Chapter Seven

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"Okay, why am I here?" Tony demanded, glaring at Fury through the tint of his signature sunglasses. "I'm too busy for these meetings."

"Well if you would just do as I say, we wouldn't need these meetings," Fury snapped.

"No can do, Captain Sparrow," Tony responded dryly. "You know I don't follow the rules." Fury pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath.

"The dynamic between the team hasn't changed," Fury says, addressing Steve. "In fact, it almost looks worse than it was before. How is that even possible?"

The room tried not to stare at Tony and Steve. Fury groaned. "Of course it's you two," he said. "What happened this time?"

"Rogers overstepped," Tony snapped. "The situation is being taken care of. It's not a big deal."

"I overstepped? Seriously? How was I overstepping?" Steve demanded. "He's my son too!"

"No he isn't," Tony hissed. "You keep saying that! It's not fucking true!"

"I'll keeping saying it as long as I want to, because it's not going to change. As much as you hate it, he's just as much mine as he is yours!" Steve yelled.

"Oh fuck you!" Tony snarled. "Sei proprio come Howard, fossilizzato fossile!"

"I don't even know what that means!" Steve yelled.

"CAN IT!" Fury yelled over top of their arguing. "I don't give a rat's ass what Rogers did to piss you off, Stark, but it's over. Now. Make up so we can leave. As you've already said, we all have better things to do then watch you two have a pissing contest."

"Fine," Tony huffed. "Steve, let's just say 'sorry' on the count of three. One...two...three..." there was only silence. Steve stared at Tony and Tony stared back, unapologetic. Tony rolled his eyes. "See, now I'm disappointed in the both of us."

"Get. Out. Of. MY OFFICE!" Fury snarled, whirling around and marching out of the room, the doors slamming shut behind him.

"Oh no, we shivered his timbers."


Peter was dizzy.

It was weird. He shouldn't be dizzy, but he was. The world was spinning in impossible loops, reminding him of those horrid tea cup rides his Dad would always take him on whenever they went to an amusement park.

Why was the world spinning? It wasn't supposed to be.

And...was it hot in here?

And...when did Peter even get home?

Wait, when did Peter leave home?

Wasn't he supposed to be going somewhere?


The world went black.


"Rhodey? I think he's...I think he's cheating on me." Tony whispered into the receiver, his tears falling down his face as he sat alone in a dark and empty kitchen.

"What? Tony that's serious! Are you sure?" Rhodey asked, his voice sounding frantic.

Tony looked down at his tablet, the security feeds showing his husband--Steve--holding a man's hand (was that...Bucky? Bucky Barnes?) and reaching up to cup his face. Tony swallowed back bile when his husband leaned in and kissed the man's lips with just as much passion (and love?) as he did with Tony.

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