Extra Chapter

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August 8, 2019

The girl kept fiddling her fingers as she waited for her friend to pick up the call, as she walked back and fourth, waiting for her order which is a cake the four of them needed.

She was in a hoodie, to make sure no one will notice or see her. A bell rang, signalling the cake was already done. She took the cake and went out of the shop.

"Eonnie, don't you think this is too risky? Everybody knows it's our anniversary today---" the phone fell from her hand as she bumped into someone.

Shįt. She just wanted to mumble that word but not at public.

She crouched down and was about to pick up the phone but another hand took it from the ground.

She looked up and her eyes widened.

The same eyes.

The same hair.

The same skin.

The same facial features.

The same Taehyung.

The boy in front of her was shocked to see her as well.

"J---jennie?" he spoke and she gulped. She took the phone from his hand and ran away.

He was still frozen in shock,

"That wasn't Jennie..." he said, shooking his head, telling himself he was hallucinating.

But a part of him says that it was her.

It was his love.

It was his love

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Surprise ;))♡

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