was hoping that Dizzypaw would pass, and he knew she would.
Brokenpaw smiled. "Let's go back to camp!"
Darkface nodded. "Collect your prey then meet me back at camp!"

Brokenpaw padded into camp, the prey he had caught in his jaws. He dropped them off at the fresh kill pile, and a few of his clanmates walked over to him. He was guessing that they were going to ask if he passed or not.
"So, did you pass?" Darkbreeze asked, her eyes wide with curiosity. She was just recently made a warrior, and she was always so kind towards everyone, even though she lost her brother and father. Everyone thought that she was still too young to be a warrior, but she has proved them wrong in the time she's been a warrior already.
Before Brokenpaw could respond, Tigerstar yowled from the Highstone.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highstone for a clan meeting!"
Brokenpaw scanned around the clearing, spotting Dizzypaw, Dovepaw, and Acornpaw sitting down near their mentors. He raced towards them, quickly sitting beside Dizzypaw and his sister, Dovepaw.
"I'm guessing you passed too?" Dizzypaw whispered with a purr.
Brokenpaw smiled and nodded, looking back to his father as he started speaking again.
"Four apprentices are ready to become warriors. They have trained very hard and I'm proud to have them in my clan." Tigerstar said, looking at them with pride. "Brokenpaw, Acornpaw, Dovepaw, and Dizzypaw, please step forward."
Brokenpaw held his breath as he stepped towards the Highstone, followed shortly after by Dizzypaw, his sister, and Acornpaw.
This was it. He was finally becoming a warrior! After moons of training, he could finally prove that he wasn't a monster like Darkwillow said he was!
But you killed him... and you could kill again... Brokenpaw shook his head at the thought. This was his moment, he wouldn't let it be ruined because of one dead warrior.
"Acornpaw, do you promise to follow the warrior code no matter what the cause, and remain a loyal warrior to ShadowClan?" Tigerstar questioned.
Acornpaw looked determined when he answered. "I do, Tigerstar."
Tigerstar gave a brief nod. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your full warriors name. Acornpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Acornfur. Serve your clan well."
Acornfur puffed out his chest as the clan cheered his name.
"Acornfur! Acornfur!"
"Acornfur!" Brokenpaw yowled.
Acornfur took a step back as the cheers died down, and Tigerstar looked at Dovepaw.
"Dovepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect ShadowClan, even if it costs your life?"
"I do!" Dovepaw said shyly, ducking her head down as her clanmates stared at her.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warriors name. Dovepaw will now be known as Dovefeather! Protect and serve your clan the best you can!"
Dovefeather raised her head a little higher as the clan cheered her name. After a few moments, she stepped back to sit next to Acornfur.
Tigerstar's gaze turned to Dizzypaw. "Dizzypaw, do you promise to follow the warrior code at all costs and to be as loyal to ShadowClan as you can be?"
"I... I do." Dizzypaw responded, her eyes showing that she was more confident than what she seemed like.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your full warriors name." Tigerstar meowed. "From this moment on, Dizzypaw will now be known as Dizzyblossom. She has progressed more than any cat I've seen in a long time, and I'm proud she's part of ShadowClan!"
Dizzyblossom smiled brightly as the clan cheered her name.
Brokenpaw's cheer was the loudest, and Dizzyblossom looked at him with a purr.
Finally, Tigerstar looked at Brokenpaw. He met his father gaze, it was his turn to get his name!
"Brokenpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do." Brokenpaw answered, his voice ringing around the clearing.
"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warriors name." Tigerstar mewed, smiling proudly. "Brokenpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Brokenclaw. Serve your clan well and you will become the great warrior I always knew you could be."
Brokenclaw puffed out his chest, barely able to contain his excitement and the clan cheered his name, Dizzyblossom looking at him with love and pride. This was his chance to redeem himself, this his beginning to a new chance at life to be the warrior he was always meant to be.

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