Part 17 : Duel For Airene

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Clayden challenged you to a duel!

What will you do?

>FLEE                >REFUSE

>ATTACK           >FLIRT       <--


Why is there flirt?!

"Airene, considering that it has been a few months since we trained under Master Vird's guidance, how about we duel? This time, without the interruption of a certain asshat." Clayden smiled, readying his fighting stance.

I eyed him intently before readying my stance with a smirk, as I was about to utter a 'bring it on'. But those words were never said as Andrew intervened as always.

"You're too weak to fight Ai, Clayden." He said, shooting a wind blade towards his direction.

Clayden simply deflected the wind blade with ease, by utilizing his water element. Razor-sharp ice crystals appeared in front of him and he flew towards Andrew.

Andrew blew away the ice crystals but missed some of them as they were too fast, causing fresh blood to trickle slightly from his face, a graze could be seen.

"Bastard, since when can you utilize ice?!" He exclaimed as he placed his palm atop his wound.

Clayden smirked and seemingly belittled Andrew by shrugging his shoulders while letting out a 'heh'.

'So that's how you want to play this, eh?'

Andrew summoned Red, his phoenix out, and commanded it to charge towards Clayden with blinding speed. If not for the fact that it was still an infant, hence being unable to use magic, Andrew would've already spammed fireballs at Clayden while he, himself engaged in close combat, utilizing his wind as daggers.

Clayden staggered for a while before remaining calm and composed as he swiftly dodged the two incoming targets, but alas close combat could not be avoided.

"How about this, whoever wins will formally fight Airene." Clayden suggested as he summoned his flames to avoid Andrew's wind dagger.

"No. You are not going to fight her, only I can." Andrew replied as he commanded Red to distract Clayden so he could land a direct hit on him.

"Then how about this. If you win, I will leave both of you alone for a week. But if I win, you would have to kneel to me." Clayden negotiated as he punched Andrew in the gut with one hand and readied a palm-sized fireball with the other.

"cough, cough... make it two weeks." Andrew weakly replied as he staggered back ever so slightly.

"Deal," Clayden agreed, a smirk visible on his face.

Meanwhile, the victim was standing on the sidelines, speechless. Seeing the two of them fight was a commonplace, but why on earth do I have to get involved in it?! Though I have been frequently training with Clayden, I have yet to spar with him. It may be strange, but whenever we readied ourselves, I would always end up being replaced by Andrew.

I know you guys have an intimate relationship, but why must you flex it about every time we meet? Even I wasn't this intimate with my former lover, actually weren't even that intimate at all as we didn't get a chance to.

...I give up. These two can't be handled by normal means.

Out of impulse, I decided to stand in between them as they recoiled back from one another's attacks. Before they got a chance to react, I utilized my light magic and bind the two of them as a means to make them stop.

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