Chapter 6

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GREETINGS PEOPLE OF EARTH! i hope you are enjoying this story!!!! i worked really hard on it. PLEASE comment, vote, and SPREAD THE WORD. sorry i haven't updated. i have been really busy with school, and dance and other nonsense! but i will try to upload as quick as i can! i love you all my little peanuts! 


Chapter 6

*Cameron’s Pov*

I looked at them confused.

“What’s Nandos?” I asked with a frown. Everyone’s mouth dropped.

“You don’t know what Nandos is?!” Niall yelled. I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s only the best place ever!” he yelled. I laughed.

We all headed toward the limo. I was trying to ignore Harry but he was being so annoying. He was poking me, touching my hair, and getting really close to me. I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Can you stop?” I asked in an irritated tone.

“Stop doing what?” he smirked still poking me.

“Stop touching me!” I yelled pushing his hands away from me. Turning away from him

“I’m only kidding around. Have a sense of humor.” I shot him a death look and the grin on his face instantly dropped. I rolled my eyes. Finally we arrived at Nandos. We all climbed out of the limo. There was a huge table that we sat at. I decided to sit in between Louis and Niall because I couldn’t stand Harry. We were all handed menus. I had no idea what to order.

“Umm I have no idea what to order.” I said facing Niall.

“I’ve got it!” Niall winked. The waitress came over and she handed us drinks. Everyone ordered and Niall ordered for me.

“I can’t wait until you guys see Cammie dance! she is amazing!” Danielle bragged.

“You’re going to have to put a little show on for us love!” Louis said with a smile. I blushed. I didn’t want to perform for the biggest boy band in the world.

“We would love to see you dance! You and Danielle can put on a show for us!” Liam said smiling at Danielle.

“Whoa! Not me!” She said.

“Yes you! At least one routine! If I have too you have to too!” I said sticking my tongue at her.

“Ohh fine! When should this little show be?” she asked.

“Hmmm well today is Monday so we will give you until Friday!” Niall said looking around the table.

“Fine! Danielle and I will start working on it after we pick up my friend and my sister tomorrow. Then you guys find out where we can have it.” I explained. The boys look at me confused. I sighed.

“My mom said I couldn’t only come to England if I brought my annoying sister. Then I agreed to bring my friend so that he could watch over her because she is so carless so who knows what she will do.” I explained. Wow my sister sounds like an infant. She really needs to grow up.

“He?!” Harry yelled, but then looked down embarrassed. I laughed and decided to go along with it.

“Yes he is a he! He is so strong and gorgeous. And has the sexiest Australian accent. He is the best boyfriend in the world.” I chuckled and then winked at Danielle who caught my drift. She laughed and then quietly explained it to Liam. I didn’t really lie except for the boyfriend part.

“I thought you said she didn’t have a boyfriend?” Harry said through his clenched teeth to Danielle. She shrugged.

“She told me about him after but I forgot to mention it to you.” She laughed. As she was talking to Harry I explained it to Louis, Niall and Zayn. We all started laughing hysterically. Harry frowned.

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