A Double Edged Sword

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"Remarkable, even with the successful removal of Subject Zero- we are still seeing its after affects in Subject 8-1-23-11-19. We have put the subject through various trials and it has passed every single one. Proceeding in Project Nephilim's footsteps, we have come to an agreement to merely call this new project, Hope. This subject holds the key to every human ailment known, it is immune to every disease we have introduced to it thus far.

"Subject 8-1-23-11-19 has an incredible healing rate. This was noted on its first week here with us, we are currently tasked to study its skeletal system. It's curious, really, it possess such fragile bones. Breaking its bones was simple, taking some samples and after some prodding around- we also learned that Subject 8-1-23-11-19's bones are hallow like a bird's. We were sure to thoroughly shatter a femur, humerus, several ribs and all of its carpals in its right wrist. In the next morning, not only had its skin fully healed from the incisions but all of its bones were completely fused back and after some x-rays, we couldn't even locate any stress on the bones." Doctor Ujiko leans back in his chair and leafs through his files. He strokes a finger over his mustache and nods thoughtfully before he speaks into the recorder again.

"I admit, our next test might have been a little... unethical. Yet," He pauses again, "In order to save millions upon millions of lives, what's the worth of just one? Our next test with the subject was a more advanced procedure of the previous one. Instead of just breaking a few of its bones, we had broken every bone in its body, including the bones in its wings. I had originally put in the order for sedating the subject during the procedure but was notified by Director Todoroki to keep the subject fully awake. He wanted to us to monitor the subject's brain waves and note if anything happens under tremendous stress.

"I am saddened to say that after the first break of its bones, the subject seemed to have put itself into a trance like sleep. Its brain waves slowed to a halt and even its heart rate had dropped to such a low beat that a human would not have survived. We have outfitted a holter monitor to the subject for further monitoring of its heart. We will also be providing it a stress test, a CAT scan will be issued after the stress test as well as after other... more intense tests." Doctor Ujiko pulls out a bright red feather out from the file and grins, nodding and lightly running a finger up its spine.

"However, we will be taking a short break from that and will be focusing on its wings. Originally, the subject had been employed by us and had no other appendages. After contracting Subject Zero, it seemed to have grown wings. Upon closer inspection, we have noted scar tissue on the lattissimus dorsi, located between its infraspinatus and rhomboisdeus major. Its wings are fantastic, when they're fully extended- they reach up to an amazing seven meters each, earning the subject a combined fourteen meter total wingspan.

We have fully extracted its wings for DNA inspection to learn more, surprisingly unlike with its bones, new wings have not grown in at all. Regardless, Subject 8-1-23-11-19 is amazing. I cannot wait until I have been given the go ahead to perform a full body vivisection of this subject. Doctor Ujiko signing out."

A doorbell ringing interrupts his thoughts and he slowly stands up from his chair. Looking to the computer screen, the time is just after three in the morning. He shuffles to the front entry and looks on the security screen.

Standing at his gate is a slender woman dressed in white, her face is shielded away from the camera but from the heaving of her shoulders- she appears to be crying. He hesitantly presses the speaker button and speaks into the mic.

"Ma'am, it is three in the morning." She stops moving and slowly turns to the camera, the woman keeps her face hidden through a curtain of white hair and he watches as she presses the button to speak to him. A chill runs up his spin and it feels like the temperature around him had dropped ten degrees as she begins to speak softly. Her voice doesn't come from the speaker but in his mind.

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