Among the Problems, since Ever

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I'm sitting outside on one of the benches waiting for my mother to come out of the prefect's room. Selena and I had already given our statement about what happened, Obviously Selena always making herself the victim, but obviously I affirmed that she started everything. And even if the door is closed I can clearly hear what they are saying

- Here the problem was in both parts, she did not have to have taken the diary from her and she did not have to hit him - it was the prefect's voice

-I don't give a damn! That monster, because he does not have the right to call himself a person, provoked my daughter and my daughter exploded by hitting her, and if she thinks I will call her attention by self-defense she is very wrong -said my mother screaming and apparently quite annoyed with what she said. They have said

- At least he saw what his diary said? - the voices are appeased and there is a silence that seems eternal to me. With what is going on in the prefect's office, I'm assuming, the most likely is 100% probability that my suspicions are true, that my mother is reading my diary and then the prefect will start talking about what I wrote.

-Our school cares about each of your students, and from what I see your daughter has severe mental problems -said with a credible concern, or maybe it's just to pretend like they did when they were in high school.

The people there never helped me, they just wanted my mom's money, and nothing else. They never made the least effort to help me or to end the problem, which was to stop the people who made me suffer. And they never understood the problem of severe depression that suffered

-I think your daughter really needs therapy. It is not normal for your daughter to think that way. The truth even surprises me to what extent it can get-You hear through the sale and the door

-You are crazy. Maybe the monster is right, maybe Lauren really is attracting attention. Lauren has always been that way and that's how it always will be, "said my exalted mother. A small tear came out of my eye and I wiped it quickly. My mother has always been that insensitive, leaving me alone to fight against this disorder

The door of the office opens and my mother leaves with the prefect, I get up to hear his verdict and see what kind of punishment I will have

-Miss Illinowski, as it was in self-defense even considering that it was not appropriate for you to do that, and considering that you have never given any problems, we will only give you a report. -He said, thank God it was just that and not something worse like detention or a three day suspension

The prefect decides to give the diary to my mother. She gives it to me with an angry face. I know he wants us to talk about what I have written but something tells me that here is not the right place

-Let's go home, I have to go for you brother to school-Said and said that we left the school, we were approaching the exclusive parking for students who have cars, teachers and all the administrative school, where almost in front of us was the mom's car

We got into the car, and my mother left school for the radiant, warm streets of Manchester. The road became eternal, and suddenly my mother started talking

-Lauren, you are what I love the most in this world because you are my daughter. But I hate when you are making those dramas, and the best part, you wrote then. And then, someone sees that so that I could see it next. You give me the impression that you want to become the victim and that people give their condolences and feel sorry for you j"my mother said contemptuously

-Excuse me to say it but I think you're crazy thinking that I write the things that I think in my diary so that somebody sees it. What I write there is private. You understand? PRI-VA-DO-I said almost shouting

-But it's the same. You do not have depression You do not have anything You simply dramatize things too much, it leaves the past behind. What happened happened and you should quit at once. One can not be stuck in the past-my mother told me

- And you have not thought what is to be an histrionic person, that is what it makes me act so dramatic? And believe me when I tell you that depression is never cured. But of course, you do not understand that because you do not live like me. And the past is not easily forgotten and I am not stuck in it. But I can not help remembering it. And you have to respect me and love me just as I am. I told her all that and I did not say anything else to her all the way riding to my brother's institution

Two years ago, I was diagnosed by my psychologist, before my mother stopped taking me to therapy because as she got tired of me and having to pay money for something that would never work, my psychologist told me that she suffered from HSP; the histrionic syndrome of personality. This causes that dramatize situations very much at an extreme level. This also makes me very vulnerable and that my mind exaggerates situations and also imagine situations that are not real.

I arrived at Winchester Junior High School, where my brother and where I had the bad luck to study the three worst years of my life. This is where my life got worse and things turned dark, toxic and sad

- Go get your brother. I'll stay here waiting-My mother told me. Got off the car and walk to the white grids. The Cleaner Lily opened me the Door with her huge smile on her face.

-Dear Lauren, I have not seen you for a long time-she says as always, radiant

"Me too Lily, I had not come for quite some time. But even if I come for Billy, I have to say I haven't take a look at this school since I left "I said and went immediately to his classroom, which was located on the ground floor of the school.

"Too long without seeing you, Miss Illinowski," he turned. I would recognize that voice anywhere. He was my ex-director. The great Lord Zacarias Limanteur. His head was bald, his belly protruded a lot but his hoarse voice was what caused great fear in any student

-I would say the same of you, Mr. Limanteur, but if I moved away from this place, it was thanks to you and the toxicity that abounds in this place-I said in a serious and sure voice

-If you think that school is like this, Miss Illinowski is wrong, because the truth is that my school is very prestigious-he told me

-That "prestige" as you call him was never in this school. Because I never helped a student who needed school help to end bullying. The only thing that mattered to him was my mother's money. And he still has it thanks to my brother. And believe me, I did not tell you this because I was afraid of you being my director, but now that I'm not your student, I can tell you all the things I think and you will not have to threaten me anymore and punish me. And if you dare to do something to my little brother I swear you will be paying dearly for me -I told him and I would have continued with my endless list of things I would like to tell him if it had not been because Billy approached me

-Lauren. Lily told me you were looking for me-she saw the director and said, "Did I interrupt something?" He said worriedly.

-Billy, Mr. Limanteur and I have already finished talking, let's go to the car, because mom is waiting for us -I told him and I went to the exit of the school where my brother and I got into the car and made our way home .

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