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"Jack's asking where you are."

"Put my phone down!" I hiss, immediately regretting that I let her hold it while I searched her purse for the tickets. I quickly handed security our tickets before Dylan can type in a reply. "You promised not to text him again."

"You're no fun," she pouts as I snatch my phone from her.

"You love me."

I didn't think it was possible but once we were let in, my smile managed to widen just a teensy bit more.

Dylan and I slowly made our way through the crowd to get as close to the stage as we could. We didn't make it very close though because almost everyone in the room wanted to be as close to the barricade as possible.

"Val, don't look now but those girls are looking right at you."

When I turn around, I nearly scream at how close they were. I swear I could've kissed them with how close they were.

"Oh my God, you're Valerie Jenkins, right?" One of the two brunettes ask.

"Uh yeah, hey," I smile at them both. This wasn't the first time someone recognized me so thankfully I wasn't a stuttering mess.

"Oh my God, you're Jack's girlfriend, aren't you?"

I just stood there with my mouth opening and closing for a little bit, resembling a goldfish with how stupid I looked. "I-what? I just... huh?"

And here I was just saying that I wasn't a stuttering mess anymore.

Totally jinxed it.

I thankfully didn't have to answer that question because all five of the Why Don't We members walk on to center stage and the girls completely forgot about me as the room erupts in screaming.

"I-I'm gonna st-stutter even though I'm ob-obviously his g-g-girl--!" Dylan's glares at me, her mocking left unfinished when I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Shh!" I shush her, my eyes glued to the stage as Zach tried to pump up the crowd.

Jack looked incredibly adorable on stage in a black shirt and jeans, a beanie covering up most of his curls. He was clutching his mic and scanning the crowd as if he's lost something.

"Valerie's right here!" Dylan shouts as loud as she can after she's detached my hand from her mouth.

"Shut up!" I scream, completely embarrassed even though they couldn't hear her over the loud introduction of their first song of the day.

"What? He was looking for you," Dylan playfully nudges me with her elbow repeatedly.

"No, he wasn't!" I clutch her elbow to end her assault on my side.

"He was."

"He wasn't," I insist, even though the thought of it literally made me euphoric.

"You know he was."

"Just enjoy the show." I bite my lip to keep from smiling even wider, bringing my attention back on the stage and hollering when Jack's solo comes up.


"Where are we going?"

"Out? The show's over."

"You're his girlfriend, aren't you supposed to see him backstage or something?"

"I didn't get meet and greet passes."

"You're his girlfriend."

"I'm not!"

"Not yet?"

"Stop it," I warn her.

And as bad as I want to keep a straight face and prove a point, an uninvited grin makes it's way onto my face.

"I knew it."

"Enough with the teasing!"

She probably had a lot more jokes up her sleeve but she never got to get them out because my Shawn Mendes ringtone fills the air.

"Jack?" I say into the phone.

"Where are you? I've been looking for you for hours," his voice says from the other end of the line.

"We're heading out."

"You made it in time?"

I step away from Dylan because she's already smirking.

"Yeah, we saw the show."

"I thought I saw you multiple times but I don't think they were you."

"Aren't you supposed to be taking pictures with fans?" I ask, turning away from Dylan who was making kissy faces.

"Not until I see you."

"Jack, you're being unreasonable."

"I'm not," he laughs. "I have about twenty minutes before I'm supposed to be picture perfect."

"You're always picture perfect," I say with all the honesty in the world, ignoring the exaggerated puking faces my best friend is making.

"Don't move."

"We can see each other after--"

"Stay by security."

"But don't--"

"I'll be there."

"Jack!" I scream into the phone but he's already hung up.

"What did lover boy want?" Dylan asks as my phone leaves my ear.

"He's coming."

((early update because I couldn't wait hahaha also, the next chapter is already written and if I can get ten votes before next week then I'll update early yayyyy

It's a Jack POV btw :*))

Hit Me Up // Jack Avery • Why Dont WeWhere stories live. Discover now