Library Accompanist

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The road to go back home was silent and it seemed like it was eternal. The good thing is that I could finally get rid of a burden by telling my ex-director everything I thought about him and how I felt leaving me without help.

-How was your day Billy? -Said my mother

-Nothing interesting, we only saw a few topics, and we have to bring a book next week to read the whole course. But I still do not know which book to choose-my brother says something worried

-Do not worry. You have the whole week to choose one, there is no need to worry-said my mother

-Hey mom by the way, I saw my sister talking to my director-thanks Billy, you just sunk me. But you're going to pay me little baboon

- What did you say Lauren? - my mother told me

-Nothing mom, I just told him that I thought it was something hard that he treated his students in the way he does, and he should do things more subtle and in a less strict way -I lied, although my mother would be happy to answer the old potbellied

-Well, it's a good thing on your part, although I do not think he'll pay much attention to you knowing that he did not much to help the other students thay old saliva man-She says so because when he  speaks spits saliva. Once in my freshman year a thin strip of saliva came out of his mouth and fell to the floor. It was so disgusting to see.

We arrived home, after about 15 minutes. Our house was not that big but it was not that small either. It was ideal for the three people who lived there. My mother, my brother and me. Oh, and my three little dogs. Puppy, Lizzie and Fluffy. They were of the Chihuahuan race. Many people do not like this breed of dogs but the truth is that they are one of the most faithful and most affectionate breeds.

My mother opens the automatic security gate and puts the car in the garage. We got out of the car with school supplies. We entered our house and Billy and I left our backpack on the golden sofa that was in the room that connects to the kitchen, which were divided by a single cream wall.

-I'm going to start making the food. If you want to distract yourself in what I finish cooking-that said I climb the stairs covered with a brown carpet. Until arriving at the small and narrow corridor that divides my mother's room, the room where we did our homework, where the computer was.

The bathroom in the corridor that was on the right, the rooms were on the left and right in the center was my room. Which by the way had no door, so privacy in that place was practically nil. I went straight into the hall until I came to my room with lilac and mint green walls. Yes, I loved pastel colors.

I grabbed my laptop, which was my 15th birthday present and I began to check social networks on it. There really was nothing interesting to see so I decided to play one of my favorite video games, which was Cuphead.

It was one of the best games with an excellent plot, the levels were difficult but that made it even more exciting. I was at the level of the flower, which is one of the most difficult bosses to overcome, when suddenly my cell phone starts ringing.

I decide to pause the game, take my cell phone, and I realize that my best friend Kaitlyn is calling me by video call, obviously as I am a good friend and I love her very much I decided to answer her.

—Hello friend—I say once the camera is activated

"Lauren, now you tell me what happened? Did they expel you? Did they suspend you? Did they give you detention? Tell me what happened stupid! "He said. Oh God. Kaitlyn, even with your madness I adore you

-First of all, let me talk, I have not told you anything yet. And second, nothing happened to me that you just mentioned before. They just put me a report for being the first time I have to talk about, "I said carelessly

-Well, what about your mother? What did she said? -Kaitlyn told me

-The truth is that it came out in my defense. He said that monster deserved it, "I said laughing

-I love your mom. Send her regards from me- she said

" Everything was fine until he read the newspaper, and in the car he began to say that I love getting attention, that I put those things so that someone reads them and makes me the victim, but you perfectly know that it is not like that"I said. , the tears were about to come out, but I held back

-I understand her friend. Hey, could I ask you a favor?—

"Go ahead" I said. She knows that I would do everything for her and she would do everything for me

-Look, this happens, you know that the internet in my house is failing, and we do not know when they are going to have it ready and they left me a work to deliever in the next two days that requires internet and I need to go to the library to take internet and be able to do the work, but they will not let me go alone. Could you come with me? -She says putting sad puppy face

"And why dont you just go to a cyber?" I say to Kaitlyn. "It's the most viable option and the most logical one."

-Because the cyber closest to my house is owned by the parents of my sister's ex. The one that I talked to you about. And obviously with the lawsuit that was put together my mom forbade me to go to that place. And she says that if I step into that place again, it will give me the worst punishment of my whole life; which is to take my cell phone and prohibit me from going to ballet classes for 1 month-Kaitlyn and I are not only best friends, we became sisters of the soul and practically considers me of her family.

The other day he had told me that his sister had broken up with her boyfriend. According to this because he found him in bed with another girl. And according to this, that girl was her worst enemy. Drama and more drama. Although I do not have to complain if I'm a histrionic person. And besides, she is an incredible ballet dancer, as well as an incredible pianist.

-I understand everything then. It's okay. I will do my best to accompany you. But you owe this to me friend-I said with a roguish tone and releasing some laughs

-I promise you I Will pay, friend -said- I have to go, my mom made some delicious grilled steaks-

-Ok friend, I gotta leave, the food is sure to be ready -I tell her

-Bye stupid-smiled innocently to hear her tell me that way. Obviously he does not say it with the intention of offending me, he perfectly loves me

-Bye-I say and the call is cut. We spent 15 minutes talking. Wow, our record once was 1 hour and a half.

I go down to the kitchen, and I have to get ready to ask my mother for blessed permission to go to the library with Kaitlyn. I know it will be a bit difficult, but not impossible. And more if we consider the not so friendly meeting we had in the car. But nobody loses with trying. Well they say the one who does not risk does not win

"Mom?" He says and turns to me. He's holding the tongs in his hand holding the handle of the pan, if the eyes would kill, surely I'd be dead already—I want to talk to you—

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