Funeral for the Damned

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Project Nephilim

'Project Nephilim was founded in 1990 when the Federal H.E.R.O. Public Safety Commission had encountered and successfully acquired a celestial being. After the capture of the celestial being, Director Yagi Toshinori had chosen Doctor Kita Hiroto to lead the project. Doctor Kita is well known for his absolute persistence and keen intelligence. The author of several best selling works of human anatomy and physiology, he is also highly esteemed and respected in the science community for his world renown research papers that explain the possibility to splice and reconstruct human DNA- essentially having the knowledge of being able to create the perfect being.

Director Yagi had been quoted 'Doctor Kita is a close friend of mine and I'm very pleased that he will be supervising the team of medical specialists in Project Nephilim. I look forward to what the future holds for the Federal H.E.R.O. Public Safety Commission.'

Project Nephilim was designed to create a perfect crossbreed from human and angel DNA. A being that would be immune to all human ailments and possibly even old age. It was hypothesized that Project Nephilim would assist in creating advancements in the medical world with a test subject who would be able to contribute to various medical research. With Doctor Kita's knowledge in successfully extracting human cells and merging them with potential compatible donors, it was led to believe that Project Nephilim was going to be deemed an academic success.

In 1995, Project Nephilim had been considered a catastrophic failure. All attempts in creating the perfect breed of human and celestial beings ended with horrific and disfigured embryos that would perish after months of-'

Hawks looks up from the paper, not able to stomach reading anymore of it. Sajin leans forward and raises an eyebrow in anticipation for Hawks' answer.

"I think that you might have the wrong idea here." Hawks starts, setting the paper back down on the coffee table. Sajin lets out a huff and crosses his arms.

"Director Todoroki and I are just curious about how you didn't bring this up to his attention earlier."

"Sajin, my father had died back in 1997. I have no memories of what he did for his job, let alone the man himself." Sajin's eyes narrow.

"You said that you talk to your parents daily on one of your first shifts. I'd appreciate if you tell the truth." Hawks sighs and runs his hands through his hair, trying to gather his thoughts.

"I meant my mom and step dad. He basically raised me as his own, I only recently found out that he isn't actually my biological father." Sajin stays quiet for a long time before he slowly stands up and studies Hawks curiously.

"Right, I'm sorry if I caused any grievance. I'm only here on Director Todoroki's orders. Trust me, I'd rather be back at home with my family but, work is work." Hawks relaxes and waves his hand.

"Don't worry about it. I understand." He leads Sajin over to the door and he smiles, saying his goodbyes to the officer. Once Hawks shuts the door, he slides down the door and stares at the floor between his feet. He's had a migraine since waking up from Dabi's realm and finding out about his father only worsens the pounding in his head.

"Is that all I am? A science experiment just to be sliced open in the name of medicine?" Sajin had taken the paper with him and Hawks is left alone with even more questions.

He supposes there's only one way to find out his answers.

Hawks' problem though is that he's wide awake at this time, anger is running through his body and all he wants to do is throw things around and scream. Who was that woman in the photograph? Maybe he's really just human and happened to get those scars out of pure coincidence. He's not abnormally strong, smart or even religious. Isn't being religious an important part of even being half angel? He can't be. He refuses to even humor the idea of his heritage. There's just no way in hell that half breeds even exist- it would be medically impossible, the reports stated that. Yet, he had thought that demons and monsters don't exist either and here he is- working with them on a nightly basis.

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