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(Miyeon's POV)

I wake up on my bed as I feel the pain from my stomach appear.

"Ah-" I winced in pain but stopped myself to see a Taehyung beside me.

I blush profusely as I never thought this would happen.

I then stood from my bed and grabbed my phone.

'6:00 Am' It read.

I then began to walk to the door and go to the kitchen.

Then I heard a small yawn.

I looked behind me to see Taehyung rubbing his eyes still half asleep.

"Where are you going?" He asked still sleepy.

"To the kitchen to have some food." I answered as I quickly walked out of the room slamming the door.

(Taehyung's POV)

I hears the door being open as I opened my eyes.

I stood up from the bed still half asleep, rubbing my eyes since my vision was blurry.

I yawned a little before my eyes started to adjust with the lighting.

And there I saw Miyeon, holding the handle of an opened door.

"Where are you going?" I asked sleepily as I really didnt have the energy.

"To the kitchen to have some food."
She said before slamming the door leaving me with only the dark.

I sighed as I looked up the ceiling.

'Why cant you just love me?!' I thought to myself.

I then stood up from the bed, opened the door and dragged myself to the kitchen.

When I arrived I saw her taking a box of cereal with a jug of milk.

"Go away!!!!" She whined at me as she saw my face.

"What did I ever do to you?!" I whined back.

"Annoyed me!!" She answered.

"Aghhhhh!!!" I whined annoyingly.

She rolled her eyes as she poured the milk first on the bowl.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I said as I looked at her in shock.

"MAKING MY BREAKFAST!!" She said as she poured the cereal next.

I gasped in shock and in disbelief of whats she did just now.

"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO POUR THE CEREAL FIRST!!" I said as I looked at her.

"DOES IT MATTER?! I JUST WANT FOOD!" She said as she starts chowing down her bowl of cereal.

I grumbled as I just took some bread and jam.

I then made a sandwich and devoured it.

"You're such a pig." Miyeon said as she placed her bowl on the sink.

"And you're a bore.." I said as I wiped my mouth that was full of crumbs.

(Miyeon's POV)

I really want to kill him right now.

But I cant do such since hes my best friend.


I walked away from the kitchen and went to my room and grabbed some clothes.

After I took a quick shower.

When I finished changing I went out of the room to see Taehyung do the dishes.

"You lazy koala you didnt do the dishes." He complained as he turned off the faucet after he finished.

"What-" I was cut off by a knock on the door.

I lazily went up to it and opened the door to reveal Jimin.

"Oh hey Jimin, What's up?" I asked as I leaned on the door.

"Hey Miyeon I was just wondering if you and Tae are free?" He asked as I looked at my back as Tae appeared.

"Oh Jimin-ssi, yeah were free!" He said as he approached us.

"Oh good! Can you joing me to the basketball game today? Im all alone you see.." He lowers his head embarrassed but I smiled finding it cute.

"Oh sure! Taehyung here just needs to shower and change." I said as I pointed at Taehyung, who's hair was still in a mess and is still in his PJs.

"Yeah Yeah! Give me a few minutes.." He said as he rushes to his room.

A few minutes later maybe about 2-4 minutes.

Taehyung went out of his room fully clothed with a new outfit.

"Okay lets go!" He said as he grabs our dorm keys and we head out.

Upon entering the basketball court Jimin literally ran to one of the players and hugged him.

"Yoongi hyung!" He squealed as he hugged the mysterious creature tightly.

"Oh?" I tilted my head as I was confused.

"Ahhh.. You havent met Yoongi Hyung yet.. Come!" Taehyung said as he grabbed my hand pulling me to their direction.

"Yoongi Hyung this is Miyeon a human like me, Miyeon this is Yoongi a vampire!" He introduced.

"You aren't like Tae here right?" He asked as he patted Jimin's back as he kept on hugging him.

"No, the polar opposite actually.." I said as I looked at him.

"I like you kid." He said as he stretches out his hand.

"Me too gramps." I replied accepting his stretched out hand.

After awhile the whistle rang signaling the game was about to start.

While we took our seats Jimin kept on doing flying kisses to Yoongi as he ignored.

And once the game started Jimin kept on cheering for him.

"I dont know this person." I said as I looked away.

"Wohoo! Jimin-ssi! You're such a great friend!" Taehyung said clapping as he kept on cheering for him.

'Why did I say yes?' I asked myself as I mentally face palmed.

Written by:

I am so sorry for not making chapter four! I will try my best to give myself more time to write!

"Let's get it!~"


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