Chapter 50

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Poe couldn't visit Kudzo's. Not yet. There were too many memories, too many emotions he just didn't feel ready to face.

Leia had signed him up for a 10-day counseling program at the Academy, with a therapist Leia said helped her after the Galactic Civil War. "There's nothing shameful about getting help," Leia told him. After a few sessions, Poe began to feel grateful for it.

Poe and BB-8 went together, and they talked about everything—the war, the dreadnought, the day she died. But they also talked about their happier memories, the things Poe missed the most. Therapy took Poe through every deep and complex emotion he had never explored. It hurt—but somehow, Poe knew he was moving toward healing. Slowly but surely.

Then, on the 10th day—the day before a shuttle would come to take Poe and BB-8 back to the Resistance—the therapist suggested Poe visit Kudzo's once and for all.

So, after therapy, he mustered all the courage he could—and went.


The nostalgia hit hard as soon as Poe and BB-8 hopped off the hovertaxi—with Poe especially, as he looked up at the half-lit neon sign, that letter A in "Allday Allnight" still blinking.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and opened the door...

"Well!" exclaimed the old friend behind the counter. "If it isn't my favorite regular!"

Poe met him with a smile, wide and genuine, with a tinge of sadness. "Hey, Kudzo," Poe greeted.

The hefty crolute hobbled through the swinging door, coming around to the other side of the counter to greet Poe with the most massive, smooshing hug.

"Ah, Poe," Kudzo said, sympathetically, "I heard...I'm so sorry."

"Thank you," Poe replied softly.

"How're you holding up?"

"Eh," Poe shrugged. "As good as I can be, I guess."

They walked toward the counter, BB-8 rolling behind. Kudzo came around to the other side while Poe took a seat.

"The usual?" Kudzo asked.

Poe smiled. "You still remember it?"

"Bantha burger combo with a blue milkshake," Kudzo recited. "On me."

"Ah, Kudzo, you don't have to do that..."

"I insist!"

Poe easily obliged, and Kudzo went to the kitchen to put in the order before coming back out to visit with Poe.

"So how long are you here for?" Kudzo asked.

"Just until tomorrow, then it's back to Leia," Poe replied. "Sorry I didn't visit you sooner. I was going to, but I just..." He stopped, voice trailing, as he looked away.

Kudzo nodded. "I understand," he said. "I mean, I have to admit, it is a little strange seeing you sitting here alone...I miss her too."

Poe, his heart bearing a heavy weight in his chest, suppressed the tears that had just barely begun to form in his eyes as he shifted the subject. "Hey, umm, how's the whole retirement plan going?"

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