the heat

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Kennith pov (principal)

It was a normal day kids running in the halls and getting detention but thats the least of my problems. Kennith noticed when he looked at the calender his heat could kick in any day now and the worst part there was no days off this month unless you count the weekends but his heat usually kicks in on Holidays but not this time. He sighed and got up to monitor the halls kennith spots bully being a jerk to player " hey! No bullying in the-". He moans and falls to his knees both player and bully look at him with concern" mr. principal are you okay?" Asked player concerned 'damn it!' Thought kennith " I'm fine I just need to rest" said kennith and ran down the hall to his office but bumped into someone " breaking your own rules tsk tsk when will you learn" kennith lookes up and sees baldimore (baldi) kennith begins to pant baldimore looks at him concerned "are you oka-" kennith notices baldimore's nose twitch 'thats my cue ' thought kennith he rushed down the hallway past baldimore he slams the door to his office ' did he smell me?! Is it notcieable!?' Kennith wiped his neck right on the area of his neck that gives him his regular and heat scent and took a sniff 'damn to damn noticeable' thought kennith 'there's no way baldimore didn't notice' he sighed ' I wouldn't mind losing my virginity to baldimore ' thought kennith he had always had a thing for the alfa he interupted from his thoughts when someone opens the door "so you thought you could hide the fact that you were in heat from me heh silly omega" said an evil looking baldimore 'uh oh' thought kennith baldimore pounces on him "kennith I think it's time I finally told you that I love you " said baldimore kenniths eyes widen "why do you love me?" Asked kennith "well your looks sure you have looks everyone would die for but your personality is what is really to die for sure you would probably rather fuck a rule book then me but -" baldimore was silenced by the lips of kennith it didnt last long kennith pulled away "I love you to and I would love to lose my virginity to you" baldimore smirked and began to take off his cloths

Cliff hanger I will write again tomorrow @ night thx for reading this short next time you read there will be lemon just a warning

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