"Guy's Rose" Ch.18: Guy's & Rose's Intimacy Deepens(R rating), 9/20/12 GratianaL

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 "Guy's Rose" Ch. 18:  Guy's & Rose's Relationship Changes Forever   (R rating, for sexuality), 9/20/12 Gratiana Lovelace

An Original Fan Fiction Script Story Adaptation of the BBC's "Robin Hood, Series 3"

(no copyright infringement is intended; all rights reserved)

[(1) "Guy's Rose" story graphic]

Author's Mature Content Note:  I want to remind you that "Guy's Rose" is a love story.  As such there will be some passages in this story involving heartfelt and sensuous love scenes (R rated) and some passages involving highly dramatic moments.  I will label the maturity rating of those chapters accordingly.  Otherwise, the general rating for this story is PG or PG-13 due to mature situations and topics.  If you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings that I provide, then please do not read those chapters.  This is my disclaimer.

To recap our story's most recent developments:  Sir Guy and Lady Roseanna revealed each of their secret pains to each other last night (Ch. 16)--both of them having to do with killing those whom they love.  For Sir Guy that was literally killing Lady Marian.  For Lady Roseanna that was her parents who became ill and died after nursing her back to health.  And Sir Guy and Lady Roseanna have chastely slept together for the first time as pretend betrothed fiancés--sleeping chastely before marriage is a practice called "bundling" in colonial times, but the practice stretches back in time.  But in their waking earlier this morning, Sir Guy and Lady Roseanna shared some passionate kisses and caresses while still half asleep--fortuitously awakened from their sensual slumber by her maid Bessie before their passions would have lead them to making love (Ch. 17).  Then they parted to get ready for their day. 

Ch. 18: Guy's & Rose's Intimacy Deepens(R rating)

After drinking their tea in their respective bed chambers as they dressed for their ride into the country side this early Wednesday morning, Sir Guy collects Lady Roseanna and they walk to the stables hand in hand.  Their hand holding is to keep up their appearances as a betrothed couple.  Right?  Tanner gives them their horses and Sir Guy [(2) right] and Lady Roseanna gallop to the secluded spot in the forest near the bubbling brook where they were the other day. 

It is a beautiful spot, a peaceful spot nestled back in the trees--a private oasis where court rules of etiquette need not be observed [(3) right].  Tethering their horses to a nearby tree limb, Sir Guy and Lady Roseanna walk over to the large oak tree that has become their meeting place to sit down and rest awhile.  But, Lady Roseanna--mindful that her chance for real love might slip away from her if her cousin Johnny separates them--makes a bold decision, to seduce Sir Guy. 

Lady Roseanna:  She turns to him and asks him breathlessly as she lays her hands on his chest.  "Guy, did you mean it?"

Sir Guy:  "Milady Rose?  To what are you referring?"  He smiles warmly at her as he clasps her hands to his chest.

Lady  Roseanna:  "That you will love me until the day you die."  Lady Roseanna [(4) right] searches Sir Guy's face to see if his statement earlier in their bed chamber was meant for Bessie's ears or for her heart.

Sir Guy:  "I will, Milady."  He bows his head to her, still clasping her hands to his chest.  He cannot presume that Lady Roseanna might truly love him.  Can he?

Lady Roseanna:  "Guy, I love you!"  She blurts out in a girlish tone as she flings her arms around his neck embracing him.

Sir Guy:  Realizing that Lady Roseanna is young and inexperienced--barely 21 to his thirty five year old person--Sir Guy does not want to take advantage of her possible naivete in matters of the heart.  "Milady Rose, my heart will be filled with joy if that is true.  But, I fear I am not worthy of your love.  You will find another--a better man than I."  Sir Guy lowers his eyes in his guilt, thinking again of his shame in killing Lady Marian.

"Guy's Rose" (Book 1), by Gratiana Lovelace, 2012Where stories live. Discover now