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“WOW, YOU'RE SO COOL, HYUNG!” Jungkook yelled making all the other members laugh as Yoongi was embarrassed

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“WOW, YOU'RE SO COOL, HYUNG!” Jungkook yelled making all the other members laugh as Yoongi was embarrassed. They were reacting to their latest Music Video with big smiles and loud laughs.

Taehyung had also got a big smile plastered on his face. He had moved on. From the past. He had accepted it. But he had never forgotten her.

Amidst all of their fun, a knock was heard on the door making Jin groan. “I'll get it.” he volunteered and went to open the door.

But as soon as he opened it, hiss eyes widened in shock as he stumbled backwards, staring at the figure in front of him. The others looked worried and went to him, but their reactions were just the same as his.


The girl on a black cap, black leather jacket and black pants, gave a small smile before speaking. “Long time, no see. Have you been well?”


“Our deaths were so obvious. I never thought everyone will believed it. ” Jisoo started as the boys sat in front of her, listening to her explanation whilst Jin gave her a cup of tea.

“Everything was only fake? But why?” Jungkook asked, he was confuse over the fact that they had to lie and more worst it's about them dying.

“We were drained. We didn't want to come back any more. We were tired of everything. We didn't want the public anymore. So with the help of our company, we faked our deaths. ” she explained. “But I never knew a lot would believe it. I thought that it wouldn't give a big impact to us but we were wrong.”

“At the first two years, we were happy. Until everything changed.” She looked down, stopping herself from tearing up.

“A lot has happened. And . . . There is nothing I can do anymore. We can't go back to how we were before. ” A tear fell her eye but the seven figures in front of her didn't understand.

“Why? What happened to Lisa? To Chaeyoung?” Taehyung paused, gulping, “ . . . To Jennie?”

“Chaeyoung . . . She wanted to go back to singing and Lisa wanted to showcase her dancing. But it was too late for that. We didn't allow her because we knew how people would think if we told the truth. And that time, it all went downhill. We started to fight because of that. ”

“Chaeyoung tried to kill herself. But thankfully, we were able to save her. But one day . . . She had ran away. We don't know where she went. She just . . . Left.” Jungkook frowned at Jisoo's statement. Ran away? He didn't understand why she would ran away.

“And Lisa was devastated to hear that about her friend. So she went back to Thailand, leaving both me and Jennie here. We stayed at a house in Busan, but something happened to her.” Jisoo couldn't able to stop her tears from falling, she bursted and Taehyung was worried about what happened to Jennie.

“What do you mean 'something happened'?”

“She——She's . . . sick. Very sick.”

Taehyung gulped as tears formed in her eyes, “Why didn't you tell me this earlier?”

“That's why I'm here. I know that . . . the reason Jennie is holding in, the reason she is still alive right now . . . ”

“ . . . one of the reasons is you, Taehyung.”


The boys quickly booked a flight to New Zealand as soon as they heard about Jennie.

After a few hours of flight, Taehyung couldn't wait in that plane, thinking and worrying about Jennie. What if I'm too late? He thought.

As soon as they arrived at New Zealand, they quickly drove on a bus going to the hospital Jennie was in.

“Stage Four Leukemia. ” those words hurt Taehyung hard. He bursted into tears after that. He knee Jennie was in so much pain to the fact that he wanted to take away her pain.

Taehyung quickly ran after asking what room Jennie was in, tears falling from his eyes while the others followed him.

To Jisoo's surprise, there was Chaeyoung and Lisa in Jennie's room, crying painfully.

“E——eonnie. ” Chaeyoung muttered and both Lisa and her eyes widened, seeing the boys with Jisoo.

Jisoo quickly hugged the two tightly, crying amidst the embrace. “I'm sorry.” Chaeyoung whispered.

“J——Jennie . . . ” Taehyung walked tk the figure lying on the hospital bed. She looked thin, pale and exhausted.

He cried painfully and his friends cried with him.

Jennie's hand moved, tiredly and her eyes widened a bit, seeing Taehyung.
“T——Tae . . . ” she whispered and gave a painful smile.

“You came. ” Taehyung sobbed as Jennie caressed his cheek.

“Don't cry. I . . . Would still be by your side no matter what. Although you won't see me, I'm still beside you.” her voice cracked as tears formed in her eyes, smiling painfully.

“J——Jennie, you're not going anywhere. You're going to stay with me. With us. ”

“T——Tae . . . Can you please kiss me?” she asked and he sobbed, before crashing his lips to hers.

Amidst the deep kiss, a tear fell her eye. Those tears she had been hiding from everyone finally showed up.

“Taehyung-ah . . . Please don't leave me. Stay by my side. I want to spend every single second with you.” Taehyung smiled and nodded before hugging her.

“Jennie, you won't leave me. I'm still going to marry you. So please . . . Don't leave me.”


a/n: thanks for 1k guys. love yall <3 i really appreciate it.

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