I don't know how to talk to you,
I just know I found myself
getting lost with you. Lately
you just make me work too hard
for you. Got me on flights overseas,
and I still can't get across to you.
And last night I think I lost my
patience. Last n...
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Sienna sat in front of her vanity, putting on her makeup. She, of course, didn't want to even want to go to this party. But if she was being forced to, she was at least going to make sure she looked bomb. She was gonna make Jordan want her back. It seemed that he had so easily replaced her with Hadley, but we all know as it has already been said, you can't replace Sienna Solano. Sienna was just finishing up her eyebrows when she saw her father's reflection in the mirror. "Are you going out?" Rafael asked, coming and taking a seat on her bed behind her. "Yeah, Layla is throwing me a welcome back party against my will so I have to go" She said.
"Really? I was hoping we could have one of our old movie nights like we use to. I even got that stovetop popcorn you like" He said. "Sorry, Papai. I can't tonight but tomorrow night, I'm all yours" Sienna smiled. "Great. It's a date then" Rafael stood, "Have fun at the party but be careful. You already know what I'm about to say." "Yes. Be aware of my surroundings, don't put my drink down, and make sure RJ doesn't do anything stupid" She answered. "I heard that!" RJ exclaimed from across the hall, "You're the one who does stupid stuff, not me." "Private conversation, Junior!" Sierra announced across the hall. Rafael just shook his head before exiting the room, "How about neither of you do anything stupid, ok?"
"Agreed" The twins said in unison. With that, Rafael took his leave, heading into his own bedroom. Sienna continued to do her makeup but was interrupted not even five minutes later by her mother who shut the door behind her. She looked at her reflection before looking back at herself. "You're father said you're going to a party" Jessica asked. "I am. With RJ" Sienna responded simply. "Do you really think that's a good idea? Especially knowing what one of Layla's parties entails" Her mother asked, "I'm not stupid. I know there's going to be alcohol around, possibly drugs. Do you really wanna get wrapped up in that again?"
"I don't know, mom. Did you think it was a good idea to push me into modeling even though I told you how I felt?" She snapped her head back, looking at her mother with rage in her eye, "How do you think I got 'wrapped up in that' in the first place?" Jessica was taken aback. Her mouth that was agape quickly shut as she pressed her lips into a fine line. "That's what I thought" Sienna turned back to her mirror. Once she saw that her mother had not yet moved, she glared back at her through the mirror. "I think you know your way to the door" She said. Jessica abruptly stood, storming out of the room, nearly knocking RJ over in the process.
"Uh, ma?" He questioned. She ignored her son and moved right past him, making her way down the stairs. "What happened?" He asked. "Just her usual attempt to assert her power over me failed once again" Sienna answered. "You know, we can't function as a family like this. This tension... it ain't it" RJ said. "Do you think I want it to be like this? You think I want to hate her? Because I don't. And if we tell dad, everything falls apart. Our family falls apart" She said. "We're already falling apart, Si. We won't all be a family again until the secret is out. We have to tell Dad" He said.