Chapter Nine

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Peter winced when a spark hit his skin. He was trying to weld two pieces of his web stores (a mechanical wrist bracelet looking thing that caught the excess webs he shot out of his wrist and made it so he could use them later.) but he was tired from last nights patrol and kept falling asleep.

Two weeks ago he had gotten sick. He'd been bitten by a radioactive spider and gained spider-like powers. He hadn't meant to become a superhero behind his dad's back (but, honestly, awesome!) it just kind of happened.

A few days after he discovered his powers, he was walking home when he'd stopped by a convenience store and watched a man die in front of him. Peter knew that he could've saved him, but he was frozen.

(It didn't make the nightmares of his Uncle Ben dying come back. It was just a coincidence.)

Ever since that day, Peter was determined to help others. After all, if you had the powers he did, and you don't use them, the bad things that happen, they happen because of him. Of course, there was no way he'd tell his dad about his nightly activities. He'd be grounded for the rest of his life!

Sighing, he placed the web stores on his wrists and tested them out, humming in success when they worked properly.

"Peter!" Peter jumped and quickly tugged his sleeves down to hide the web stores when his dad walked in.

"Hey dad," Peter said, sighing in relief when his dad didn't appear to have noticed anything. "What's up?"

"Not much. It's Family Dinner Night. We're having Spaghetti." Tony said, reaching forward to ruffle his son's hair. Peter scowled and pushed Tony's hand away. "Aw, don't be like that Bambi. Come on, if you hurry I'll even let you pick out dessert!"

"Are you trying to bribe me with cake?" Peter asked, standing up and putting his materials away.

"Is it working?" Tony asked.

"Yes." Peter pouted, and Tony chuckled.

"Then yes," he said, leading Peter out of the workshop. "I am." Peter giggled at his father's antics and started to ramble about a science project he was assigned. On the way to the elevator they were stopped, however, by Steve.

"Steve?" Peter asked, looking at him in confusion. Why was he blocking the way?

"Peter, I... I wanted to talk to you," Steve said, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

"You did?" Peter said, not noticing the way Tony's eyes narrowed and his grip on Peter tightened. "About what?"

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to the aquarium with me?" Steve asked.

Tony grit his teeth. "No can do, Rogers," he bit out. "He's busy today."

Steve looked towards his ex. Tony was acting even more hostile towards him than usual (of course the whole 'Oscorp' incident didn't make things any easier between the two of them) Tony had his arm wrapped around Peter's shoulder possessively, and he was glaring daggers at Steve, practically daring him to disagree.

And Steve would.

"How about some time during the week?" Steve tried again, determined not to lose another chance to spend time with his son. "What about Saturday?"

"I--" whatever Peter was going to say was interrupted by Tony's harsh laugh.

"He's not going anywhere with you," he snapped. "Need I remind you what happened the last time you tried to be a parent?"

Steve clenched his jaw. That was a low blow. As if Steve didn't feel guilty enough about that. He never meant for any of that to happen. "I think Peter should be the one to decide. Don't you?"

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