"Guy's Rose" Ch. 19 (PG-13) -- Lovers Discretion, 9/24/12 Gratiana Lovelace

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 “Guy’s Rose” Ch. 19(PG-13): New Lovers’ Discretion in Negotiating the Palace, 9/24/12   Gratiana Lovelace  

An Original Fan Fiction Script Story Adaptation of the BBC’s “Robin Hood, Series 3”

(no copyright infringement is intended; all rights reserved)

[(1abc) “Guy’s Rose” story graphic] 

Sir Guy and Lady Roseanna might have lain naked cuddling together longer after making love for the first time in the grass under the oak tree by the babbling brook, had it not been for their horses snorting and alerting them to people in the distance coming toward them.   Upon awakening with a start, they gaze upon one another and their nakedness adoringly and kissed each other tenderly once more before hurriedly putting their clothes back on.  They must not be found together as lovers.  It would besmirch Lady Roseanna’s reputation--despite the fact that they are betrothed to each other.  They mount their horses and ride at full gallop back to the palace the long wayaround--to avoid meeting whomever is heading their way.  Lady Roseanna’s hair is flying in the wind as Sir Guy [(2)  right] watches her entranced while galloping on his horse behind her.

Sir Guy and Lady Roseanna are both flushed when they reach the stables--partially due to the full gallop they have just put their horses through and partially to do with their earlier lovemaking. Tanner notices their reddish faces when they give him the reins to their horses, but says nothing.  Sir Guy and Lady Roseanna yearn to touch each other tenderly, to caress each other, to kiss and yes, to make love again--as new lovers do.  They are besotted with each other.  But, Sir Guy must observe the proprieties for Lady Roseanna’s sake.  So he gallantly offers her his arm as they walk back into the palace--their smiles and secret glances at each other only slightly betraying the increased level of intimacy between them. 

As is now becoming their daily habit after their morning ride, they pick up their omlet breakfasts from the kitchen and head back to their apartments.  Their apartments, thinks Sir Guy.   They are his new home--a real home being something he has not had since his parents died in the terrible fire that also claimed their home when he was but a lad of fifteen--twenty years ago now, a lifetime ago, his lifetime ago.  He has lived different places since then--surviving by his wits.  But none were his home--not even the Locksley Manor where he lived for some time.  Locksley Manor was Robin’s home and Guy felt that he merely inhabited it.  But now with his Lady Rose, Guy believes that he has a chance at real happiness, he hopes. 

Lady Roseanna [(3) right] smiles sweetly at the people that she and Sir Guy pass on their way to their apartments to eat their breakfasts.  Holding onto Sir Guy’s strong arm--each carrying a plate of food in their other hands--Lady Roseanna is struck by how her life has changed.  She no longer must worry about her future--her fate as an unprotected woman alone at court--as she has had to do the past two years that her brother Lord George has been on the crusades with their cousin King Richard.  Lady Roseanna now has her champion at her side--her betrothed and love, Sir Guy of Gisborne.  Lady Gisborne--Lady Roseanna thinks she will like her new title--because it will mean that she and Sir Guy will be joined together in love forever.  And they will be--joined in love forever.

Breaking into Sir Guy and Lady Roseanna’s mutual reveries, a footman stops them in the hallway.

Footman:  “Beggin your pardon, Milord and Milady,”  Sir Guy and Roseanna both nod, despite being startled by him.  “Prince John requests you to join him for breakfast in the Dining Hall.

Lady Roseanna:  Her eyes wide, she says “Prince John is awake this early?”   Sir Guy’s eyes also betray his astonishment.

Footman:  “Milady, it is nearly 10 o’clock.”  He says, though in that era, marking time was more of an art than a science.  “Prince John had sent someone to find you on your ride … but they could not find you.”  Now Lady Roseanna’s and Sir Guy’s eyes truly widen in astonishment--and worry.

"Guy's Rose" (Book 1), by Gratiana Lovelace, 2012Where stories live. Discover now