I don't know how to talk to you,
I just know I found myself
getting lost with you. Lately
you just make me work too hard
for you. Got me on flights overseas,
and I still can't get across to you.
And last night I think I lost my
patience. Last n...
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Sienna Solano always appreciated the opportunities that were given to her. Her mother, who grew up in Compton, was one of the top talent managers in Beverly Hills. And her father, who was from Manhattan, was a restauranteur to a string of high-class eateries called Sol. She and her twin brother RJ attended Beverly High School while their youngest brother Jack attended Beverly Middle. She has been best friends with Layla Keating as long as she could remember. RJ honed his music while Sienna competed in track and field, which is how she met Jordan Baker, the football team captain. She quickly became friends with his sister, Olivia. The two fell in love in their freshman year and dated up until they were sophomores. Their worlds slowly began to shift when Sienna had began to be noticed by modeling agencies that worked under her mother. She had the look and charm and could be something big.
It started with a few photo shoots for small boutiques around the city, then it grew into shoots for magazines in California. Soon, you could see Sienna's face on the cover of a magazine in any grocery or convenient store. It wasn't long before Sienna received a deal to go and model in Europe for a year and three months. She didn't want to leave Beverly or her boyfriend or her friends and family. But she didn't have much of a choice as her mother accepted the deal for her. And before she knew it, Sienna and Jordan were ripped apart, Sienna was sent to live in Europe with her mother. Sienna and Jordan's relationship existed through FaceTime and texts besides the one time a month that she and her mother would fly home to be with their family. But once she left, she and Jordan's relationship was never the same. They were both trying so hard, she was literally getting on flights to see him, but the distance was dealbreaker.
So, they broke things off and that was the end of it. Sienna returned to Europe with her mother and Jordan continued on with school and his football career. After the break up, everything went downhill for Sienna. She was struggling to balance her online schooling and modeling. The long nine, sometimes ten, hour days began to get to her. She was exhausted and was falling behind. Track wasn't even a part of her life anymore and she missed it. She wasn't happy. Sienna expressed her concerns to her mother and it was like talking to a wall. Her mother, Jessica, was deaf when it came to her complaints. She was only concerned with creating a public image for her daughter. She had to give Sienna the opportunities that she didn't have growing up in Compton. But what Jessica didn't know was how easy it was to score drugs in Europe. Pills especially.
Sienna started taking Adderall to stay awake. She was able to get her grades back up and model more. Paris fashion week was when she had reached her limit. It was show after show, day after day. Sienna had been taking more pills then she ever had before. She had made it through the week, there was only one show left in the afternoon. Sienna took a pill and went to the home gym to work out. She wanted to look extra good for her last show of fashion week. She worked out for almost two hours before she began to feel lightheaded and overheated. She managed to make it back into the main part of the house where Jessica was before passing out. She had woken up within a few minutes but her mother instantly knew she was in drugs. She sobered up as the older woman ransacked her room to find the pills.
While the world believed Sienna was taking time off time to study abroad in Paris for the last two months of her contract, she was really in a "detox" center. Well, that's what her mother called it. It was rehab and Sienna wished that she would just say it. The only way she got through rehab was by calls with RJ and Jack. She talked to her dad occasionally, but no one accept Sienna and her mother knew where she truly was. Jessica decided to pretend as if nothing had happened and it was never spoken of again. When Sienna completed her two months of rehab, Jessica announced her daughter's retirement as a model to the fashion world. The two are headed back home to Beverly Hills, Sienna with more than a month or two left in her contract. But when she returns, she'll find that things are not as she left them.