Part 6 : Contract

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Wait, why is there a young boy here...?

Where did that little puppy go?!

"Puppy... Where are you?!"

Feeling distraught, I looked around anxiously. But more importantly, who is this young boy?! Swiftly, I got out of my blanket, and 'accidentally' pushed the young boy to the floor.


"Oww, that hurts..."

The boy held his head and slowly gazed towards me with tear-filled eyes. But in the next second, he bounced back ecstatically and bowed.

"Oh! You're awake! Thank you for helping me."

The young boy looked like he was 10, with silvery-white hair with blue and red mismatched eyes. He looks adorable with his thin body and ears... wait. Ears?

He had some kind of wolf or dog-like ears and... a tail? In the modern era, this could be called cosplay, but in this era... could that mean...

"...Are you that puppy...?"

Baffled, I eyed at him suspiciously.

"Yes, I am! I got hurt when I tried to run from my pursuers, but you saved me! I was almost..."

He seemed hesitant about continuing.

"Anyways, because of that, I desperately sought help."

He said with a cute and pitiful smile that tugged at my heartstrings.

But sadly, I needed to probe more information about him before deciding to trust him.

"Then let's get straight to the point. Who or what are you? Why were you chased? where did you come from?"

He scratched his head and awkwardly spoke.

"Well since I'd already made the early blood pact with you, I guess it should be fine to reveal everything."

"Wait, blood contract?"

Tilting my head sideways, I asked in confusion.

"Hm? Didn't you see it? That scarlet red mark on your hand."

A slightly larger finger pointed towards the direction of my hand.

"That signifies a beast's strength and the symbol of a pact. Since the color of the one in your hand is scarlet red, that means that I am..."

"A mythical beast?"


Wagging his tail, the puppy boy answered ecstatically. Good thing I decided to read some books in my free time.


"Why did you choose me? We've just met."

The boy let out an awkward laugh as he tried to explain.

"Honestly, everything happened by chance. I was really at my wit's end last night, still fleeing from my pursuers. I saw the figure of a young girl from the window and not a trace of malevolence from the room. I planned to escape once you bandaged me, but who knew that my mana was completely exhausted. Helpless, I shrunk... but strangely, I felt calm."


"Then back to the point, who are you?"

He hesitated a bit before answering.

"I... have no name. My mother died of labor when giving birth to me. I was just born, yet a lot of people were racing to capture me. Since I was born with a conscience, I ran and was chased almost every day without time to properly rest. I can transform and can speak the human tongue and think logically all because I am a mythical beast... but the hunters knew about my human appearance. I felt malice in the people chasing me, therefore I ran, stuck in the forest for a whole month."

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